Top Posts Tagged with #sebastian chacon x reader | Tumlook (2024)


Apr 5, 2023

Mrs Perfection

Warren Rojas x Fem!Reader

✧.* part two — Get Away Car

✧.* summary — You work on the same label as The Six with your band, and when Teddy Price suggests you do a feat with them you immediately accept, not knowing that their drummer would be one of your biggest "problems".

✧.* warnings — cursing, enemies to friends to lovers, silly fights between warren and the reader (If there are others that I forgot, I'll add them here later)

✧.* word count— 2.6k

✧.* 🥁 — Warren's masterlist

✧.* mandy's notes — my first time posting here so maybe it's not perfect lol, as my first language is not English there may be some mistakes and I apologize for that.

Warren Rojas: Well, we'd crossed paths in the studio before, but we never got around to exchanging ideas. She seemed unsympathetic, you know? The kind that doesn't talk to anyone outside their circle.

Y/N L/N: I swear, I had never seen him until that day.

With The Six returning after the incidents that occurred on their last tour, Teddy Price was desperately looking for some way to improve the band's image on the label and with their public.So the idea of ​​doing a feature with the new rising band had fit like a glove, although Billy didn't like the idea very much he knew that if he wanted that to work he would have to cooperate, so they started to get the project off the ground.

You're the lead singer of the band Eternal, who had the number one song in the country that week, together with your bandmates you reached a consensus that it would be convenient and also interesting for you to participate in this project proposed by Price.So that morning as you drove into the studio your expectations were high as you parked at the record company.

Eddie Roundtree: Y/N arrived excited, and I confess that I was afraid that another Billy would be there to interfere… If you know what I mean.

Karen Sirko: We had expectations of course, but I was trying to stay grounded… I didn't want to get disappointed. But I swear to you, when we started to pick up the pace and start writing the song, I couldn't help but imagine everyone listening to it on the radio.

Billy Dunne: It wasn't easy to accept ideas, let's say… it was difficult to let someone else make decisions about a song that my band was going to play, you know?

Eddie Roundtree: Did he say my band? f*cking guy…

“Alright, can we go from the top?” You ask with the microphone in your hands, waiting for confirmation from the others.

Warren started to count for the beginning of the song and soon after the other instruments joined, as the melody entered your ears, something did not fit with what you had pictured you turned to the rest of the group trying to pinpoint what specifically was bothering you. It was hard for you to contain your grimace when you noticed the discomfort that the thunderous drums caused you, you raise one of your hands to indicate that they stop playing.

“Is there something wrong?” Billy asks impatiently.

“Actually yeah” you answer, approaching the drums. “I don't like how you sound in the song”

“What?” Warren asks, laughing in disbelief at the woman's claim.

“I mean, don’t get me wrong… you’re good but it just doesn’t fit” You say thoughtfully, still watching the drummer. “I feel like this should be a more slow song, calm”

Warren Rojas: I don't think I've ever been so angry in such a short amount of time.

Y/N L/N: I just asked him to smooth out on the beat, but it felt like the end of the world for him.

“Can you smooth out on the beat?” you ask, smiling slightly.

“Are you serious?” Warren inquires, frowning.

Graham Dunne: I don't think I've ever seen him serious like that, Y/N destroyed his sanity. *Laughing*

It was already the fifth time you had played the song, and everything finally seemed to fall into place until once again Rojas changed the beat of the song.

Y/N L/N: He could only be doing this to piss me off.

Again, you raise your hand asking them to stop.

"What now?" Warren says, rolling his eyes.

"You changed the pre chorus" You reply angrily.

"I haven't changed, I just improvise something to improve the song" The curly haired man says, twirling one of the sticks between his fingers.

"Well then, improvise some other time!" you had no idea how you hadn't hit him yet. "Now we are rehearsing what we had agreed"

Eddie Roundtree: To be honest, it was fun to see Warren pissed off.

"I'm glad you want to contribute Warren, but it's not the time" Billy says, almost begging with his eyes for the drummer to let it go.

"Exactly!" You smile cynically at Rojas.

"Alright, we'll do yours" The drummer responds, waiting for you to turn around to continue his phrase. "But yours it's not quite enough, it isn't perfect… You're always a second too slow in the entrance of the song, so we won't make it anyway!"

"What?" Disgusted, you turn to him. "That's not true! You're a second too fast."

"Impossible, I have perfect timing" Warren responds, laughing at the assumption that he mistimed the song.

"f*ck, you're impossible!" Annoyed you say turning away from him before you lose your mind

Warren Rojas: There was no way I was a second fast.

Y/N L/N: To be honest with you, when I got home that day I practiced the song's entrance until I couldn't take it anymore.

"Alright that's enough, we're wasting valuable rehearsal time!" Karen said, Trying to get the attention of the chaotic duo.

"Well tell that to Mrs Perfection, over there" The drummer says, smiling from the corner of his mouth.

You spent more time improving and practicing the song, the music was taking shape and staying in a way that most were enjoying.

Warren Rojas: I f*cking hated that song, You can barely hear the drums.

Y/N L/N: If I liked the song? I think it's one of my favorites.

When everyone was already preparing to leave the studio, Warren walks towards you before you can leave. He stops in front of you, Like he was trying to intimidate you.

"Can I help you with something?" You asked, crossing your arms and glaring at the drummer.

"Actually yes" he says, moving closer to you "I hate to make unnecessary fuss, but it seems like you just have a thing for me."

"A thing for you?" You question, laughing at the situation. "I'm sorry drummer but I don't even remember your name…"

Warren Rojas: What can I say, she caught me off guard on this one.

Y/N L/N: *chuckled* I knew his name, including his last name. But I sure as hell wasn't going to let him know that.


Graham Dunne: The song was a hit, it was literally everywhere.

Karen Sirko: I think my hunches were right.

Billy Dunne: We were back, and with one of the most heard songs in the country.

Warren Rojas: Good part is we had a hit, bad part is so did she… And that means she would be with us on shows, interviews, photo shoots. I just couldn't get rid of her.

Eddie Roundtree: *laughing* Warren seemed obsessed, every time it was something about Y/N coming out of his mouth.

Y/N L/N: I couldn't stand his presence, he just pissed me off… a lot!

On the way to the radio station where you were going to be interviewed that afternoon, you listened to your music on the radio with the volume blaring. You were happily singing making your way to the entrance with Karen, until you noticed the drummer leaning against the wall outside the venue smoking something, beside him Eddie was reading a newspaper.

You sighed, before approaching the pair of friends.

"Hi Eddie, you good?" You ask, smiling at the blonde who wraps you up in a quick hug.

"I'm alright, you?" He responds, pulling out of the hug.

"I'm great" You say, turning to the drummer who pretended not to acknowledge your presence "Drummer." You greet him quickly.

"Did you have to bring her?" Warren complains to the keyboardist. "You know I hate her."

"I'm standing right here, you know" You say, rolling your eyes.

"I know." The curly-haired man says, as if he can't stand the woman's presence anymore.

"You know what, go f*ck yourself!" Annoyed you answer him, moving away from the group towards your bandmates.

"Really Warren?" Karen asks, a little irritated by the drummer's attitude. Receiving silence as an answer.

"Everything good there buddy?" Eddie says in a teasing tone, noticing that the drummer's eyes were on the woman he loathed so much.

Warren Rojas: Everything was great until I finally looked at her and noticed that… Her legs were something else. *chuckled*

Eddie Roundtree: When I tell you he got obsessed, I mean it.

Graham Dunne: Even after Daisy joined the band, he couldn't seem to get over the fact that Y/N asked for those drum changes that day.

Y/N L/N: Warren and I were... Well, we're a complicated thing. He hasn't left my back since that day, and I honestly don't know if I wanted him to.

"Good morning everyone" You say upon entering the studio reception, oddly enough you were having a good day.

That was until your eyes met this scene: Warren sitting on the couch with Debbie sitting on his lap, arms around her waist. You swallowed hard, trying not to show how weird it all made you feel. Warren's eyes meet yours for a few seconds before you break eye contact, involuntarily leaving an annoyed look on your face.

You were so focused on that scene that you didn't notice Teddy approaching you, the producer hugs you as a way of greeting and you hug him back.

"So today we had an unforeseen event with your drummer, he ended up getting sick and called saying he couldn't participate in this week's sessions" Teddy says, letting all the joy you initially had that day slip away. It would be much more difficult to record without the drummer, even more so when they rehearse to fit him later.

Price notices your worried expression and immediately comforts you, or at least tries to.

"But don't worry, I've talked to Warren and he's available to help you." Teddy says, with a smile on his face.

Y/N L/N: I'd rather have to deal with the consequences of going a week without a drummer.

Warren Rojas: Worst week of my life.

You take Teddy's arm and when he looks at you, you make a sign that you want to talk to him privately. He follows you to a farther hallway.

"Teddy, I appreciate your generosity in finding someone else to help us, I really do." You say, searching for the words to tell him it was a bad idea to put you and Rojas on the same team.

"But?" He asks, not understanding where the conversation was heading.

"We don't get along at all" You chuckled, hoping he would understand but his response was just a cynical frown.

"So start getting along, you're not in kindergarten anymore" Teddy responds, like it's the easiest thing on the planet to do. "We can't be steps behind, and Warren is a great drummer."

"Great is too strong a word" You say, hoping to get a laugh out of the man, which didn't happen. "Fine, but if he doesn't cooperate…"

"If he doesn't cooperate, you come to me and we'll see it again." Teddy proposes, turning to go back to reception "Now, for God's sake go to work!"

You follow him to the reception again, approaching Warren and Debbie and positioning yourself in front of the tv, Warren looks at you arching his eyebrows waiting for you to get out of there.

"We have work to do." You say, directing your words towards the girl on the drummer's lap. "If you'll excuse us, dear." it was hard to hide the irritation in your voice.

The woman smiles uncomfortably, noting that somehow her presence was bothering you, she gets up off the drummer's lap and heads into a room you genuinely didn't care where it was. Warren doesn't say goodbye to the girl, his eyes still linger on you, which made you genuinely proud to have gotten his attention.

The curly haired man wore a vest and bell-bottoms that made him extremely attractive, and when that thought crossed your mind you started to question yourself about what you really thought of him, what he made you feel.

"Just to be clear, I don't want her in our rehearsals." You say, fixing your hair. "We have a lot of work to do and it wouldn't be nice to have distractions"

"Are you jealous?" He says provocatively, smiling at the sight of her face.

"No, I'm not!" You chuckled, crossing your arms going into the next room.

"Oh, you really are jealous!" The drummer says getting up and following you to the room where you were going to rehearse "Wait, why would you be jealous?"

"I am not jealous drummer"

Warren Rojas: I know when someone is jealous, and she sure was.

Y/N L/N: You're not going to tell him, are you? Okay okay I was jealous.

Interviewer: And how was your experience playing for Y/N's band?

Warren Rojas: She didn't let it be easy, but at the same time spending more time with her was interesting…

"Do you mind going back to the beginning of the chorus?" You ask the guitarist in the band. "Kyle, can you keep up with him?"

"I can keep up with everything you ask for sugar" the bassist Kyle responds, making you uncomfortable with the comment.

Kyle has done this to you before, trying to get too close to you, flirting with you, commenting on your clothes and hair. Things like that made you extremely uncomfortable the last few days, the rest of your bandmates noticed this behavior but decided not to comment.

"Could you stop with that?" Warren says irritably, the bassist has already made several comments of this kind to you.

Warren Rojas: That guy was clearly bothering her, and besides we were there to play, nothing more.

"Excuse me?" The bassist laughs, moving closer to Warren.

"You heard me, leave the girl alone." The drummer gets up, ready to join that fight.

"Alright alright!" You say, drawing attention to you again. "Let's take a five minute break."

Kyle takes the bass off his shoulder, storming out of the room. The other band members slowly left for coffee, leaving you and Rojas alone in the room.

"Wow, you're actually nice to me for once." You say approaching him, smiling at him for the first time.

"I won't make a habit out of it." Warren grins at you, taking in every detail of your face as if he wants to memorize it.

"Oh there's the Warren I know" Rolling your eyes you turn away.

Warren Rojas: So she knew my name.

Y/N L/N: If you saw his eyes when I said his name… *chuckled* It was very cute.

Rojas gets up from the drum bench, going towards a bag that was in the corner of the room, taking a snack from it. After that, he approaches you again, extending the food package, offering you a little.

“What is that? poison?” Arching your eyebrows you say, suspecting Warren's attitude.

“It's literally just lunch" Pretending to be offended he responds, bringing one of his hands to his chest. "That I figured I should kindly share, but if you’re not hungry then…” Pushing the pack away from you he says

“No, wait, I am! thanks, i guess..” You say smiling shyly, taking one of the snacks and eating with him.

Warren Rojas: Maybe it became a habit after that day, being kind to her.

Y/N L/N: I was really scared of getting food poisoning after eating that.


Hi, I hope you enjoyed it... If you wanted to ask for something my requests are open, and if you want to ask and don't have any ideas check out my prompt list :) xoxo

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#warren rhodes#warren rojas imagine#warren rhodes x reader#warren rojas#djats x reader#warren rojas x reader#daisy jones and the six#sebastian chacon#djats#daisy jones and the six fanfic#daisy jones fanfic#sebastian chacon x fem!reader#sebastian chacon x reader


Jun 10, 2023

we shouldn't be in love || warren rojas x reader

tw : kissing, profanity.

synopsis : avoiding warren was always easy for you, that was until you were questioned.

words : 1.1k

Y/N : Yeah, of course I knew we couldn't be together. Everyone knew, but that doesn't stop sh*t.

Warren : I mean, it’s their younger sister, and she was hot. Of course I was gonna try.

I always knew Y/N. She would come and listen to our practices with Camila. She didn’t start standing out to me until we got our house in Laurel Canyon though.

I mean you have this girl, that you never noticed and then one day, you wake up and you see her walking around the house, laughing with whoever, and she turned into the hottest girl in the world.

She avoided me though, so groupies helped me take my mind off of her.

Y/N : I liked him since the ninth grade. And my brothers would kill me if i even had a crush on him. I had to avoid him. I had no other choice.

All of us were snuggled, watching a movie that was airing at night. Karen held onto my side as Graham was on her other side, passed out an snoring lightly.

I had kept making eye contact with Warren all night, and I couldn't be more thankful that it was dark in the room besides the television.

I got up abruptly after making eye contact for what seemed like the millionth time. Karen looked at me worriedly.

"Sorry, just needed some water." I said, flashing her a smile.

I grabbed a glass from the cabinet, pouring cold water into the glass.

"So, what's wrong?" Warren's deep voice asked from behind me.

I turned to him, raising an eyebrow, "You're lucky I don't get scared easily, or I'd get a heart attack."

He gave me a slight smirk, "Tonight's the first night you've made eye contact with me... in what, like three months?"

Silence separated us, but it was horrible tension.

"Why have you been avoiding me all of a sudden?" Warren asked.

I took a large gulp of water, "I haven't been."

He raised an eyebrow.

"Can't we just go and watch the movie?" I questioned.

"No, because you're not avoiding anyone else, so what's wrong with me?"

"Warren, I promise you I didn't mean to. It's nothing, so now if you don't mind, I'm going to sit with Karen and finish the movie." I stated, walking out of the kitchen and leaving him there.

Karen held up her arm for me to cuddle in next to her. I noticed that she had pushed Graham off of her as well, as he looked to be dangling off the arm rest, still peacefully asleep.

"Everything alright, love?" Karen asked.

"Yeah, just was really thirsty." I said, laying my head down.

I quit making eye contact with Warren that night. I tried my hardest to avoid him, I really did, but he made it so f*cking hard.

I didn't want to avoid him, no, but I knew how my brothers would get. Especially since Billy hates any guy I talk to.

Warren's arm brushed past me the next morning as he grabbed his toast from the toaster. I couldn't help but feel butterflies.

Everyone was cramped in the kitchen, sitting at the table or leaning on the counters. I caught Karen's eye too as she smirked at me, which I rolled my eyes to.

"Y/N and Camila, can you guys help me with something in my room?" Karen asked.

"I can help." Graham said as he got up from the table.

Karen shook her head no, "Sorry, it's a girls thing."

Camila grabbed me, leading me towards Karen's room.

Karen shut the door behind us as she couldn't even hide her smile.

"So, what's going on with Warren and you?" Camila asked, sitting on the bed.

I looked at the two, crossing my arms, "Nothing, nothing whatsoever, I'm wondering what's going on with Karen and Graham."

Karen laughed, "No, don't switch up the conversation, Y/N! Now what's going on with you and Warren!" She urged.

I sighed, giving in, "I don't know! I don't want anything because I don't want Graham or Billy to be mad at him or I, but then last night he asked why I've been avoiding him and ugh!"

Camila looked at me in shock at my rant.

Karen propped herself up on her bed, "Well f*ck it. f*ck what Billy and Graham think."

"I agree." Camila added.

I sighed "But what if he's not interested? He's making out with a new groupie like every day."

Karen and Camila only laughed at each other before Camila spoke, "Trust me, he is obsessed with you."

The more days I avoided Warren, the harder it got.

He would sit next to me when we watched movies and put his arm around me slightly, or he'd start calling me new nicknames. God I wanted to smack him sometimes. Graham would look at me, questioning what was going on as well.

I was cooking breakfast by myself, because everyone was sleeping in. A hand touched my waist as an arm went to grab something near the cabinet.

"Sorry, princess." Warren's voice said from behind me.

God my heart was racing.

I turned off the stove as I looked at the boy, "We have to talk."

"I'm all ears." Warren said with a smirk.

"Warren, do you like me or not. Because you're always making out with a new groupie and I don't know." I rambled

It must've caught him by surprise as he stood up.

"Of course I like you, I'd be stupid not to like you. I've been in love with you since I started practicing in your garage." He said, a slight chuckle.

Before I knew it, his lips were on mine and the world seemed to have stopped. I stared in shock before fully closing my eyes and kissing Warren back. His hands were securely on my waist as I had my hands on his neck.

He broke the kiss, allowing the two of us to catch our breath, but his hands never left my waist.

"I don't kiss any groupie like that." Warren laughed.

"What the f*ck?" I heard Graham's voice say.

Everyone stood at the door frame looking at us in shock, besides Karen and Camila of course, they were smirking.

Billy looked like he was a bomb about to blow up.

"Y/N? Wanna explain yourself?" Billy questioned.


Camila stepped into the conversation, "It's love Billy, leave them be."

"Even if you were a groupie I'd still love you." Warren whispered in my ear as Billy continued to look fumed.

"That's sweet, isn't it?" I said, smiling up at him.

#warren rojas#sebastian chacon#warren rojas x reader#warren rojas x y/n#sebastian chacon x reader#daisy jones and the six#camila alvarez#camila dunne#graham dunne#karen sirko#fanfiction


Apr 15, 2023

Better than I thought

Warren Rojas x Fem!Reader

✧.* requested by anon — can i request an imagine for warren rojas where reader is a famous pop/whatever gender-singer and u meet him at a party were u are asked to perform and he is just mesmerized by your beauty and ur talent. and so he tries to flirt w u afterwards, and that’s all i have but u can modify/finish it as u wish <3 thank u in advance !

✧.* summary — To celebrate your best friend's special day you and Daisy had taken the stage to sing along with her. And since the lights focused on you, the drummer's attention has had no other owner, he was enchanted.

✧.* warnings — Mention of drugs, Reader and Warren a little more intimate (but no smut, sorry guys).

✧.* word count — 2.6k

✧.* 🥁 — Warren's masterlist

✧.* mandy's notes — I'm crazy about this man, I didn't have time to correct this one so maybe some mistakes. Hope you like it babys 🫶🏾

Finally the day had arrived, Simone Jackson was releasing her album you couldn't be more proud of her. You were friends for a long time, you grew up together and you always knew her great potential, so together with Daisy you were the biggest supporter of her choice to move, she was happy, in love and fulfilling her big dream.

You were also involved in the music business, and you had already released some songs that exploded across the country, but you still had a few months to go before you went on tour, so you were trying to make the most of your free time while you had it.

And today at the disco where Simone and Bernie worked there was going to be a party to celebrate Simone's big day, a private event for friends where everything could flow without cameras, media, and squinty eyes.

Warren was excited, he had wanted to go to a party for days but the rush of shows didn't help and now that he finally was going out he was thrilled. The invitation made by Daisy's friend had come as a surprise to him, after all they weren't as close as she was, but he loved Simone's music and was happy to go and honor her.

The place was illuminated with colored lights, several pamphlets with Simone's photo and the contact to buy the album in it were delivered at the door of the event, you watched the place with pride in your chest, you search with your eyes for your friend, and you find her with her girlfriend not far from you.

"Simone baby, I'm so proud of you!" You say hugging her tightly, she hugs you tenderly. "Hey Bernie my love, how are you?" You break the hug with Jackson and go hug the other woman.

"I'm fine Y/N, it's good to see you." She says, wrapping one of her arms around Simone who smiles at the contact.

"I have no words, the place is wonderful." You say pointing around you.

"My girls!" You can hear Daisy's voice behind you, she approaches hugging you and kissing your cheek, you return the affection.

"Are my eyes deceiving me, Daisy Jones herself?" You joke, making her laugh by hugging you tight. "I missed you."

"Missed you too." Daisy says getting out of the embrace. "It's been so long, please tell me that I'll have the chance to hear you tonight."

"Oh no Daisy, today it's Simone's day." You speak with conviction, seeing Simone roll her eyes playfully. "Not to mention, there are a lot of people here."

"Well, you better get used to it because from what I hear your show is selling out." Simone says smiling at you, it was such a good time for y'all that if you went back in time and told the group that, you wouldn't believe it.

"We're on our best days!" Daisy says, looking happier than ever.

After a few minutes Simone went on stage, she was perfect, that place was for her, she deserved it more than anyone and you were overjoyed to see her happy. You and Daisy admired her near the stage, Bernie was in the corner of it starting to test the soundboard, soon the music started to play and your eardrums were invaded by the angelic voice of Simone Jackson.

She sings the first song with a twinkle in her eyes, and when she finishes it, you can see her eyes water with joy.

"I wanted to say that this moment is a victory." She speaks with a broken voice, wanting to cry. "I wouldn't be here if it weren't for some people who believed in me, in my story, in my voice, in my music… First I want to thank Bernie, my love, my partner." She turns to her girlfriend, blowing her a kiss, Bernie pretends to catch it in the air, getting her hand close to her heart.

Simone turns towards you with a smile on her face.

"Y/N, I don't have the words to thank you." She kept her eyes on you tenderly. "It was always the three of us forever, at first you and me until Daisy came along and I'm sure if it wasn't for you I would fall apart, and that's why I invite you two to sing the next song with me."

Daisy breaks into a huge smile, walking up the stairs to the stage with her arms outstretched towards Simone, you felt a little embarrassed singing without having prepared for it, but for your friends you would do anything. So you took the stage.

The nervousness leaves your body when the melody starts to play, the three of you had already done this thousands of times, it was many afternoons training and singing together that your synchrony was something as natural as daylight.

However, for Warren Rojas you were the only star of that performance, it was as if the world was frozen and he only heard your voice, he was amazed with every detail in you. His eyes sparkled with the way you sang, he was admired by how your hair looked even prettier under the lighting in the room, how your smile made him feel like he was flying, He was confused about the way you attracted him, about how he felt this magnetism pulling him to you.

"I think that's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life…" Warren says to the bassist next to him, Eddie laughs.

"You think so?" Eddie says eating some of what he had on hand. "Not really my type, but she's gorgeous."

"Gorgeous?" Warren says almost in disbelief. "She's wonderful! I need to talk to her…"

The song was over and the applause took place, Warren and Eddie applauded along with everyone else, the drummer was talking to his best friend without taking his eyes off you for a moment.

"Alright, I have an idea!" Eddie says with a smile on his face, Warren looks at him suspiciously.

"What do you mean?" Warren asks, but his friend is already starting to walk away from him. "Hey Eddie!"

The drummer takes his hand to his face, fixing his mustache, struggling to see where his friend was going.

Eddie leaves among the people, looking for the redhead and leaving the drummer alone watching you from afar. Roundtree loved playing the cupid, so when he saw his best friend amazed by the mystery singer he needed to do something.

When he finally found Daisy you weren't with her, in fact she was talking to a group of people he had no idea who it was. He approached pulling the singer by the arm without her having time to understand what was happening.

"What happened Eddie?" She asks, smiling.

"That friend of yours..." He says, making her laugh.

"Y/N?" She asks, already knowing the answer. "I didn't think it would be you who would be interested in her."

"It's not me." The bassist says, turning to point at the drummer but not finding him amongst the crowd. "Warren is crazy about her, I swear to you Daisy if you don't introduce her to him, the poor guy will go crazy."

Daisy looked surprised, she starts laughing leaving Roundtree without understanding anything.

"Are you high?" He says, snapping his fingers in front of her face.

She probably was, but that wasn't what she was laughing about, she was laughing at the coincidence that was happening right now. When Daisy joined the six, the three friends celebrated in the apartment that Simone and Daisy shared.

"So this one right here is Graham." Daisy held the SevenEighNine album in her hands, showing the band members to her friends.

"Billy's brother?" Simone asks and Daisy nods. "Are you with us Y/N?"

Your eyes were fixed on the drummer, you just loved how his curly hair looked, honestly you loved every detail of him in that picture.

"What?" You say when you hear your name in the conversation.

"You're quiet, what happened?" Daisy says, leaning her head on your shoulder.

"Nothing, it's just... What's this guy's name?" You point at Warren and Simone starts laughing.

"She has a thing for the drummer!" Simone says, taking a sip of her wine.

"No, hey!" You say a little embarrassed, rolling your eyes. "I just think he is cute, that's all." You say shrugging.

"His name is Warren." Daisy answers you. "But don't worry, soon you'll call him boyfriend."

"Stop!" You say laughing along with them. "I'm keeping the album."

When Daisy stopped laughing at the situation she remembered, Eddie had his arms crossed waiting for her to answer him..

"No Ed, I'm not high." She answers. "But I don't think we're going to have to do much."

"Why's that?" The bassist asks.

"Sometimes just a little push is enough." She winks at Eddie, then they start to decide what they were going to do.

You were at the disco bar, casually watching everyone around you hoping to see someone interesting. Your eyes meet Warren's across the crowd, he seems to be trying to hide that he's been looking at you for a while, you smile at him and wave, he waves back with a wink.

He takes a deep breath and walks closer to you, trying to pass between the dancing people. When you notice him approaching, nervousness takes over your body, he looked even more beautiful in person.

The drummer wore just a vest, as usual, he wore dark blue jeans and a choker on, now as he approached you could see several rings on his fingers too. You take a deep breath, averting your gaze elsewhere trying to pretend his presence doesn't make you nervous.

"Hi…" He says with a smile on his face, when he was finally next to you.

"Hey." You say turning to him, smiling with the straw in your mouth. Warren looked at you in disbelief, you were even prettier up close. "Can I help you with something?"

"Ah- I'm Warren." He looked nervous, reaching out to you, you shook his hand still smiling. "I'm Daisy's friend…"

"Oh of course!" You pretend to recognize him only now. "The drummer, isn't it?"

"That's me!" He takes your hand, bringing it to his mouth and kissing it gently. "It's a pleasure, miss…"

"L/N, Y/N L/N." You say your name to him, smiling at his simple act.

Warren sighs, with each word that comes out of your mouth a shiver rises in his stomach, he was sure he had never seen such a beautiful woman.

"Hey, are you there?" You say snapping your fingers in front of the drummer's face.

"Sorry, I got distracted by your beauty." He laughs, a little embarrassed, taking his hand to his curly hair, adjusting the curls.

"I don't blame you." You say moving closer to him. "I can't stop admiring you either."

Warren felt his legs go weak, he really wasn't expecting that. You looked at him with a small smile on your face and he felt that at any moment he could explode.

"You look handsome." You say close to his ear, the noise around made you believe he didn't hear you well at first.

Warren smiles at the compliment, you don't move away from him, your faces were still close which made the drummer nervous. His eyes don't leave your lips, he wanted so much to feel you close.

"You were amazing on stage, don't tell Daisy but I've never seen anyone as badass as you." He says making you laugh shaking your head.

"Thank you very much." You smile and he feels that every time he sees your smile he falls more. "Then you must know that you're my favorite drummer as well."

"Come on pretty girl, don't have to lie to me." He chuckles, licking his lips afterwards.

"I am not." You reassure him. "You are what makes 'kill you to try' so amazing, the drums in this song are perfect."

Holy sh*t, he was going to marry you.

"It's nice to know someone is listening." He speaks without taking his eyes off yours.

You stayed a few seconds facing each other, without saying anything, it seemed that the world had stopped while that tension grew between you. You approach him, putting your arms around his neck he automatically takes his to your waist gently.

"Get me out of here." You whisper, then kisses his jaw before looking back into his eyes, smiling innocently.

"Yes, mama" He responds, grabbing your hand and leading you to a secluded spot.

Eddie had his neck almost locked from straining to find his friend, no matter how hard he looked, there was no sign of the drummer.

"I can't find him anywhere!" Eddie says to the redhead next to him, frustrated.

"I can't find Y/N either" She says with a suspicious tone.

"I can't believe he disappeared now." Eddie was in disbelief, leaning against the wall.

"Guess we'll have to save it for later." Daisy says with a shrug.

Rojas pressed you against the wall, squeezing your waist while kissing your neck, you sighed with the contact while lightly pulling his curly strands. He stops kissing your neck and turns his attention to your lips, kissing you passionately as if he doesn't want to miss a moment with you.

The place was lit by few lights, but with effort you could see his pupils dilated, exuding the desire he felt. You felt shivers down your spine just watching him look at you like that.

"Is there something wrong?" He asks, cupping your face gently.

"Not at all." You reply, kissing him gently again. "You know, kissing you is so much better than I thought."

"Oh so you thought about it?" He spoke in a husky voice that made your legs shake with every word he said.

"Maybe…" You shrug. "Kiss me again so I can be sure"

He laughs with his tongue between his teeth, biting his lips before kissing yours. You felt like he was going to drive you crazy with every contact, his scent was the best you've ever smelled, his hands on your body made you feel chills and his kiss made you more and more addicted.

Warren felt like he was in paradise, being able to kiss you, feeling you was like satisfying an addiction, an urgent need. With your permission, he felt every corner of your body, wanting to decorate it like a map that would guide him to paradise. He knew this wasn't going to be a one night thing, he couldn't settle for the thought that the two of you were going to become a one time thing.

He needed more of you, he wanted to know you more, know your tastes, know what you liked, what bothered you. He wanted to understand your quirks, the reason for your smiles, he wanted to wake up listening to you sing next to him, f*cking hell! He wanted you.

"Now there's something I need to know." He says between pecks on your lips.

"What?" You ask, smiling at him.

"I need to know If calling you mine will be better than I thought."

You felt a chill in your stomach, that man would be the death of you. You kiss him again.

"Well, you're going to have to take me out to discover Rojas."

Eddie Roundtree: I stood there waiting for him to show up for what felt like an hour, until I gave up and got busy with other things.

Daisy Jones: I told him we wouldn't have to do much *laughing* And when I saw Y/N appear with a goofy smile on her face I was sure of it.


Hi, I hope you enjoyed it... If you wanted to ask for something my requests are open, and if you want to ask and don't have any ideas check out my prompt list :) xoxo

Want to be tagged when new stories come out? REASONSMANDY'S TAG LIST

#warren rojas#djats#warren rojas x reader#daisy jones and the six#djats x reader#warren rhodes x reader#warren rojas imagine#sebastian chacon#warren rhodes#djats icons#djatsedit#daisy jones fanfic#daisy jones and the six fanfic#the dunne brothers#the six#sebastian chacon x reader#daisy jones spoilers#warren rojas x y/n#warren rojas x fem!reader#daisy jones and the 6


Apr 27, 2023

Private Drum Lessons

Warren Rojas x Fem!Reader

✧.* requested by anon — ¹ omg can you do prompts 50, 11, and 23 for our fav drummer warren rojas? ² I really like your works. And I see you're taking a request. I would like to see Warren Rojas x Reader with prompt number 50. Thank you.🫶🏼

✧.* summary — You had only one rule in place for yourself: Don't get romantically involved with anyone you work with. However, Warren Rojas made you change all your plans.

✧.* warnings — slightly smut content. MINORS DNI

✧.* word count — 4.0k

✧.* 🥁 — Warren's masterlist

✧.* mandy's notes — You have no idea how much I loved writing this, now i want a "forbidden" romance with my favorite drummer.

You tried your best to keep your relationships with any band you managed strictly professional, you had already had many negative experiences in this environment, even more so for being a woman in it. So your best decision was never to mix any relationship to avoid future problems, but Warren Rojas changed everything.

When you first met Warren, you were struck by his talent and charisma. When you agreed to manage the band, you already had great ideas for the tour, they were the most famous band at the moment and having them as clients was a huge milestone for your career. You knew that it was important to maintain a professional relationship with all of the members, but there was something about Rojas that made it difficult to keep things strictly business.

The invitation to work with them came from Daisy, she had heard about your work from Simone and was delighted with what you had done on other projects of yours, Billy was reluctant at first but after getting to know your work he accepted.

You scheduled a meeting with the whole band to decide the main concept of the tour and the musicians' wishes regarding it, and that was the day you met Warren Rojas.

At your first meeting, you tried to ignore the flutter in your stomach as Warren introduced himself. He was handsome and charming, with a mischievous glint in his eye that made your heart skip a beat. You tried to focus on the task at hand, discussing the band's upcoming tour and the logistics involved, but every time the drummer spoke, you found yourself getting lost in his voice.

You immediately tried to remember all your principles regarding your work, it was difficult to keep your attention on the plans and write everything down correctly, because for some reason every time he smiled you felt a shiver on your whole body. He seemed to notice this because whenever he looked at you he would smile with his tongue between his teeth, a classic way he used to flirt without any words.

But that wasn't the first time he had seen you, in fact he had watched you since the first time you got to know the band's sound on live. Daisy called you on the phone and said that they were interested in having you as their manager, you clearly knew who they were, but you pretended you didn't and said that before accepting you would have to see a rehearsal of them to know if the band was your profile.

So that day was the first time Warren saw you, he was struck by your beauty. You were standing at the side of the stage, clipboard in hand, watching the band's soundcheck with a critical eye. Your pretty hair cascaded over your shoulders, and your eyes were being illuminated by the sunlight.

Warren couldn't help but feel a flutter in his stomach as he watched you move gracefully across the stage, making notes on your clipboard. He had always been drawn to strong, confident women, and you exuded that in spades.

He had heard that you were the new manager for the band, but he hadn't had a chance to talk to you yet. He wondered if you would be interested in him, if you felt the same attraction that he did. Billy was always very stressed when they had to present to anyone, and with that he was bizarrely more demanding of everyone, so that day he could only watch you from afar thinking about how your voice would sound, and looking forward to having a conversation with you.

Despite your best efforts to maintain a professional distance from Warren, you found yourself increasingly drawn to him. There was something about the way he played the drums, the way his body moved to the rhythm of the music, the way he always made funny faces while playing 'Aurora', the way he loved playing with the sticks drawing your attention to the agility of his fingers, that sent shivers down your spine.

You tried to focus on your job as the band's manager, but you couldn't help stealing glances at Rojas whenever he was around. He seemed to sense your attraction to him, and he began to flirt with you shamelessly, always finding a way to be close to you. And f*cking hell you loved it.

The way your name sounded on his lips made you imagine how it would sound under different circ*mstances, you couldn't help but picture different scenarios with the drummer. Every time he got close you wanted to feel his touch, feel his lips against your skin, and it was driving you crazy more and more.

You kept trying to resist his charms, reminding yourself that getting involved with a band member was a terrible idea. But as the weeks went by, you found it harder and harder to ignore the chemistry between you two.

They were performing the second show, you could hear the crowd cheering and applauding. One by one they came in to thank everyone and say their goodbyes. When they came backstage and you greeted them with a big smile and said "Congratulations, you killed it!" to each one of them.

Billy didn't take long to retire to his bus, Daisy called you to the party but you said you had a lot to get ready for the next trip and maybe next time you would go, you saw Eddie, Graham and Karen leave with the redhead and you said a quick goodbye to them.

While you were trying to focus on getting things in place, the presence of the drummer didn't allow you to concentrate, you could feel his gaze on your every move which made you get goosebumps. You gather your courage and turn to face him, hands on your hips and eyebrow arched.

"Can I help you with something Warren?" You ask, trying to maintain your composure but now you face him you notice how handsome he looked that night.

"Why are you running away from me?" He asks without presumption, causing you to be caught unnoticed.

You try to keep your voice steady as you speak to him, but you can feel the desire building inside you.

"I'm not running away from you, Warren. I'm just trying to do my job." You try to keep calm, but with each step he takes closer to you, you shiver.

"Come on, Y/N. You can't deny that there's something here. I can feel it every time we're in the same room." He got closer, and this time you didn't try to get away from him anymore, you couldn't.

"I don't know what you're talking about." You become aware of yourself again, pulling away from him.

"I bet you think about me all the time, don't you? Dreaming of what it would be like to have me." He bites his lip, then smiles.

You drop your gaze to the ground, avoiding looking at him any further.

"Warren, I can't." You keep your eyes on anything but him.

"I know you're trying to be professional, but you can't deny the chemistry between us. It's like fireworks." He holds your hands in his, and you bring your gaze to the drummer, feeling such fireworks in your stomach.

"Rojas, I'm serious." You say it more like a whisper, even though your words said the contrary your body showed that you wanted him.

"You can't resist me, can you?" Warren says, a smirk on his face. "Even when you're trying so hard to play it cool, I can see right through you."

You frown, trying to control the beating of your heart that begged you to kiss that man in front of you.

"You don't know a goddamn thing." Your voice was weak, as were your legs with his presence so close.

"Yeah, maybe you're right and I don't know sh*t." He says still with that damn smile on his face. "But I know about me, and I guarantee you Y/N… every time I see you, I just want to throw you on that couch and have my way with you."

"f*cking hell Rojas." You utter, feeling more and more the urge to surrender to him. "I made just one f*cking rule, I can't."

"Just one night, no one will know." He leans closer, kissing your cheek. "You know what they say, mi amor. The forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest. Don't you want to try a little taste?"

"f*ck you!" You exclaim, kissing him with every desire you had.

As your lips meet his, a shiver runs down your spine. You can feel his warmth, his strength, his desire, all pressed up against you. His lips are soft and firm all at once, his tongue expertly exploring your mouth. You find yourself losing control, your hands running through his hair as you pull him closer. The kiss is deep and intense, full of longing and hunger that has been building between you for so long. You can feel yourself getting lost in the moment, forgetting everything else except for the sensation of his lips on yours.

You feel a spark of electricity run through your body, a sensation that you've been longing for since the moment you laid eyes on him. His lips are soft, yet firm against yours, as his hands caress your back, pulling you closer. The kiss is heated and intense, filled with all the pent-up desire and tension that has been building between the two of you. You can taste the sweetness of his lips, the scent of his cologne enveloping you. It's a kiss that feels like it could last forever, and you don't want it to end.

You swore that after that night that desire you had for the drummer would disappear and you would finally do your job without distraction. But you were wrong, everyday when you saw those brown eyes on you you remembered the way he looked at you while kissing your thighs, every time you saw those curls you remembered how it felt to have them between your fingers as he kissed your neck, this man was driving you crazy, you couldn't stop thinking about him.

Today you had a meeting to decide some last details about the concert in Pittsburgh, you were sitting waiting for the band members in a random restaurant in the city, you shuffled your feet in pure anxiety as you scrolled through the list in front of you, you had a lot of ideas but it was hard to sort them. Without looking up from the notebook in front of you, you feel the presence of someone sitting in front of you, you didn't have to make any effort to know it was him, you recognized every detail of him.

"You're early." You say, still looking at your notebook.

"Couldn't wait to see you." He responds with a smirk, leaning back in his chair and running his hand through his hair. "You know, Y/N, you look even more beautiful when you're stressed."

You sigh, rolling your eyes at the comment. "You came early just for that? Because if it is, you can come back later, I have a lot to work here and I need to focus"

"Oh don't worry Hermosa, I'm here to help you out." He says adjusting his vest, resting his back on the chair. "Come on bring it in, I'm listening".

You explain your ideas for doing an exclusive show in their hometown, you read topic by topic of your list in detail talking about each one. When you're done, your eyes go to the drummer again, waiting for his opinions.

"I'll be honest I didn't pay attention to anything you said, your lips got me distracted." You can't help but laugh, rolling your eyes.

"See? You're not the best at staying focused on things Warren." You say, laughing a little.

"What are you talking about?" He says pretending to be offended. "I'm always focused… on you." He finishes his sentence by winking at you

"I'm serious Rojas, I have work to do and…" You watch him intently, your eyes focus on his bare torso with the chains around his neck and that vest that made him so handsome.

"Like what you see?" He says with a smirk you hated the way he had power over you.

"Can you please put a shirt on? It's distracting me," you blurt out, finally looking up from your notebook to see the drummer sitting across from you with his signature vest and bare chest. You try to keep your composure, but the sight of his toned body makes your heart race.

Warren chuckles and leans in closer, "Distracting you? Or turning you on?" he teases, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

"I'm not turned on by you Warren." You try to pretend to be convicted about it, but he only laughs at your words.

"That's not what you said that night, honey," he whispers teasingly.

Your heart races as you try to maintain your composure. "I was drunk," you mutter, knowing it's a weak excuse.

"Sure you were," he chuckles, his hand sliding up your thigh under the table. "But I bet you weren't drunk when you begged for more."

Your breath fails when you feel the drummer's hand go up your thigh, you close your eyes tightly trying to focus on what you had to do. Warren gets up from where he was, you frown not understanding where he would go, he just sits down next to you.

"Let's try one more time princesa." He says moving closer to you, you could feel his breath getting closer. "From topic one, explain to me."

You notice your uneven breathing, Rojas seemed to have you in the palm of his hand, he knew how to mess with you in every possible way. His hands come back to rest on your thigh, caressing it and slowly going up under your skirt. You hold back your urge to moan against his touch, he smiled to see you slowly surrendering to him.

You clear your throat, trying to focus on the task at hand. "Okay, topic one," you say, trying to keep your voice steady. "We need to finalize the setlist for the Pittsburgh concert."

Warren nods, still teasingly caressing your thigh. "And what do you suggest for the setlist, mi amor?" he asks, his voice low and husky.

You take a deep breath, trying to ignore the sensations he's causing in your body. "I was thinking we could start with 'You were gone' and then move on to 'Honeycomb,'" you say, trying to concentrate on the matter at hand.

Warren hums, his fingers trailing higher up your thigh. "Mm, that's a good idea," he says, his breath tickling your ear. "But I think we should add 'Kill you to try' in there somewhere."

You bite your lip, trying to suppress a moan as his fingers brush against your panties. "Yeah, that's a good suggestion," you say, your voice shaking slightly.

Warren leans in closer, his lips brushing against your earlobe. "You know, I think maybe we can add 'Regret me' after this one?," he whispers, his fingers slipping beneath your panties.

You gasp, your body responding to his touch. "Warren, please," you say weakly, but your body betrays you as you arch your back against his touch.

He chuckles, his fingers continuing their teasing exploration. "Please what?" he asks, his hand inching closer to your core. "Please stop? Please keep going?"

You bite your lip, trying to hold back a moan as his fingers tease you. "Please...focus," you manage to say, trying to keep your mind on the meeting.

"You know it's easy to solve this, right?" He whispers, stopping moving his fingers, you bite your lip in frustration. "You only need to ask me."

You take a deep breath, trying to keep your cool. "I made a rule not to mix work with pleasure, Warren. And I intend to keep that rule."

He leans in even closer, his lips brushing against your ear. "Who said anything about pleasure? Maybe I just want to work on my thigh drumming technique," he whispers, making you shiver.

"I never heard of any technique like that." You say, looking deep into his eyes.

"I can teach you all of them if you want."

As Warren leans in closer, his lips almost touching yours, you hear a voice coming from behind him.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late," you hear Eddie's voice from behind you.

Warren quickly withdraws his hand from under your skirt and sits back in his chair, a sly smile still playing on his lips.

"No worries man, we were just about to get started," he says, looking over at you and winking.

You feel flustered and embarrassed, knowing that maybe Eddie had caught you in a compromising position with Warren. You quickly gather your notes and try to compose yourself, feeling both relieved and disappointed that the drummer had stopped. The rest of the meeting proceeds, some moments after Eddie arrives the rest of the band don't take long to arrive, without any further interruptions you keep explaining your plans for the show. But you find it difficult to concentrate with Warren's words still ringing in your ears.

As you gather your things to leave, Warren sidles up to you and whispers,

"Don't forget our private drumming lesson," before sauntering out of the restaurant, leaving you feeling both exhilarated and frustrated at the same time.

Today was the day of the concert in Pittsburgh, you and Warren had met every night until today, always promising that it wouldn't happen again, that you wouldn't see each other again, but it was impossible you needed each other, you craved for each other.

You decided to give the band space to enjoy your hometown, you were invited to participate in the event at the Dunne house and only after much insistence from Graham did you agree to go, they seemed very happy to be there again, it was very beautiful to see them go back there with so many achievements.

You watched them all leaning in a corner, not wanting to draw any attention since no one there was close to you and you wanted them to enjoy it, you had a genuine smile on your face until you saw Warren talking to a group of women, you try to count the jealousy that was rising in your chest but you knew how irresistible that guy was and you knew very well what he was capable of.

As Warren was talking to the group of women, you felt a pang of jealousy shoot through you. You knew it was irrational - you and Warren weren't together, and he was free to do whatever he wanted. But seeing him flirt and charm the women made your blood boil with envy. You couldn't help but think about all the times you had been with him, how he made you feel, and how much you craved him.

"How long are you going to go on pretending you don't like him?" Daisy asks as if it's nothing taking a stand by your side.

"Like who?" You make yourself ignorant.

"You're almost killing anyone who comes near Warren" Daisy laughs, and you shake your head. "Look, he really likes you too...just saying!"

Daisy shrugs and walks away from you, leaving you with yet another whirlwind of questions about how to act on your feelings. But you don't do anything, the show would be that night and soon that feeling would pass, you would know how to deal with it since by then you had already managed.

You'd listen to them play 'The River' while dancing to the beat of the song, no matter how many times you listened to it you never got tired of how good it was, your eyes don't leave the beauty of the drummer, Warren managed to be extremely sexy in everything he did and you couldn't help but think that this must be a crime somewhere in the world. He seemed to live every second of the music, he represented the passion for rock in all his performances and it made you crazier and crazier for him.

The stage lights illuminated him in an angelic way, his body was sweaty from the exertion and adrenaline of the show, his curls falling over his face, and as usual every time he did the 'Regret Me' entrance he would look at you and wink, wanting to leave a message on the air, a desire to tell you that he wanted to be with you.

You could no longer contain the desire building in your body, as soon as the show was over you went to the drummer's dressing room, waiting restlessly for him. You were pacing back and forth, moving your hands anxiously for Rojas to arrive, and when you hear his laugh by the door and you see the doorknob turn you don't think twice… You pull Warren by his vest into the dressing room, kissing him passionately.

It takes him a while to understand what's going on, but then he kisses you in the same desire, you turn to the door still kissing the drummer and locking it with one hand. You remove his vest still kissing him, he pulls away gasping for air.

"Hey mama, god, what was that for?" He asks with a smile on his face.

"You were right Warren…" You start to say taking off your shirt, he watches your every move carefully, feeling a chill run down his spine. "I'm f*cking crazy for you."

"You have no idea how long I've waited to hear this." He cups your face between his hands, kissing you but softly this time. "We always swear this will be the last time, then we'll do it all again! Promise me this isn't one of those times? Tell me I'll finally be able to call you mine…"

"I promise you..." You say, kissing him again. "Make me yours Rojas"

Warren smiles and without wasting time kisses you passionately. As you continue to kiss, your hands roam over each other's bodies, exploring every inch. Warren's fingers glide over your skin, tracing the curves of your body, and you shiver in response. You can feel his desire growing with every passing moment, his body pressing against yours with an intensity that leaves you breathless.

"Hey Warren! We're leaving for the party." Graham says from behind the door, making you stop what you were doing. "We're just waiting for you, by the way, have you seen Y/N? Daisy said this time she's going with us… but I doubt it, she doesn't like to mix things up apparently."

Warren laughs arching his eyebrows at you, you smack his bare chest in a way to tell him to stop.

"I don't know where she is, Graham." Rojas says, getting off you shrugging. "But if you find her, tell her I'm looking forward to our private drum lesson, she'll understand."

"Alright." The younger Dunne says, moving away from the door.

As you pull your shirt over your head, Warren comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist.

"I don't want to let you go," he whispers in your ear, upset about leaving this moment already.

You turn around to face him and run your fingers through his hair. "I know, but we have to go to the party."

"Can't we skip the party and just stay here?" he asks, his eyes pleading with you.

You laugh and shake your head. "As much as I'd like that, we can't. But how about we make a deal? We go to the party, and afterward, we come back here and have our own private after-party."

Warren's face lights up at your suggestion, and he leans in to kiss you again. "Deal," he murmurs against your lips.

As you both leave the room, hand in hand, you can't help but feel a sense of excitement for what's to come later. The party may be fun, but nothing compares to being alone with Warren.


Hi, I hope you enjoyed it... If you wanted to ask for something my requests are open, and if you want to ask and don't have any ideas check out my prompt list :) xoxo

Want to be tagged when new stories come out? REASONSMANDY'S TAG LIST

#djats#warren rojas#daisy jones and the six#djats x reader#warren rojas x reader#warren rhodes x reader#warren rojas imagine#sebastian chacon#warren rhodes#sebastian chacon x reader#the dunne brothers#the six#daisy jones and the six fanfic


Apr 24, 2023

You Make My Heart Beat

Warren Rojas x Fem!Reader

✧.* requested by 2 anon — ¹ omg Person A: You always sing that one line wrong *Person B gets "mad"* Person A: But whatever, yours is better with warren PLEEEASE. ² Hi hope your having a good day/night. Anyway I was really in the mood for something where reader is Billy and grahams little sister and is in a secret relationship with Warren. And when Billy finds out hell breaks loose! If you don’t want to that’s fine :)

✧.* summary — Warren has always been a curious case for you, due to the crush he has on you he would always pick on you when other people were around. But when it was just the two of you he was another Warren, what confused you.

✧.* warnings —Warren and the reader being a little more intimate.

✧.* word count — 4.6k

✧.* 🥁 — Warren's masterlist

✧.* mandy's notes —writing a teenage love is so cute aaaaaa. I put these two asks together bc they fit my idea, I hope that's not a problem 🫶🏾 good reading my loves.

In Pittsburgh things were always very simple, you had your routine, you knew everywhere, and so did most people. But that never stopped you from always being curious about other people and wanting to get closer to them, which is why you became so close with your brother Graham's friends.

Eddie was the first to fit in with you, you took your time to become great friends, Chuck was always nice to you, you weren't great friends like Eddie but he never gave you reasons to complain about his presence, as for Warren... He was always a curious case.

When your brothers had the idea of ​​forming a band, well, when Graham had the idea of ​​forming a band after having his heart broken... You were the first to be the most supportive. You knew your brothers and the potential they had in terms of music, they were pure talent for sure, so soon you had become the band's little manager. Helping them to get some gigs around town, talking to event owners about payment, even fliers you put up around town to help them out while they rehearsed in Chuck's garage.

So little by little this had become your official position in the band, you were always there listening to news about their ideas regarding new songs or changes in instruments and passing all these updates to the small fanbase they had in Pittsburgh.

Because of that you loved being there at rehearsals, to be able to speak with propriety about the songs they are rehearsing, about their performance as a band and honestly being the biggest fan of them. And as you were always there at rehearsals your friendship with everyone grew, you had your relationship with each one of them in a special way.

Chuck and you weren't much for talking, but when that happened you liked to talk about the movies you liked in common, he had extremely similar taste to yours when it came to cinematographic works, and therefore the conversations flowed in a nice way.

Well, with Graham and Billy nothing has changed. you grew up in the same house under the same rules, so even though with time you grew up the sibling relationship hadn't changed drastically. You were always closer with Graham, as you two are close in age, you spent more time together since after Billy had grown up and got "too nice" to hang out with his younger sister.

That phase of Billy where he left you in the corner was difficult for you, out of nowhere a person who was always your support didn't want you so close anymore and that messed with you, but over time you learned to deal with it and look for other people who really wanted you around.Even after years where you are now adults, your relationship with your older brother never went back to the way it was before, and not because you had a grudge against him or anything like that... But things just had changed.

Eddie and you didn't let each other go, you were the dynamic duo, just the perfect friendship pair. You both knew that there was nothing romantic between the two of you, much less a feeling that could grow between you, that was out of the question since you considered each other soul brothers. Without much effort, you became best friends and that's how it persists until today.

Warren was a special case, you never knew how to define your relationship with the drummer in an objective and clear way, because your relationship was far from being like that. That doesn't mean it wasn't a good relationship, the perfect definition would be: confusing.

Although he was one of the people you most wanted to be around, you only had that opportunity when they created the band, and at first it was quite difficult to be alone with Warren without any band member to butt in or disrupt the moment. And for some reason, different from the other boys you couldn't start a conversation with Rojas, because you felt embarrassed and shy around him, it was like he bewildered you.

You'd already watched Warren from afar at school, and how could you not have? He's just charming…

"Hey Y/N, today we're having a rehearsal at Chuck's house, do you want to hang out there with us?" Graham screams at the bottom of the stairs, and you can easily hear him in your room.

"I'm coming down! Wait just a minute." You ask, quickly packing your things to accompany him.

The Dunne brothers walked towards Chuck's house, while talking about random things from their day. Graham was the one who talked the most, he was very excited to show Billy all the band's ideas, the older Dunne would just say "hm" or nod between Graham's lines, which genuinely made you uncomfortable. So, you decided to be the one listening to him, asking him to tell more about his ideas and commenting about everything, adding your ideas and congratulating him for his.

Graham Dunne: Y/N is that kind of person who will do anything to make you feel comfortable around her. I swear to you, she would listen to me talk about the most boring things in the world for hours just to see me happy.

You didn't walk far until you arrived at Chuck's house, Eddie and Warren were already there talking until they noticed your presence. As soon as Warren sees you, he playfully rolls his eyes and mumbles

"Oh great, the kid sister is here." Warren says, while fixing his curls.

You give him a confused look, but he avoids eye contact and pretends to focus on adjusting his drum set.

Eddie, on the other hand, walks over to you and greets you with a warm hug.

"Hey there Y/N, good to see you again!" he says with a smile. You chat for a few moments until Billy calls over to start rehearsal.

As you walk past Warren to sit on the chair you always used to sit on practice, he can't resist making another teasing comment.

"Try to keep up, kid" he says with a smirk. "Maybe if you try hard you can understand at least a little bit."

You roll your eyes and shake your head, but can't help but feel a little flustered by his attention. Warren always made this kind of comment since the beginning of the band, was it something commenting on your age or always teasing you about something you like.

Eddie Roundtree: He was clearly trying to get her attention, he didn't leave any gaps, no matter what Y/N said or did he had to comment on something.

Rojas already had feelings for you before you got close, an intense infatuation that made his heart race every time you looked back at him and smiled. He didn't know how to act on this new feeling about you; you'd always been his best friend's sister and nothing more. But when they started the band, and he started seeing you daily at rehearsals, that little crush grew more and more into a passion.

As a defense mechanism, he started to tease you with everything. He felt nervous around you and used teasing as a way to break the ice, hoping to impress you with his humor and wit. He didn't know why he was acting this way, but when he saw your eyes going towards him, it was an inexplicable feeling. Like an idiot teenager, he just wanted the attention of the girl he liked, and if that was what made him get it, he would keep doing it.

That day after rehearsal, you and Warren find yourselves alone in the garage. The rest of the band has gone out to grab food, leaving the two of you behind. You start to pack up your things, but Warren stops you.

"Hey," he says, leaning against his drum kit. "Can we talk for a minute?"

You turn to face him, surprised by the sudden seriousness in his tone.

"Sure, what's up?" You ask, playing with your hands, you were nervous.

"I heard you say you had a rough day at work..." He starts to say and you arch an eyebrow.

"Are you listening to the conversations of others Mr Rojas?" You question in a playful tone, laughing afterward.

"I'm sorry..." He says, laughing sheepishly. "I just wanted to know if you're okay, if I can help with anything…"

You can't contain your smile, this was definitely not something you were expecting from him, you approach the drummer and he avoids looking directly into your eyes, you notice that your presence makes him nervous for some reason and you like that.

"I guess you can just distract me with anything." You smile at him. "How about showing me that beat Billy wouldn't let you put on? I know you were excited about it."

Warren smiles at being close to you and then spins one of the sticks in his fingers to start playing, he involuntarily played the best way he could to impress you that day.


Over the years, you had grown accustomed to Warren's teasing and jabs. It was a familiar routine, and you even found yourself missing it when he wasn't around. But there was something different about him when you two were alone. He was more attentive, more thoughtful, and more interested in you as a person. He would ask about your day, your hobbies, and your favorite bands, and he always seemed genuinely invested in your answers.

At first, you didn't think much of it. You assumed that he was just being friendly or maybe trying to make up for his teasing. But as you spent more time together, you started to notice how your heart would flutter when he touches your arm or leaned in close to hear you better. You tried to ignore these feelings, to convince yourself that you were just reading too much into things, but the truth was hard to deny.

One day, while you and Warren were hanging out alone in Chuck's backyard, you were sitting on the grass talking about your favorite bands. The sun was shining, and a gentle breeze was blowing, rustling the leaves of the nearby trees. Warren seemed relaxed and happy, tapping his foot to an imaginary beat.

Suddenly, Warren jumped up and ran towards thr garage, calling for you to follow him. You got up and followed him inside, the smell of oil and sweat hitting your nose. To your surprise, there was a drum set set up in the middle of the room, surrounded by guitars and amps. Warren picked up his drumsticks and started playing a beat, motioning for you to join in. You hesitated at first, but then you sat by his side and started to sing along, your voice blending with his in a perfect harmony.

For the next few hours, you played music together, experimenting with different sounds and rhythms. You forgot about time, space, and all the worries that usually plagued you. You felt alive, free, and unburdened, lost in the music and the moment.

As the sun began to set, you stopped playing and sat down on the couch, exhausted but exhilarated. Warren turned to you and smiled, his eyes shining with something you couldn't quite name.

"You know, I always feel like I can be myself when I'm playing music with you." He said, his voice low and husky. "It's like everything else just fades away."

You smiled back at him, feeling a warmth spreading in your chest.

"I feel the same way, Warren." You said, your voice soft and sincere.

You sat there in silence for a few moments, just enjoying each other's company. Your heart was beating fast, and you could feel the tension in the air. You looked into Warren's eyes and saw the same intensity that you were feeling.

He leaned in closer, and you could feel his breath on your face. His hand brushed against yours, sending shivers down your spine. You took a deep breath and opened your mouth to speak, but before you could say anything, Warren stopped you with a kiss.

His lips were soft and warm, and you melted into his embrace. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. You could feel his hands on your waist, pulling you tight against his body.

For a few moments, time seemed to stand still. You were lost in the sensation of his lips on yours, the feel of his hands on your body. You knew that this was what you had been longing for, what you had been missing all along.

When Warren finally pulled away, you were left breathless. You looked into his eyes and saw the same longing that you felt. He smiles still looking into your eyes, you lean to kiss him one more time but you are interrupted by Eddie's voice calling for you two from afar.

The problem was that Warren didn't act the same way around other people. When your brothers or the rest of the band were around, he would fall back into his old patterns of teasing and joking, and it made you feel insecure. Did he only treat you well when no one else was watching? Did he actually like you, or was he just being nice?

These conflicting emotions weighed heavily on your mind, and you found yourself thinking about Warren more and more often. You started paying closer attention to his body language and the way he looked at you. The more you thought about it, the more you realized that you might have feelings for Warren too.

Despite your doubts, Warren continued to act differently around you when you were alone. He would bring you your favorite snack when he knew you had a long day at work, or surprise you with a new album from your favorite artist. These small gestures made your heart swell with affection, but you couldn't help but wonder why he couldn't be this way in front of others.

Today the rehearsal was at the Dunne house, you were in the kitchen with your mother listening to them play in the distance, you were talking about your day at work and about some things in your day. Billy was singing "look me in the eye", your favorite song of theirs, excitedly you get up asking your mother for permission to go see them play one more time.

You make it in time for the chorus to start, you enter the garage already singing, you raise your fist to your face imitating a microphone while singing, Eddie smiles when he notices you, Graham laughs of your "performance", Billy rolls his eyes then smiles (he probably knew you were coming to listen), Camila was filming them and soon turns her camera towards you.

Warren felt butterflies in his stomach when he saw you, you looked so beautiful he just wanted to hold you and kiss you but he couldn't do that. So he holds back his smile when he sees you, trying to ignore your presence he ends up getting the timing of the song wrong. Billy turns to him, clearly annoyed.

"Let's take a coffee break." Billy says, turning off the microphone and taking a seat next to Camila.

"Will you stop right at my favorite?" You say, pretending to be sulking. "Very unfair!"

Warren comes out from behind the drum set, taking a seat on the couch next to Eddie and Graham.

"How come this is your favorite if you always sing that one line wrong?" Warren points out, laughing along with everyone but Camila.

If that comment came any other day you'd laugh along with them, but it struck all of your insecure thoughts about how the drummer really felt about you, you immediately frowned. And he noticed that, immediately he regretted what he said, for the first time you looked upset with him and he hated to see that.

"But… whatever, yours is better anyway." He ended up trying to make you smile, but when he saw that his favorite smile wasn't on your face, his heart sank.

You force a smile so that the atmosphere doesn't get awkward, a silence was established in the place but soon Eddie brings up a subject noticing that you wanted to escape this situation, you smile at him for saving you like that. As the conversation grows you take the opportunity to sneak out of the garage back to your room with frustration in your chest, damn be the moment you fell in love with that drummer.

You were lying in your bed, staring at your bedroom ceiling with your thoughts racing, insecurities slowly eating you up with absurd suggestions as to why Warren behaved like this.

"Hell, why do you have to be so f*cking complicated?" You ask the wind, feeling a great deal of frustration with the drummer.

Your thoughts are interrupted by three knocks on the door, you take your gaze to the door that was now ajar, you can see Warren with a worried face. He was afraid of how you were feeling, afraid that he had hurt you anyway.

"What do you want? Have you come to mock me here in my room now?" You were upset, and he didn't blame you for it.

"Can I come in?" You couldn't ignore him even if you wanted to, so you nod. "Look, I'm sorry…"

"I don't understand you, you know?" You sit up to look deep into his eyes. "What do you have with me? One minute you treat me like I'm the most special person in the world and the next you just ignore my existence."

Warren drops his gaze, he was hating himself for making you feel bad anyway.

"I like you Warren, f*ck I'm in love with you but you confuse me!" You were holding back some tears, and it made his heart squeeze. "So, I ask you please... Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Warren plucked up the courage to look you in the eyes, he brought his hands up to cup your face caressing your cheeks gently. His touch made you feel butterflies in your stomach, his gaze was so intense it made your heart race.

"I love you so much Y/N..." Rojas confesses, his brown eyes seem to see through you. "I've loved you since I was a stupid teenager and that's why I might have been a jerk to you, I clearly didn't know how to act in the presence of a woman as wonderful as you, I wanted your attention and that was the only way I could get it."

You listened to him attentively, trying to understand his position regarding everything that had happened between the two of you so far.

"Now we're adults, there's no reason for me to act this way I know..." He says, now holding your hands. "But there's a lot at stake here, you know? I don't mean to say that it's not worth risking things for you, in fact there were times when all I wanted was to send my fear of your brother's reaction to hell."

You laughed weakly at the last comment, little by little that weight of insecurities left you as he told how he felt.

"I just wanted to make sure none of this affected you negatively, I didn't want your relationship with your brothers to be damaged by something I did." He confesses, you quickly cut him off to clarify something.

"Everything would be so much easier if you had told me this before, pretty boy." You say taking one of your hands to his hair strands. "I know Billy can be... Intense at times but I would help you work things out."

"I just need to make it clear to you that my heart is yours, and this may sound extremely cliché but I feel that you make my heart beat." You couldn't contain your smile. "Please forgive me for being a big asshole to you, I didn't want to hurt you in any way, my love."

You don't answer, you just kiss him deeply in the intention of solving all the questions between you. He gently pulls you onto his lap, holding you close like he's afraid of losing you every second, you keep kissing him while stroking his hair, his hands caress your skin under your shirt and you sigh with the contact making him smile in the middle of the kiss.

You part your lips from his, a smile spreading across your face as he brushes the hair from your eyes. The way he looks at you makes you feel like you're the only person in the world.

"Is rehearsal done?" you ask, flashing him a mischievous grin.

"I'm not sure," he shrugs, "Camila and Billy took off somewhere, but I wasn't really paying attention. I was too worried about you."

You roll your eyes and laugh, feeling a warmth spreading through your chest. "And what about the others?"

"Eddie, Chuck, and Graham are still in the garage," he whispers, his breath hot against your cheek.

"So that means I have you all to myself?" you say, your smile growing wider and more playful.

You trail your fingers down the front of his shirt before lifting it up and over his head. His eyes follow your every move as you toss the shirt aside. You lean in to kiss him again, your lips soft and warm against his skin. He shivers under your touch, his hands finding their way to your waist and pulling you closer to him.

"I believe so, Hermosa," he murmurs, his voice low and husky as you continue.

You keep kissing his neck, feeling his pulse racing under your lips. The atmosphere between you two is electric, filled with passion and desire that had been building up for far too long.

Warren's hands wander up and down your back, feeling the curves of your body. You can feel his muscles tense and relax with every touch, his breath hot on your skin.

You pull back for a moment, looking into his eyes. They're filled with so much love and adoration that it almost takes your breath away. You can't help but smile, feeling your heart swell with emotion.

"God, I love you," he whispers, pulling you in for another kiss.

Your lips meet again, this time more urgently, as if you're trying to make up for lost time. You run your fingers through his hair, tugging gently, making him moan into your mouth.

It's like nothing else matters in that moment, just the two of you, lost in each other. You feel his hands slip under your shirt, trailing up your back, making you shiver with pleasure.

You finally break the kiss, both of you gasping for breath. Warren leans his forehead against yours, a smile on his lips.

"I never want to let you go," he whispers, and you feel your heart skip a beat.

"I don't want you to." You answer, still out of breath. "Come on Rojas, I'm all yours."

In a few weeks the band and Camila were going to move to LA, and your heart ached at the thought of having them away. They were all what kept you happy and losing them all at once was scary.

Warren told you to meet him earlier before rehearsal, so soon you were in the garage waiting for your favorite drummer. You hear a noise and soon you see your boyfriend entering the place, he runs to you hugging you tight.

"My girl!' He says between kisses on your cheek. "I missed you so much princesa."

"Missed you two." You say kissing him.

"Hey kiddo, Mom said Warren is home, did you see him?" Billy walks in coming across Warren kissing his sister. "What the f*ck!?"

Billy without thinking approaches you, pushing Warren away from you, losing balance, Rojas falls and you get scared with how quickly everything happened, you quickly get closer to your brother, pulling him away from your boyfriend.

"Hey Billy, it's okay!" You say calling his attention to you.

"What the f*ck is going on here?" Billy doesn't lower his voice, he continues his tantrum. "What is on your f*cking head Warren! Are you crazy?"

"What's going on here?" Graham enters the place trying to understand the reason for the confusion.

"I'm gonna f*cking kill you." Warren feels a shiver down his spine at the older Dunne's words.

"Would anyone care to explain to me what's going on?" Graham looked confused. "Why is Warren on the ground?"

"Warren is f*cking Y/N." Billy says, bringing his hands to his face in frustration.

Warren stands, watching you with a concerned look. You say "is everything alright?" in a whisper and he nods in agreement.

"Is that true?" Graham was shocked.

"I'm in love with her." Rojas says, Graham can't help but smile and Billy rolls his eyes.

"You can't be f*cking serious." Billy scuffs. "You barely talk to each other."

"Or you just don't pay attention to anything but yourself…" You say and Billy looks at you in disbelief.

As you speak up to your brother, you can see the shock in his face. He never expected you to be so bold and confrontational.

"Excuse me?" Billy says, his eyebrows furrowed in disbelief.

"You heard me," you say, not backing down. "You never bothered to pay attention to me or what's going on in my life. All you care about is yourself and your f*cking band."

"I can't believe you're saying this," Billy says, his voice rising.

Billy looks taken aback by your outburst. He opens his mouth to say something, but no words come out. He just stares at you, his face turning red with anger.

"Y/N, I think you should calm down." Warren says, putting a hand on your shoulder.

"No, Warren. I'm tired of him always acting like he's the only one who matters." You say, turning to face Billy. "You didn't even notice that I was happy, that I was in love with someone. All you cared about was yourself."

"Unbelievable!" Billy storms out of the garage, leaving you alone with Graham and Warren.

As you let out a frustrated sigh, Warren notices your unease and takes your hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing your knuckles gently. Graham watches the exchange between you two and chuckles, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I can't believe my little sister is dating Warren Rojas." He says, the amusem*nt evident in his tone.

You and Warren laugh along with him, feeling more at ease now.

You lean your head on Warren's shoulder and he kisses the top of your head softly. Graham takes notice of Billy's absence and decides to go check on him.

"I'll see how he's doing." Graham points towards the garage door. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

Once Graham leaves, you turn to Warren, still worried about his fall due to Billy's outburst. You reach out and cup his face, showing your affection.

"Are you okay, pretty boy?" You ask him, your concern evident in your voice.

"I'm alright, princesa." He assures you, giving you a small smile. He leans in and plants a gentle kiss on your lips.

"Sorry about that whole scene, seriously." You say, feeling embarrassed by your brother's behavior.

"It's not your fault, Hermosa." Warren says, using the affectionate nickname he has for you. "I'm just happy to be with you. And now I'm going to tell the whole world that you're mine."

You smile and pull him in for an intense kiss, never wanting to let him go.


Hi, I hope you enjoyed it... If you wanted to ask for something my requests are open, and if you want to ask and don't have any ideas check out my prompt list :) xoxo

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May 26, 2023

Love Me Again

Warren Rojas x Fem!Reader

✧.* you're reading part two of — Love Alone

✧.* collab — @dj-ts

✧.* summary — They say nothing heals like time, but what do we do when that time is not enough to deal with your wounds? What do we do when we are not talking about a wound but a mark, a scar that was shaped by passion, desire and love? You thought that time would make you forget him, but there are things that are impossible to erase. And Warren Rojas, for sure, was one of those.

✧.* warnings — Nothing too drastic, read on and find out. (I believe that anything I put here will be a spoiler)

✧.* word count — 8.5k

✧.* 🥁 — Warren's masterlist

✧.* mandy's notes — I was so excited for you guys to read this, I really hope you like it. Special thanks to @dj-ts who wrote this masterpiece with me, thank you so much 🫶🏾. And as always, good reading.

The hours passed slowly, you were almost being devoured by the anxiety that was growing in your chest, you watched the clock on the wall anxiously waiting and waiting in frustration. Your foot couldn't stop tapping against the floor, your hands were sweating and your heart was beating so fast it could leap out of your chest at any moment.

You couldn't wait any longer, and gathering all the courage that was left in you, you got up. Without further ado, you put everything you needed in your bag and decide to walk to Camila's house, if you held that secret any longer you could explode for sure.

The way there, despite not being so long, seemed to take forever. You felt a huge tightness in your chest that wouldn't go away for nothing, you were scared... Very scared. You weren't expecting any of this, everything was going as smoothly as planned, the band had released a song that had blown up all over the country, the label had taken them back and Warren looked happier than ever, you loved seeing him like this and you had no idea what this news would do... How it would be received or how you yourself would deal with it.

You take a deep breath staring at your best friend's door, hoping she would be there to help you. You knock on the door, staring at your feet trying to regulate your breathing, you can hear someone's footsteps approaching and soon the doorknob turns opening the door. As soon as you see the brunette the tears you refused to let out, invade your face.

"Y/N darling, what are you doing here so early?" Camila had her hair tied up in a bun, Julia was sleeping peacefully in a crib behind her, she still hadn't looked at you and when she did and saw tears in your eyes, her eyes widened. "Baby what's going on? Come in."

The woman sits you down on the couch in the living room, crouching down in front of you, waiting for you to calm down. She caresses your knees trying to comfort you, trying to understand what had happened.

"Y/N I don't mean to rush you, but you're scaring me." She whispers after a few minutes.

"I'm pregnant Cami." You say and she sighs, in fact it wasn't something she expected.

Camila leaving the floor sits beside you, hugging you tightly, you stayed like that for a long time until you calmed down. She breaks the hug, looking deep into your eyes. She was scared but she knew her feelings didn't compare to yours, there was something different between her situation with Billy and yours with Warren.

Deep down she knew that she and Billy would make it work, she had confidence in their love and in what they had been building for so many years. But between you and Warren everything seemed so uncertain, at least from Camila's point of view, your relationship seemed to be sustained on the sands of a beach prone to strangely unpredictable tides.

And with that in mind, Camila feared what this child could mean, and not only for them on this journey of being parents, but also how this child would deal with this constant instability in their lives.

"And what do you want to do?" She takes your hands, trying to reassure you. "I'm here to help you with any decision."

"I want to keep it." You couldn't stop crying, tears fell down your face involuntarily. "But I'm so scared of what he would think… We never talked about this before."

You feel a lump forming in your throat as you realize the magnitude of the situation. What if Warren doesn't want the baby? What if he leaves you? You had always been so sure of your feelings towards him, but now everything feels uncertain.

You take a deep breath and try to shake off the thoughts that have been haunting you for so long. The gaps in your relationship with Warren seem to be widening with each passing day. It's as if you're standing on the edge of a precipice, staring down at the dark unknown below, and you can't help but wonder if you're about to lose the love of your life.

Those memories of unrequited love come flooding back, reminding you of all the moments that still haunt you to this day. You remember the way he never said he loved you back, or the way he always pushed you away when things got too close. You can't help but wonder if he'll react the same way to this unexpected news, and the thought alone sends shivers down your spine.

You asked Camila for some time to think, you said that you would stay there in the backyard smoking alone and obviously your friend did not invade your space, making it clear that if you needed it, just call.

As you watched the sky, the tightness in your chest increased, you were in front of something so unknown that it scared you, nothing in your moment brought you a firmament, quite the contrary. But at the same time that the tide of insecure thoughts was taking over you, a breach of warm and crystalline waters showed you a little bit of hope.

You would hear Julia's laughter at one time or another, and when you took your eyes to them you could see the little girl laughing and playing with her mother's hair, your heart racing at the thought of your future child, what would it be like to be a mother? What would the face of your great love's creation look like? You thought of the way your baby's hair could be curled like his father's, the thought of having a child like him filled your heart with joy.

You were afraid, but fear was not enough to quell your longing for this baby, the longing you had for a family by Warren's side. You imagined the way he could be a great father, how he would teach the child to play the drums with the greatest pride in the world, how he would be proud of every achievement of the baby. You knew Warren, he was the most eccentric person you knew and you had no other image of him as a father.

After spending a few hours with Camila, you feel a sense of calm wash over you. She tells you about her own experiences with motherhood and how it has changed her life for the better. As you prepare to leave, you feel ready to face Warren and share the news with him, even though the little voice inside your head told you that something was going to change and not in a good way.

As you walk back home to Laurel Canyon, your mind races with excitement and anticipation. You can't wait to tell Warren and start planning your future together as a family. You tried to ignore the butterflies in your stomach that showed your anxiety, but the more you ignored the more they flew and messed with your cognition.

Despite these doubts, you push them away, determined to believe that everything will work out. But little did you know that the night ahead would be one of the most challenging of your life, and that your hopes and dreams for the future would soon come crashing down.

And every time you visited the memories of that day you regretted not listening to that little voice.

One year later

Eddie Roundtree: After she left… Warren was different.

Karen Sirko: He was out of control, at least.

Camila Dunne: I still kept in touch with Y/N for sure! She was my best friend and it wasn't a stupid move by Warren that was going to keep me away from her. But if I'm honest with you he had become someone else when she was gone.

Interviewer: Did you tell him what she told you?

Camila Dunne: *sighs* She asked me not to, I was not in my place to say anything.

Warren Rojas: When she left I... I didn't know what to do, I thought that I would finally have my freedom and that now I could live without owing anyone anything. But her absence left me with more withdrawal than any addict.

Your absence was something nothing and no one could prepare Warren for, he didn't know that losing the woman who was always by his side was going to be so agonizing and torturous, he pretended not to miss you. He hid the frustration that built in his chest every day he woke up and didn't feel you next to him in bed, he tried to ignore the tears that formed every time he remembered the nights you spent hours talking so he could help you with your sleeping problems, he tried to fill the void that your absence left in his chest in all the simple moments of his day, but it was all in vain.

He had lost count of how many women he had been with trying to forget you, imagining that would be what would fill the infinite abyss in his chest. He imagined your lips in place of hers, your hands running through the curly strands of his hair, he imagined your hands providing him that pleasure, nothing compared to having you actually there. Nothing worked, he tried all kinds of things but everyday when he woke up the feeling was still there, like it was taking your place.

As Warren tried to move on from the pain of losing you, he found himself drawn to other women, hoping to fill the void that had been left in his heart. But with every date, every kiss, every attempt at starting something new, he couldn't help but feel like he was betraying the memory of the one person who truly understood him. The only person who made him feel that way, nothing else fit the void you left.

Even though you were no longer together, his heart still belonged to you, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he had made a terrible mistake in letting you go.

It wasn't until you were gone that he realized how much he truly loved you, and now he was left with the regret of his actions and the painful realization that he may never find someone who could fill the void you left behind.

He was laying in bed, the soft sheets crumpled beneath him as he stared up at the ceiling, willing the tears to stop flowing down his face. But the memories of you were too vivid, too overwhelming. He could almost feel the warmth of your body next to his, the way your hand would intertwine with his in the darkness.

He could hear the sound of your laughter echoing in the room, as fresh and joyous as the first time he heard it, he could picture perfectly the way you whimpered under his touch every night when he was making you his, that room held all the most intimate and cherished moments between you two and although he knew that being there was like poke his wound he couldn't leave it behind the only thing that held you - or the memories of you at least - with him.

He remembered the way you would always eat breakfast in the morning together, the smell of the brewing beans filling the room and chasing away the last remnants of sleep. And now, as he lay there alone, he realized that he would never experience those moments again. The pain was like a knife twisting in his chest, sharp and unrelenting, and he needed it to stop. He needed to feel you again, holding you close to him again.

He didn't sleep that night, the cool air from the open window seeping into his bones as he tossed and turned. Despite trying to quiet his thoughts, he couldn't get rid of the image of what he missed so much: a life by your side. A few months after you left, he began to notice that none of the things he achieved or wanted to enjoy were as fun without you there. Little by little, when all the adrenaline from the drugs and shows passed, he felt that tightness in his chest again. And as the months went by, he realized that you were indeed the woman he loved, that he wanted to be close to, that he wanted to call his own and that he wanted to be... And he had let you go.

As soon as he noticed the morning taking over the sky, he got up. The hardwood floors creaked under his feet as he made his way to the kitchen, where the smell of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon lingered in the air. Rojas didn't talk to anyone as he walked through the kitchen, his friends probably noticing the brooding look on his face. He didn't take long to grab the keys to his van and head to Billy and Camila's house. He couldn't do it anymore... He needed to have you back.

As he drove through the streets, he watched the city waking up, the stores opening, people leaving their homes to go to their jobs, families taking their children to school, seniors walking their pets. The world around him was alive and moving forward, but he felt stuck in the past, as if with your departure a pause had held him back in that moment where he was crying, sitting on your bed, staring at your empty closet. The sun was just starting to peek over the horizon, casting a warm glow over everything it touched, but to Rojas, the world was gray and lifeless without you by his side.

Warren knocked desperately on the door without stopping, he didn't think that maybe he could wake up Julia or Billy and Camila, he just urgently needed that address, he needed to know where you were.

"Jeez, I'm going!" He heard Camila's weak voice on the other side of the wooden object.

She opens the door with Julia in her lap, she frowns, wondering why the drummer is at her door so early.

"Warren?" She was interrupted by the drummer entering the house, and as soon as he passed she closed the door. "Is everything okay?"

"No Cami." He answers her in spanish, turning to her with tears in his eyes. "I don't know what to do…"

Camila leaves Júlia in the crib she had in the living room, inviting Warren to sit with her on the couch.

"What's going on?" She asks, concerned in her eyes.

"I need to see her, Cami." Warren looked exhausted, as if all of his energy had drained out of his body. "I can't f*cking sleep, I can't eat, I can't do anything without her! I can't stand being away from her anymore…"

"Warren…" She feels her heart ache, he looked really messed up. "You really f*cked up."

"I know Cami, I know that I was a f*cking asshole and you have no idea how much I regret it." He ran his hands through his hair in frustration.

"She's fine Warren, I don't want you to hurt her again." Camila says sincerely.

"Camila I don't know how to live without her." Warren had tears in his eyes. "Believe me I tried, but every time I tried to be with someone else... I don't know, it felt wrong, like I was cheating on her."

"And why did it take you so long to realize that?" Camila had a calm voice, as if trying to understand if what he said was true.

"Because I'm an idiot, I didn't realize how important she is to me until she left." He confesses, trying to organize the thoughts that have been plaguing him. "I miss her, every detail... The way she loved to talk me to sleep, the way I could tell her about anything she would make it sound interesting, the way she smiled every time I called her doll… I miss the way she would call my name while I-"

Camila stops him. "Okay okay, no need so many details."

"What I mean to say is that I'm empty without her, I can't keep going without her Cami." He played nervously with the rings on his hands.

"I can't Warren, I'm sorry." The brunette said, avoiding looking at him. "It is complicated…"

"I know it's complicated! I'm living this complicated moment since the love of my f*cking life left me." Warren exploded in frustration. "Come on Cami, don't you love Billy?" Camila nods slowly, trying to understand what he means. "Then you know what I'm talking about, she's the air I breathe, and you're the only one who can help me."

"Look, she's not the same anymore… Do you understand that?" With every word she said, Warren grew more confused. "I mean that she isn't under the same circ*mstances as a year ago, she's not alone Warren. And you should know that entering her life again means risking a lot for her."

Warren feels his chest tighten, what he feared maybe was happening, you got over it and were happy without him. He loved seeing that beautiful smile on your face, but he knew he wasn't ready to not be the reason for that smile.

"You mean that…" He doesn't find the courage to say what he was thinking. "Look, I just need to talk to her, and for once be honest about everything. Please Cami."

"I swear to God Warren if you do anything to her, I'll f*cking kill you!" She gives him the address. "Please, don't f*ck this up"

20 minutes later

You struggled to keep your eyes open, your daughter hadn't let you sleep all night, she was a little sick and was demanding a lot from you. So, after spending a sleepless night next to her, you had just put the baby to sleep when a knock on the door filled the house with noise.

“f*ck, shut up, shut up, shut up,” you muttered to yourself hoping that your baby wouldn’t wake up because of the sound. Once you were down the stairs you said “Coming!” in hopes that whoever it was wouldn’t knock again.

Then you opened the door. Never expecting what your eyes would find, Warren was there looking as tired as you, but probably for different reasons. His hands were in his pockets and he was rocking back and forth nervously, you had imagined this moment many times before but experiencing it was a completely different thing.

For some reason you believed your eyes were deceiving you somehow, you stared at that face you've admired so many times before with curiosity and at the same time reluctance. He opens his mouth to say something but you cut him off.

“Warren?” you asked breathless.

He looked at you with his big puppy eyes, he was a little out of breath from the rush of it all, the nervousness of the whole situation, the rush of going to Camila's house to get here to see you without even processing the information taking over him, now that he finally stopped to breathe.

You hadn’t seen him in a year but he looked the same, the characteristic mustache on his face accentuated his beauty, the curls fell over his face in a relaxed way just as you remembered. He looked like the Warren you loved way back when, the man that made your heart beat faster, the love of your life.

“What are you doing here—” you started but were, characteristically, cut off by the ever impatient man standing in front of you.

“I love you,” he stated, his voice unwavering. His eyes were teary and hearing those words that you've waited so long for so many years was like finally breathing after a swim.

Your surprised look was evident, your racing heart was beating so hard that you felt it would jump out of your chest, the emotion was so strong that words would not come out. Should you believe him?

“Warren, I-” You start to say, your voice shaky evident. "I don't know if it's a great time for this conversation."

You try to ignore the tightness that grows in your chest, avoiding looking into his eyes as much as possible, you knew that if you looked a little longer at that paradise you would surrender. You tried to obey your instincts and close the door in his face, close any loophole that would leave an outlet for him to hurt you or hurt your daughter, but something inside you wouldn't allow it.

Warren slowly approaches you, noticing your hands gripping the door tightly, he brings his hand to yours, touching it gently as if he is gradually noticing how far he can go with you. Feeling his touch on you was like an electric shock, a surge of life in a dead body, it was like a guide to what you called and recognized as home.

Your eyes went to his hand over yours, the lump in your throat grew and the urge to cry came, why did everything have to be so intense with him? You wanted to let him in, that much was obvious, but there was so much at stake…you had gotten used to getting along without him.

"Warren, this is not a good time." You repeat, trying to sound more firm in your decision this time.

He smiles a little, averting his gaze downwards. “Y/N, listen to me, Please…"

Before you could say anything, the cry of your baby girl answered for you. She had woken from the commotion downstairs. The declarations of love, the tension… maybe she knew it was her father. Maybe she knew it was time.

You feel your entire body go cold, your legs weaken and your knees tremble threatening to give out. You close your eyes hoping that this is all a nightmare, obviously it wasn't your little one's fault, but it was surprising how she had chosen the worst moment to cry.

Warren glanced up the stairs where the cry came from and looked back at you in utter shock. People always thought him the airhead of the group but you knew just by looking at him that he caught on immediately what was going on. His face was pale, he seemed to be thinking a thousand things at the same time and he was actually thinking, trying to understand if he had heard correctly, but the continuation of the baby's cry leaves no room for any further doubt.

“Wh- Y/n… When Camila said you weren’t alone, I thought she meant… Well, I thought she meant you were dating someone or married or something, I didn’t think… You have a baby?” Warren thought out loud, it was hard to organize his jumbled thoughts.

You squint in frustration, sighing heavily, you feel trapped. “You have one too. We have one.. a baby, I mean” You responded, ripping off the bandaid once and for all.

For minutes his world changes, it was as if everything around him froze and your words constantly reverberated in his mind, a baby... He had a child. "It 's mine?” Warren asked, still choked with the information.

His eyes seemed to sparkle, and you can't help the smile that breaks out on your face, “She’s yours, yes."

He sighs, feeling and processing everything he had just heard, he had a daughter, and he had spent all this time away from her... His chest tightens at the thought of the lost moments, the consequences of his bad choices.

You observe his frustrated expression, trying to decipher what to do from then on, he already knew everything, nothing fairer than letting him meet his daughter, right? Your wounded heart had the tendency to protect your girl from him, not to let her suffer the same way you suffered through her father's attitudes, but she had to make that choice, not you for her.

“Would you like to meet her?” you ask, opening the door slightly.

“I don’t want to intrude, I mean obviously there’s a reason you didn’t tell me,” He whispered, still shocked by the revelation

“Warren, please. She’s your kid, of course you can meet her,” You answered, deliberately ignoring the fact that you didn’t tell him. You open the door wider and let him in. “Her room is just upstairs.”

Warren flashes a grateful smile, as if he knows he's being given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Stepping on eggshells, he approaches you, entering the house.

You guide him up the stairs, he observes your cozy home, the frames with pictures of you with family members he knew very well, others with friends he had in common with you, others with some people that he didn't know. He stops on a step, looking at a picture of you pregnant, he feels his chest tighten and you just notice him stop out of nowhere, and turns around to understand what happened.

"You look stunning." He says, almost in a whisper.

You look fondly at the image, you never thought to have him looking at it one day. "She didn't want to be born at all, I was about to explode." You say with a laugh, remembering the circ*mstances in which the photo was taken.

Your belly was huge, you were wearing a flowery dress lying on a sofa, a doll on top of your belly and a genuine smile on your face.

You don't continue the story, you just keep going up the stairs, he accompanies you.

Warren shakily made his way towards you. He was shaking so he grabbed the railing of the stairs, his knuckles going white. You pretended not to notice. Or maybe you just didn’t notice, you had your own nerves to worry about.

Your nerves were a live-wire but you knew it was only an opportunity. You didn’t let him in on the pregnancy, but that didn’t mean he shouldn’t get the choice of being a father to his child. That didn’t mean the baby should grow up without a father entirely. You were wary, of course you were wary, but you had to think for the both of you— rationally.

He had hurt you so much that night, the pain of a broken heart wasn't easy to deal with, and carrying his daughter was a constant reminder of the love that could work. But besides that, your girl had shown you that what you felt for Warren wasn't crazy, that from the beginning back in Pittsburgh things had a purpose because they would lead you here, where you would hold your little girl in your arms for the first time and feel complete.

Giving Warren access to something so protected by you was difficult, you were so afraid of what it would unleash. You stop at her bedroom door, gripping the doorknob with all the strength you have in you, before opening it, you turn to him.

"You know this is a once in a lifetime chance, don't you?" The fear in your eyes was evident, and he understood that. "Please Rojas, don't f*ck this up."

He doesn't say anything, and you don't waste any more time, opening the door to the crying baby’s nursery. You didn’t even wait for him to walk in; you went straight to the kid and tried to calm her down. You wanted somewhere to put your arms so Warren couldn’t see you shaking. He wouldn’t have minded but you didn’t care.

You wouldn't let him see you vulnerable, not now.

You nap the little one on your lap and when she finally calms down you notice the man approaching you slowly, as if he didn't know how to deal with this situation. The little girl had her eyes closed, her curly black hair was disheveled, probably due to the nap she just had.

You kiss her forehead, still holding her close to your chest, reassuring the baby in your arms. You take your gaze to the man huddled in the room, indicating with your head for him to approach.

Rojas takes light steps towards you, watching the baby in your lap, feeling his heart racing in his chest. When he finally comes to you and looks at the baby's face he feels complete, she was sleeping peacefully the curls on her head were messy, black strands similar to her father's, her nose was identical to yours and Warren doesn't stop smiling when he notices such a detail, she was the perfect combination of the two of you, the result of what the universe always wanted for you.

“Holy sh*t,” Warren said, his voice shaky and eyes watery, “She’s so cute. Like little raviolis put together to make a little baby,” he chuckled.

You laughed at that and realized exactly how much you truly missed him. Your laughter fills his ears like a tune from a perfect symphony, he feels the butterflies in his stomach wake up and dance to the effect that someone special is nearby. He's been missing this so much, feeling complete with you by his side.

He takes his gaze to you, it was inevitable, your laughter brought him closer and closer to you. And seeing you laugh while rolling your eyes, he remembered what it was like to feel complete.

“Only you, Warren,” you said, wishing that you could have this with him all the time. You notice his eyes glazed over the baby, and after struggling a lot with the inner voice of wisdom within you, you question. “Do you want to hold her?”

“Is that ok?” he asked in response, his eyes never leaving the little girl.

“Of course it’s ok, silly, she’s your kid,” you reminded him. Carefully, you handed your baby over to her father and watched him melt at the feel of her in his arms. You felt like your knees might give out at the sight of your daughter with him like that— it was just such a tender moment.

“What’s her name?” he asked without looking away from her. You knew every detail of him, you knew he was trying hard not to cry.

The little girl finds the different contact strange, moving in her father's lap, she frowns and you smile with the expressions that this little being was capable of making.

“Liz,” you said. His eyes snapped up to you. "Actually, Elizabeth.” Watching him with her in his arms was an exciting and at the same time triggering scene, you had imagined this moment many times during pregnancy and after her birth, having your thoughts come alive was at least something.

For a while you remained in a soft silence, Warren didn't take his eyes off little Liz as if he memorized every detail of her. You waited for her to sleep, and when she finally did so, you led Rojas to the living room of your house, offering him something to eat.

You felt the silence consume you both, the questions, the anguish, the longing, the yearning all hovered between you as the water boiled for the coffee you made. Warren stared at your every move, your presence was something he wanted so badly he was afraid of doing something to lose it. But silence couldn't remain forever, he waits for you to sit on the couch next to him.

“Doll… Why didn’t you tell me?” He questioned as a tear fell down his cheek.

You sigh, as many times as you thought about this conversation, having it was something else entirely... Everything you thought to say, all the ways you thought to act, slipped from your mind as you looked straight into his eyes.

“The day that I saw you kiss that other girl." You clarify, he nods, embarrassed by the matter. "That was the day I found out, earlier. I couldn’t bring myself to tell you after all I saw."

You thought that after a year it was going to be easier, but the knot that rises in your throat is proof that it wasn't.

Your hands were shaking and when he noticed that he wanted very much to take them in his, to show comfort, but your withdrawal indicated that it was better not.

"We had never talked about kids before, I didn’t know how you’d react. I had just seen the love of my life kissing another woman, I didn't have the courage to tell you. I also didn't want you to think this was my way of keeping you close."

"I would never think that…" he cuts you off, not offended but trying to explain himself somehow.

"But, can you blame me for thinking that Warren?" You laugh wryly, rolling your eyes slightly. "Through all the years we dated you never said you loved me." You shrug, he feels your chest tighten and you continue.

"Of course I didn’t want to do it on my own but I knew I could manage, and I have,” you replied, “I wanted to tell you, I did, but… I don't know, I needed my time.”

“Were you going to tell me?,” he asked, afraid of the answer.

"I was going to, I just didn't know when." You sigh, feeling the surroundings weigh.

There was a beat then— a tension that hung in the air with words both of you wanted to say but only one of you had the courage.

"I know I hurt you a lot." He started to say, your chest tightening as you realized he was going to bring up the subject. "But I would like to redeem myself, I would like to be part of this child's life... Your life."

"She is your daughter, you can certainly be part of her life." You assure him, this certainty brings him comfort, but when he notices that you were not included in that speech, he feels afraid. "I just hope you know that I'm her mother, and that's all, I'm your daughter's mom."

He felt his chest tighten, he knew this was possible, the chances of rejection were high and he was dealing with them now, but it hurt not to have you. It hurts to have failed you so much. He tries to ignore the tears that are reluctant to come out of his eyes, he takes a deep breath, trying not to let his frustrations out on you.

"I love you doll." He says, looking deep into your eyes, the words echo like magic inside you. "And I understand, but I want you to know that I want you as my girlfriend, my wife, my forever."

"Warren, please." Your words came out in a whisper, too many emotions for one day. "Would you mind leaving me alone now? You can come back tomorrow."

He already expected this reaction, and always aiming to respect your space he gets up.

"Of course." You guide him to the door, and before he leaves, he turns around. "I'll be back tomorrow, and I promise you that every day I'll show you that you made a great choice in giving me another chance."

"Have a great night Rojas." You say, closing the door, and as soon as you hear the click of it the tears in your eyes fall. You still loved him, and a lot.

As the door closed, you leaned against it, tears streaming down your face. The weight of the day's emotions crashed over you like a tidal wave, leaving you feeling both relieved and overwhelmed. Part of you wanted to believe Warren's words, to trust that he could change and be the man you had always hoped he would be. But another part of you, the part that had been hurt and betrayed, was hesitant to let him back into your life so easily.

You wiped away your tears, determined to stay strong for your daughter, Liz. She was the most important person in your life now, and you couldn't let your own feelings cloud your judgment. You took a deep breath and walked back into the house upstairs, where Liz was sleeping peacefully in her crib. Gazing at her tiny, innocent face, you knew that everything you did from this point on would be for her.

Over the next few days, Warren kept his promise. He showed up at your doorstep every morning with a bouquet of flowers, a gift for your daughter and a sincere apology. He understood that it would take time to earn back your trust, and he was willing to do whatever it took. Warren didn't just want to be a part of Liz's life; he wanted to be there for you too. He wanted to make things right, to have his family with you.

Slowly, you allowed Warren to become more involved. He spent time with Liz, learning how to change diapers, feed her, and soothe her when she cried. You watched as he held her, his eyes filled with love and tenderness. It warmed your heart to see them together, and you couldn't deny the bond that was forming between them. Watching him become a father was beautiful, he was always willing to learn more and do everything for his daughter, you slowly didn't remember how you had managed all of this without him.

As the days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, Warren proved himself to be a changed man. He showed up more often at your house, spending the morning with Liz while you got some work done, in the afternoon he helped to organize the house while you took care of the little one, offering to help with chores and cooking. He listened to your concerns and fears, providing a listening ear and words of comfort. Slowly but surely, he was showing himself to be the man you had always wanted him to be.

You never stopped loving him, not even when he broke your heart, the way love works is ironic and funny, you didn't understand and probably never would. From the first time you saw him, you knew your heart was his, and despite your fears about letting him into your life again, it didn't undo the love you had for him. It only made you more cautious, you avoided too much intimacy, you avoided any kind of excessive physical contact, very intimate conversations, you tried to keep him just as the father of your daughter, and that's all.

Warren was your addiction, a potent drug coursing through your veins. Since the age of sixteen, he became your illicit substance, an intoxicating elixir that both exhilarated and devastated you.

Like a drug, he captivated your senses, igniting a fiery craving deep within your soul. His presence was a double-edged sword, a tumultuous blend of euphoria and despair. Just a glimpse of his smile sent waves of ecstasy through you, leaving you craving more, yearning for the high only he could provide.

But with every high came the inevitable crash. The pain of betrayal cut through your heart like a searing withdrawal, leaving you trembling and broken. Yet, even in your shattered state, you couldn't resist the allure of his presence. Like a desperate addict, you found solace in the numbness he brought, an escape from the reality you desperately wished to forget.

You knew you had to protect yourself, to guard your heart from the dangerous allure of his touch. You constructed walls, built barriers around your emotions, and numbed yourself to his effect. Yet, the more you tried to resist, the more his influence seeped into your veins, overpowering your defenses.

His constant presence became a merciless temptation, testing your resolve with every passing day. The longing within you grew stronger, pulling you back into the abyss of emotions you fought so hard to suppress. It was a dangerous dance, a relentless struggle between the desire to indulge and the need to break free.

Just as a drug addict battles against the chains of addiction, you battled against your own yearning for Warren. You knew the pull he had on you was both your downfall and your weakness. And yet, despite the turmoil he caused, you couldn't deny the undeniable truth: you were still madly, deeply in love with him.

Liz had already slept for a few hours, the clock said two in the morning and you and Warren shared a grapevine in the living room while talking about anything. Matters go, matters come and soon you're talking about your old relationship and the day he showed up at your door after a year.

"What did you come to do here, huh?" You question, your words scrambled by alcohol.

"Didn't I make it clear that day, doll?" He asks, a smile playing on his lips.

"You said you loved me." You said laughing, and killing the rest of the liquid in your glass. "Don't ever call me a doll again!" You exclaim awkwardly, now that you've processed the sentence he's just said.

He looks down, lying down better in the armchair in front of you, how the f*ck could he be so handsome?

"You used to like the nickname." He says, shrugging, instantly regretting it when he sees your withering gaze on him. "I'm sorry, is that... I got used to it, but if it bothers you."

You interrupt him, your senses being stunned by the liquor. "It bothers me precisely because of that, because I f*cking love it."

Rojas feels his body surrender, he wanted you so much. "Y/N listen…"

Still under the influence of the drink, or so you prefer to believe, you interrupted him again. “One thing has been on my mind since the day you knocked on that f*cking door." You say pointing to the wooden object. The drummer watches you closely “Warren, you came here to tell me you loved me. I need to know that you mean it—”

Warren gets up from where he was sitting, he approaches you, kneeling in front of you to show himself more intimate with you in some way. “I do, of course I do!”

"You know Rojas, I've loved you since I was sixteen years old." You sigh, trying to hold back the tears in your eyes. "When I met you, I knew that I had no escape... My heart was already yours, and I never demanded that you love me the same way, I think I was always very innocent dreaming of the day that you'd finally tell me those words…"

He watched you intently, feeling his heart sink, he let you continue, so you do.

"I never expected you to love me the way I love you." Hearing the words in the present tense he held himself back from smiling, you still loved him. "I just think I hoped you had at least enough affection for me to respect me."

He knew you were talking about that night, he condemned himself so much for his wrong, childish and extremely rash actions. "I guess what I'm trying to say is, I know you've been a wonderful father to her over the last few months, and I know you love her." You settle down on the couch, staring into his eyes after so long, he feels exposed, vulnerable.

"But I've waited a long time to hear this." You say, looking down at your lap you see a drop of water fall and only then do you realize you've been crying. "If you love me, I need you to know how important these words are to me."

He observed you intently, his love for you palpable in his gaze. He had experienced the emptiness that came with your absence, realizing that living without you was an impossible feat. With a tender gesture, he gently brushed away the tears cascading down your cheeks. Helplessly, you found yourself surrendering to his touch, feeling an innate sense of belonging. Perhaps, deep down, that's where you truly belonged.

His eyes, like an infinite abyss, held a captivating allure that enticed you to delve into uncharted territory. Within that unknown realm lay your destiny, your purpose, your frustrations, and your deepest desires. He embodied your destiny, your missing piece, your soul mate. No matter how much you resisted, you always found yourself returning to this very place—where your hands intertwined, where each embrace felt like coming home.

In his eyes, you saw the reflection of a shared journey, a connection that defied logic and surpassed all obstacles. The bond between you two was unbreakable, as if it had been woven into the fabric of the universe itself. With every passing moment, the undeniable truth emerged: you were meant to be together, entwined in a love that transcended time and space.

"I have never loved and will never love anyone the way I love you." Warren slowly approaches you, as if testing limits. "I love you Y/N, and I'm so sorry it took me so long to acknowledge and say that."

His words wash over you like a tsunami, it's not like it made things any easier or took you back to the beginning but it was a relief, feeling like you weren't the only one feeling all of this. He leans closer, holding your face gently, feeling his touch again was relieving.

“Doll, when I came here to tell you I love you. I meant that." You knew this man like the back of your hand, you knew he was telling you the truth. "And Elizabeth is just an extension of both of us, so I love her by default. That sounds oversimplified, I know that," He was nervous, you could feel his cold hands against your cheeks. "My point is: you’re my family. Both of you. I’m ready for this, I promise,” He pleaded. He needed you to understand, and you did. You understood completely.

You smile, unable to contain it, you roll your eyes. "I'm really drunk right now, I'll probably forget about it all tomorrow, so you have a chance to change your mind huh."

Warren rolls his eyes this time, he sits down on the couch, holding your hands this time. "I won't change my mind, I know what I want, I've always wanted you. It 's you, my love."

You take a deep breath, it's all the drink's fault, you repeat a hundred times in your mind.

"I love you Warren Rojas." You confess, he smiles, a sincere smile that conveys relief and pure joy.

"Can I kiss you? Please…" His voice was barely a whisper, he yearned for you, and you for him.

You sit on his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. He looks at you with longing, curiosity, and need. "You must."

As the weight of your confessions hung in the air, a charged energy enveloped the room. Time seemed to slow down, the world fading into the background as you locked eyes with Warren, your hearts beating in sync.

With a mutual understanding, you eased yourself onto his lap, your bodies aligning as if they were always meant to fit together. Your arms encircled his neck, pulling him closer, while his hands found their place, resting gently on your waist.

In that moment, everything around you ceased to exist. The soft glow of the room seemed to intensify, illuminating the space between you. Anticipation crackled in the air, the weight of unspoken desires making the atmosphere electric.

As your faces drew closer, the warmth of his breath mingled with yours, a tantalizing prelude to the intimacy that awaited. His gaze bore into your soul, his eyes filled with a mixture of longing, curiosity, and an overwhelming need that mirrored your own.

Closing your eyes, you surrendered to the inevitability of the moment, allowing your lips to meet in a delicate collision. It started with a tender brush, a hesitant exploration, testing the waters of this newfound yet known connection. But the sparks ignited, and the kiss deepened, fuelled by a shared hunger and the unspoken promises of a love rekindled.

His lips moved against yours with a fervor that mirrored the intensity of your emotions. It was a dance of passion and tenderness, a symphony of rediscovery and forgiveness. Each touch, each caress, conveyed a multitude of emotions that words could never capture.

Time lost all meaning as the kiss deepened, the world outside fading away. In that singular moment, it was just the two of you, locked in a timeless embrace. The weight of past mistakes dissolved, replaced by the sheer bliss of being in each other's arms once again.

You are interrupted by your little girl crying in the room upstairs, you break away staring at each other for a moment, you can't hold back and start laughing at the situation, hiding your face in his neck. He holds you tenderly, not wanting to let you go.

"Alright tiger, go get your kid." You say patting his shoulder, getting off his lap.

Warren goes upstairs to his daughter's room, he finds the little girl crying propped up in her crib.

"Hello there kitten." He whispers, the little one seems to calm down with the figure of her father, opening her chubby arms towards him. "Wanna get downstairs to mommy?"

The baby hides her face in the crook of her father's neck, which makes him smile as he remembers her mother's act a few seconds ago. He goes with her to the breastfeeding chair with the little one in his lap, and stays there making her sleep.

You notice the man's delay, and decide to go after him, going up the stairs slowly so as not to make too much noise and wake up Liz, who had probably already gone back to sleep. You arrive at the foot of her bedroom door, finding Warren asleep with the little one in his lap, her head resting on her father's chest, he hugged her gently like a treasure.

Your heart melts through the scene, these two were your everything, you never thought you would love someone as much as you loved them. You enter the room, taking the little one in your arm gently, she makes a face threatening to wake up but you calm her down before that, you put her in her crib then turn to Warren.

"Hey pretty boy." You call him out, gently stroking his knee. "Come on, let's go to bed and sleep."

He yawns, opening his eyes slowly, he is startled to not feel Liz in his lap, but you reassure him by pointing to the crib.

You leave the room, letting the door ajar after you leave. You start to head towards your room, but stop when you notice Warren going down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" You question yawning, leaning your body on the stair railing.

"To the couch." He clarifies, You roll your eyes, taking him by the hand and leading him to your room.

"You will sleep in our bed." He smiles and kisses you tenderly, you lie on the bed and talk until you fall asleep.

You took a chance on him then, just as you did when you moved to California. And you never looked back.


Hi, I hope you enjoyed it... Just so you guys know my requests are temporarily closed, so I can work on what you guys already asked me and also write the Warren's mini series I'm working on :) xoxo

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Taglist: @lantsovcolors, @quezadaas @boredsh*t-shadow @jaidaschampagneproblems @warrenrojaswife @94namkooksworld (I couldn't tag you for some reason, send me a dm so we can try to resolve what might have been)

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May 22, 2023

She's My Fire

Warren Rojas x Fem!Reader

✧.* requested by anon @legendaryprunerascalpaper — hiii can you do num .14 and num .31 on your prompt list with warren. I need more imagines of him. please and thank uuu :)

✧.* summary — Intensity, instability, desire and love that's what surrounded you and Warren since forever. And he was never good at dealing with it.

✧.* warnings — Mention and connotation of sex, mention of drugs.

✧.* word count — 6.5k

✧.* 🥁 — Warren's masterlist

✧.* mandy's notes — I got carried away on this one hahaha, I hope you like it. Good reading 🫶🏾

Warren had known you since you were both wide-eyed children, exploring the world with boundless curiosity. You had grown up side by side in Pittsburgh, your lives intertwined through shared family gatherings, school events, and endless childhood adventures. After all, he was best friends with your brother, Eddie.

But it wasn't until you reached the tumultuous years of adolescence that Warren began to see you through a different lens. As the awkwardness of youth morphed into the stirring complexities of adulthood, he found himself captivated by your evolving presence. The innocence that once defined your interactions began to take on new shades of meaning. He felt desire for you, he felt need for you, he wanted you close... And this new feeling scared him.

Caught off guard by this shift, Warren stumbled through the maze of his own emotions. Confusion mingled with fascination, and the lines between friendship and something more blurred. It was a delicate dance, one he was ill-prepared to navigate.

Fearing the vulnerability that accompanied these uncharted waters, Warren sought refuge in the familiar territory of rivalry. He masked his burgeoning feelings with snarky comments and competitive banter, disguising the depth of his emotions even from himself. The label of "hate" was a convenient shield to guard against the turmoil within his heart.

But deep down, he knew that his growing attraction to you was far from hatred. It was an unspoken yearning, an ache to be near you, to understand the intricacies of your mind and soul. The confusion only intensified as the years passed, leaving Warren caught between the comfort of your shared history and the undeniable pull he felt towards you.

He didn't like to admit it but the rivalry he created between you aroused an attention from you that he loved. He loved seeing your eyes roll when he made an unnecessary comment, he loved the way you bristled at his presence, he loved having that attention from you even if it was under those circ*mstances.

For you on the other hand, there was an undeniable clash between the two of you. Your spirited personalities clashed like opposing forces, resulting in constant arguments and bickering. It seemed as though you couldn't agree on anything, and your dynamic became defined by rivalry and irritation.

However, beneath the surface, there was always a part of you that wondered why Warren seemed to provoke such strong emotions within you. You couldn't deny the electric tension that crackled in the air whenever he was near. It was a mixture of annoyance and something inexplicably more, but you couldn't quite put your finger on it.

Warren is best friends with your brother, Eddie, so he's always lived in your house, you'd recognize that curly hair from miles away, would you know which laugh was his amid the audience of a comedy show, he was one in a million and you knew all the characteristics that made him such. To say that you were close would be an exaggeration, but your relationship was always peaceful and friendly until that day...

You wake up startled, the bead of sweat runs down your forehead and your hands shook as your uneven breathing became more evident. You sigh opening your eyes, facing the ceiling of your room, the night was still evident in the window and you think it would be the early hours of the morning.

Relief that it was just a nightmare washes over you like a cold shower on a hot day, you sit up in bed trying to catch your breath. You've already lost sleep anyway, so you decide to take a cold shower to calm down, and it works.

You watched yourself in front of the bathroom mirror, the icy floor made your body shiver as you dried the locks of your hair. You wrap yourself in a towel and walk down the hall to your room, the environment was dark and you didn't want to turn on any light so as not to wake up who was in the house. For this reason, your steps were light and slow.

"Hey kiddo, are you alright there?" In a loud whisper you hear Warren's voice behind you.

"f*cking hell Warren!" You jump in fright, clutching the towel to your body. "What the f*ck are you doing up so late? I didn't even know you were here, my god."

"Eddie called me at the last minute.” Warren answers your last line. “What are you doing up at so late?” He returns the question.

Watching him only lit by the moonlight was almost like watching an opera, he was so beautiful.

"Couldn't sleep." You reply by trying to ignore the way your heart was racing at the thought of what it would be like to have his arms around your waist pulling you close. He arched his brows in concern. "Just a silly nightmare, and since I couldn't sleep... I decided to take a shower."

"I'm sorry about that." And he says with a friendly smile, for a few moments you remain silent, he puts his hands in his pockets as if trying to quiet something in him. "Well I'll leave you alone now..."

"Actually." You say holding his arm, preventing him from leaving. "Don't you want to smoke a joint with me?"

Rojas smiles, watching your hand on his arm, he breaks free of your grip and takes your hand. "Hell yeah."

As you settle on your bed, you take out a joint from a small stash hidden in your bedside drawer. The soft glow of the moonlight seeps through the window, casting a tranquil ambiance in the room. You light the joint, taking a deep inhale before passing it to Warren.

You lie side by side, your bodies comfortably sprawled on the bed, your eyes focused on the ceiling above. The smoke wafts around you, creating a haze that adds to the air of relaxation. You take turns passing the joint between you, the ritual creating a rhythm that matches the cadence of your conversation.

Your voices mingle in the quiet space, the exchange of words flowing freely as you delve into topics both light and profound. The weight of the world seems to dissipate as you talk about your dreams, your fears, and your shared memories. The ceiling becomes a canvas upon which you paint your hopes and vulnerabilities.

The sound of laughter fills the room, intertwining with the fragrant smoke as you reminisce about childhood antics and silly escapades. Time becomes elastic, the minutes stretching into moments of pure connection. You share secrets and dreams, your guards gradually falling away with each passing breath.

Occasionally, your eyes meet, the unspoken desires flickering in the depths of your gazes. There is a magnetic pull between you, a palpable tension that lingers in the air. It's as if the universe has conspired to bring you to this moment, where the boundaries that once defined your relationship begin to blur.

You find solace in the comfort of each other's presence, a sanctuary within the walls of your bedroom. The joint burns down to the end, but the intimacy shared in this small space continues to grow. You talk about everything and nothing, your voices echoing in the room, creating an invisible thread that binds you closer.

As you lie there, side by side, your fingers gently grazing, the silence between your words speaks volumes. The world outside your bedroom seems distant and insignificant, while the connection you share becomes the focal point of your universe.

In the dimly lit room, the soft murmurs and shared laughter wrap around you like a warm embrace. Time seems to stand still as you navigate the delicate balance between friendship and something more, your heart pulsating with anticipation for what lies ahead.

The ceiling above, adorned with scattered constellations of stardust, bears witness to your unspoken desires and the uncharted territory you are about to embark upon. In this hazy, vulnerable moment, you find yourself on the precipice of a love that has been simmering beneath the surface for far too long.

You both lie there, gazing into each other's eyes, the silence pregnant with anticipation. The intensity of the moment hangs in the air, the unspoken desires swirling between you like a tempest.

A small smile plays on Warren's lips as he breaks the silence. "You know, Y/N," he says, his voice husky, "You're staring."

You can't help but chuckle softly, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. "That's probably the joint's fault," you reply, your voice tinged with playful warning. You smirk at him and sit on his lap. "And if you say one word of that to my brother, I'll rip you apart."

Warren's eyes sparkle with a mix of mischief and desire, and before you can react, he suddenly flips you over, his body now hovering above yours. The air crackles with electricity as he leans down, his lips inches away from yours. "You won't hear a word from me," he murmurs, his voice laced with urgency.

Your breath catches in your throat as his lips finally meet yours. It's a searing kiss, a collision of longing and pent-up desire. You lose yourself in the taste and texture of his lips, the way his hands explore your body with an almost desperate touch.

In between heated kisses, you manage to gasp out words of desire. "Warren," you whisper, your voice filled with longing. "What does this mean?"

His lips find their way to your ear, his voice husky with need. "No te preocupes hermosa," he murmurs, his breath hot against your skin making you shiver. "Let me make you feel good."

Your lips meld with Warren's in a fiery embrace, tongues dancing with a wild hunger. His hands roam your exposed skin, igniting sparks of pleasure with every caress. Clothes fall away, discarded in a frenzy of desire as you both give in to the throes of passion.

His fingers trail along your curves, tracing the contours of your body with tantalizing precision. Each touch sets your senses ablaze, sending waves of pleasure coursing through you. You gasp and moan, surrendering to the intoxicating sensations that consume you.

Lust-filled whispers escape your lips, mingling with his own breathless exclamations. Your bodies entwine in a dance of ecstasy, the rhythm building with each heated thrust. The room fills with the symphony of your moans and the rhythmic collision of your bodies.

Lost in the depths of desire, you give yourself over to the intense pleasure. The world around you fades into insignificance as you and Warren become lost in the pinnacle of physical connection. In each other's embrace, you find release, bodies trembling with shared bliss.

You remember every detail of that night, no one had ever made you feel so good and he knew it. By the way you called him, by the way your fingers gripped the sheets and your eyes rolled back, he knew he was making you reach distinct peaks of pleasure just as you were doing him. You enjoyed the night together until you saw the sun rise and light up your bodies.

"I think that's my cue." Rojas says after a while in which you were silent, he gets up from your bed putting on his clothes. "See you around." He winks at you and leaves your room.

You never expected things to get serious between you and Warren. It was always fueled by lust, a primal attraction that consumed you both. So, when he started avoiding you after that passionate night together, you weren't entirely surprised. But it still hurt.

He became distant, deliberately ignoring you in social settings, disappearing from conversations, and even leaving the room whenever you entered. You couldn't comprehend why he was acting this way. The months passed, and his behavior remained unchanged. Frustration and confusion settled within you, pushing you to give up on being friendly with him as well. If he wanted distance, you would give it to him.

You started playing the game of fights and teasing, matching his aloofness with your own brand of indifference. It became a battle of wills, each of you testing the limits of the other. Yet, deep down, beneath the facade of indifference, there was a part of you that still yearned for his attention, for the connection you once shared.


The rain was falling hard in front of your front door, you sat on the facade watching your brother carry his bags to Warren's van, your heart skipped beats to see him go. You can't hold back the tears, you would miss him so much but you knew if this was his dream then he should go.

"Oh come on kiddo, you promised me you wouldn't cry." Eddie says hugging you tight, and you let the tears fall. "Look, there's still time for you to come along." He whispers as he holds you close.

"I can't... You know I would love to." You break out of the hug, wiping your tears away and your eyes catch a glimpse of Warren in the driver's pack watching you. "Give me a second?"

Eddie nods and goes inside the house, looking for the rest of his things he left behind. You observe Warren and take courage to approach, he was smoking and when he noticed you, he offers you the cigarette. You take it and takes a long drag, handing to him again.

"You were leaving without saying goodbye?" You say blowing out the smoke, getting inside the van and sitting next to him. "That's rude."

Rojas closed his eyes and taked a deep breath, as if he's rethinking what to do. "What do you want?" He asks.

"Don't you get tired of being rude to me?" You laugh rolling your eyes. "Look, if the sex wasn't good you could have solved all this with a conversation."

Warren's eyes narrow, his frustration evident as he glares at you. "Are you really going there?" he snaps, his voice laced with irritation.

You cross your arms, a defiant smirk playing on your lips. "I was just wondering, after all I'm not the one avoiding someone after a night of mind-blowing sex," you retort, your tone dripping with sarcasm.

His jaw tightens, and he leans closer, his voice low and charged with intensity. "Don't act like you didn't enjoy every second of it," he growls, the words a challenge.

A fire ignites within you, your anger fueling your response. "Oh, trust me, Warren. I enjoyed it. But if you think that changes anything, you're delusional."

He inches even closer, his breath mingling with yours. "You're so f*cking annoying, Y/N."

"That's not what you told me that day." You shrug, looking directly into his eyes, loving seeing the frustration of not knowing how to answer your words.

A surge of desire courses through you, mingling with the anger and frustration. The tension between you becomes palpable, a magnetic force drawing you closer together.

Without another word, you crash into each other, lips colliding in a clash of dominance and pent-up desire. The kiss is fierce, a battle of wills and conflicting emotions, as if every argument, every insult, is channeled into this single moment.

His hands grab your waist, pulling you closer, while yours clutch at his hair, deepening the connection. It's a dance of passion and aggression, the line between love and hate blurring with each desperate kiss.

The van fades away as you both give in to the overwhelming chemistry, succumbing to the undeniable pull that has been simmering beneath the surface for far too long. The unspoken tensions and desires find release in this fiery encounter.

But even in the midst of the fervor, a sense of vulnerability lingers. It's not just about the physical connection; it's a revelation of the unspoken emotions that have been brewing between you.

As the kiss finally breaks, you both gasp for air, your eyes locked, a mixture of confusion and yearning reflected in your gaze. The argument fades into the background, replaced by the intoxicating realization of what lies between you.

"So annoying, uh?" You whisper, your lips still close to his.

"Satisfied with the farewell?" He answers, looking right into your eyes.

"You owe me so much more Warren Rojas." He feels you gaze like an x-ray, noticing every corner of his soul. "And I'm going to make sure of charging that." You wink at him and he feels a shiver down his spine, you drove him crazy.

You get out of the van, closing the door and leaning against the window before entering your house. "See you around."

Warren watches you walk into the house, his hands go to his hair in frustration, he hated feeling so given over to someone. He didn't know how to act in your presence, all his most intense feelings were brought out when he saw you, he felt vulnerable, he needed you and that was new... What scared him.

The relief of leaving you behind came with the anguish of not having you around, it was like being away from something he sorely needed. He needed you, you were something difficult, something he didn't understand himself but living without was something scary.

During the years without you, Warren's world was not the same. The absence of your presence left an indescribable void that he struggled to fill. It was as if a piece of him was missing, an essential part that had once brought color and vibrancy to his life.

At first, he tried to bury his longing beneath a facade of indifference. He convinced himself that he could move on, that the connection he felt with you was nothing more than a fleeting spark. But deep down, he knew it was a lie. The memory of your laughter, your shared secrets, and the way your eyes lit up when you spoke about your dreams haunted him.

Warren tried to distract himself, diving headfirst into music, new projects, and relationships that held no real meaning. He sought solace in the chaotic whirlwind of the music scene, hoping to drown out the echoes of your absence. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't escape the lingering thoughts of you that lingered in the corners of his mind.

He missed the way you challenged him, the way your presence ignited a fire within him. The easy camaraderie and unspoken understanding you once shared felt like a distant memory. It pained him to think that he might never experience that level of connection again.

As time passed, Warren realized that he had been foolish to push you away. He saw the impact you had on his life, how your presence brought a sense of balance and completeness that he had taken for granted. He yearned for the moments you had shared, the laughter, the late-night conversations, and the raw vulnerability that had blossomed between you.

Warren couldn't help but wonder what might have been if he had been brave enough to face his feelings head-on. The regret weighed heavy on his heart, a constant reminder of the missed opportunities and the chance to explore a deeper connection with you. But now it was too late, and he decided to live for the moment, focus on the opportunities he had in life and make the most of it.

After the departure of your brother and the band, your life underwent a significant transformation. The absence of the constant chaos and rhythm of the music scene left a void that seemed impossible to fill. The once vibrant and lively energy surrounding you became a quiet and unfamiliar stillness.

Without the band's presence, you found yourself grappling with a sense of loneliness and uncertainty. The music that had always been the soundtrack of your life had become a distant echo, and you couldn't help but feel adrift in the vast sea of possibilities.

Eddie's departure hit you particularly hard. He had always been your anchor, your confidant, and your partner in crime. The realization that you would no longer share those precious moments together on stage, creating magic through music, was a blow to your spirit. It felt as if a vital part of your identity had been stripped away, leaving you feeling lost and disconnected.

But amidst the sadness and longing, you couldn't help but feel a lingering ache in your heart for Warren. His absence created a void that no other friendship or relationship could fill. You missed the banter, the late-night conversations, and the shared laughter that seemed to effortlessly flow between you.

Warren had always been a constant presence in your life, and his sudden disappearance left you wondering what had gone wrong. You questioned if your connection had been merely an illusion, a product of your shared experiences within the band. The silence between you was deafening, and the unanswered questions weighed heavily on your heart.

Yet, despite the absence and the unanswered longing, you found the strength to move forward. You discovered new passions, explored different paths, and began to build a life outside the realm of music. While the ache for what once was remained, you learned to adapt and find solace in the new chapters life had written for you.

But deep down, the flicker of hope remained. The memories of your shared moments, the laughter you had exchanged, and the unspoken connection that had always been there continued to linger in your thoughts. You couldn't help but wonder if fate had something more in store for you, if your paths would intersect once again and bring with it the opportunity for closure or perhaps even something more.

You were reluctant to accept your brother's invitation, the road had never been your place, even more so for a rock band tour. But the longing spoke louder and it was she who screamed when you made up your mind. However, at the same time, the nervousness of seeing everyone again was imminent, so many years had passed... You didn't know what to expect.

Eddie wouldn't sit still since you confirmed you would go with them, he would wake up with a smile on his face excited to see you again. But he wanted to surprise everyone so he just said he had a great news, and asked Camila and Billy to give up their house for a dinner he would organize.

As you arrived at Camila's house for the long-awaited dinner, a sense of anticipation and nervousness filled the air. The sound of laughter and familiar voices drifted from the backyard, where the band members had gathered. You could hear snippets of their conversations, like echoes from a distant past, and it sent a wave of emotions rushing through you.

The soft evening breeze rustled the leaves of nearby trees, adding a touch of serenity to the atmosphere. The scent of freshly cut grass and blooming flowers embraced you, a reminder of the familiar comforts of home. Your heart fluttered with a mix of excitement and apprehension as you approached the backyard, drawn by the magnetic pull of the band's presence.

Just as you stepped through the doorway into the backyard, you felt a reassuring hand on your back. It was your brother Eddie, silently conveying his support and the unspoken promise that everything would be alright. His touch eased the butterflies in your stomach, grounding you in the moment and reminding you of the unbreakable bond you shared.

The sight that greeted you was like stepping into a time capsule. The band members, older than your memories remembered but still vibrant with energy, gathered around a table filled with food and drinks. The setting was reminiscent of countless evenings spent together, where music and camaraderie intertwined seamlessly. Nostalgia washed over you as you took in the scene, a flood of memories crashing against the shores of your mind.

Warren, with his tousled hair and piercing eyes, caught your gaze from across the yard. There was a flicker of surprise and a hint of something deeper that passed between you in that fleeting moment. The years of separation had carved their marks, but the undeniable connection remained, like an invisible thread that bound your souls together.

You felt a mix of emotions rising within you—excitement, nervousness, and a longing to bridge the gap that time had created. It was as if the past and present converged in this moment, intertwining your lives once more. You took a deep breath, steeling yourself for what lay ahead, knowing that this reunion would be a turning point—a chance to rebuild what was lost and rediscover the magic that had always been there.

"Surprise!" Eddie exclaims showing you to the band, they all smile, eyes on you and you receive a lot of different reactions.

But like it or not your focus was only on his reaction. Warren watched you from head to toe, his heart felt like an animal desperate to get out of its cage, he felt his legs go weak at the sight of you again. He doesn't move unlike the rest of the group who stand up to greet you, while you receive the warm welcome hugs you don't notice Rojas getting up and heading inside. He needed to think.

You try to ignore the tightness in your chest that comes when you notice the drummer's absence, why did he have to be so f*cking complicated? The pride you contained wouldn't let you go after him, so you stayed there talking to the rest, drinking and laughing.

Daisy watched the circle of friends from afar, after all, she didn't know you and didn't have any subject to share. She greeted you like the rest but decided not to interrupt the conversation, since she wouldn't know how to add to the subject, so she got up and went into the house in search of another bottle of wine to finish.

She leans on the counter looking for an opener for the bottle she found in the fridge, since it was the last one she thought of drinking hidden right there alone, she jumps in fright when she feels the presence of another person next to her, she turns to see the drummer smoking a cigarette while facing her.

"Lost something?" She asks, trying to hide the bottle behind her.

"I need it more than you do, believe me." Warren hands the opener to Jones who takes it in her hands. Waiting for him to continue, she opens it, pouring the liquid for both of them.

She takes a sip still silently, "Mind explaining? I will only share my wine if you have a decent reason."

Warren lets out a weak laugh, he takes a deep breath still afraid to access those intense feelings he had buried. "Eddie's sister, she's my fire." He downs his wine glass in one go, making Daisy startle. "She drives me crazy since the first f*cking time I saw her, I just... I wasn't ready to face all this intensity that she brings out inside me. Not now, not ever."

Daisy laughs softly, she absorbs Rojas' words and strangely identifies. But maybe they were too high for that conversation. "So you're just going to avoid it, forever?"

"It's been working out so far." He shrugs, smiling as he refills his glass. "I'm not one to run away from things, quite the contrary, I love living everything. It's just that…"

She interrupts him, "It's so intense that it scares you, it's so strong... So strong that you feel like you're going to drown despite wanting to go with the wave." She completes, Warren is silent for a few seconds. "I suppose." She shrugs looking away.

"Well, your guess was strangely right." Warren sets his glass down on the table, taking a cigarette from his pocket and offers it to the redhead who declines, he takes one for himself. "And now Eddie has asked her to go on tour, I don't know if I can handle it."

"Is it that bad?" She asks but the drummer doesn't answer, she takes that as a yes. "Is she with anyone?"

"I don't know, I haven't known anything about her since we left Pittsburgh." He responds in a stiff manner. "But from what Eddie mentioned a few times, no."

Daisy frowns, as if hearing an insult "So what's the f*cking problem?" She analyzed the features of his face, judging every line of expression.

"I don't know." He confesses, taking a long drag on his cigarette. "I don't know if I'm willing to risk that much."

Warren knew deep down that he couldn't just brush off the intense emotions you stirred within him. You had always been the one who could penetrate his guarded exterior, effortlessly reaching the depths of his soul. But he couldn't let that vulnerability show. No, he had to hide it behind a veil of nonchalance and aloofness.

When Eddie dropped the bombshell that you would be joining them on tour, Warren's heart skipped a beat. He felt a mixture of excitement and trepidation. He wanted to convince himself that he was over you, that he had moved on, but the truth was that he had never quite shaken off the hold you had on him.

To shield himself from the intensity of his emotions, Warren chose a path of deliberate detachment. He decided to immerse himself in the company of groupies, surrounding himself with distraction and shallow encounters. He flirted, laughed, and engaged in casual hookups, all in an attempt to convince himself that he could replace the void you left.

But as Warren went through the motions of his charade, he couldn't escape the constant reminders of you. Every glance, every laugh, every touch sent a shockwave through his being. The presence of the groupies served as a mere distraction, a feeble attempt to drown out the longing he felt for you.

Deep down, Warren knew that no matter how hard he tried to deceive himself, he couldn't erase the memories and connection you had shared. Your absence had left an indelible mark on his heart, and no amount of casual encounters could fill the void you had left behind.

Unbeknownst to Warren, you were keenly aware of his attempts to mask his true feelings. You noticed the longing in his eyes, the way his voice faltered when you were near. It was clear to you that his actions were mere smoke and mirrors, a desperate camouflage for the overwhelming intensity you both shared.

As the tour progressed, Warren's facade began to crack. The shallow encounters with groupies started to lose their allure, as he yearned for something more meaningful and genuine. He realized that no one could ignite his soul quite like you did, that your connection transcended the superficiality of those fleeting encounters.

The more Warren tried to bury his feelings, the more they resurfaced with a vengeance. He found himself stealing glances at you, captivated by your presence and the way you effortlessly drew people in. It became increasingly apparent to him that he couldn't escape the magnetic pull you had on him, no matter how hard he tried.

As you stepped into the radio reception, you were greeted by a vibrant atmosphere that pulsed with anticipation. The room hummed with lively conversations and the clinking of glasses, filling the air with an energy that ignited your senses.

Your eyes wandered across the hall, taking in the sight of journalists and industry professionals engaging in animated discussions. Their enthusiastic gestures and focused expressions revealed their eagerness to capture the essence of the band's presence.

The room was adorned with banners and posters, proudly displaying the logos of various radio stations. It felt like a maze of bustling activity, with tables set up for different media outlets, adorned with notepads, microphones, and recording devices. It was a visual reminder of the journalists' dedication to documenting every word and capturing the essence of the band's journey.

As you weaved through the crowd, you noticed the cameras positioned strategically, ready to capture candid moments and performances that would be immortalized through the lens. The stage, bathed in soft lighting, beckoned you with its magnetic aura, whispering promises of transformative experiences yet to come.

The room seemed to vibrate with a blend of nerves and excitement. Your heart quickened as you realized the significance of this moment, the realization that your presence here was an integral part of the band's story. The weight of the interviews and interactions hung in the air, intermingling with the melodies that reverberated in your soul.

"Hey, are you waiting for someone?" You hear a voice behind you, turning around you find a man with a charismatic smile on his face. He sits next to you.

"My brother and his band are doing an interview." You clarify, smiling sympathetically.

"Daisy Jones and the six?" He asks, you just nod. "The guys have become a rage, you must be proud."

"Prouder than ever." You confirm, and since then you have a conversation.

As you mingled in the radio reception, you couldn't help but notice a persistent presence. Jay, an overly confident and invasive individual, had taken a keen interest in you. His attempts at flirtation grew increasingly uncomfortable, making you feel trapped and uneasy.

Amidst the sea of conversations and laughter, Warren's watchful eyes caught sight of the unfolding situation. His protective instincts surged within him, fueled by a mixture of anger and concern. With each passing moment, his frustration intensified, unable to bear witnessing Jay's unwanted advances towards you any longer.

Determined to shield you from further discomfort, Warren swiftly made his way towards the two of you. The atmosphere shifted as he closed the distance, his presence commanding attention and respect. Without hesitation, he inserted himself into the conversation, his posture exuding a possessive aura.

"Hey mi amor, everything alright here?" As Warren stepped in, a surge of relief washed over you. "Who's your friend?"

You let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding, "Not exactly a friend, love... He just sat there."

"Listen cabrón, I'm not a f*cking idiot." Rojas whispers menacingly. "I swear to God, if you keep harassing her... I'll break your balls."

The intensity of Warren's protective act left no doubt about his intentions. He positioned himself firmly between you and Jay, effectively creating a barrier of safety. With a subtle yet forceful push, he made it abundantly clear to the man that his presence was no longer welcome.

You watched as Warren effortlessly steered you away from the uncomfortable encounter, leading you to a quieter corner of the reception. His actions spoke volumes, conveying both his determination to shield you from harm and the depth of his unresolved feelings.

In the aftermath of the encounter, Warren's protective act lingered in the air. The tension between you was palpable, the unspoken connection between you both now illuminated by the weight of the situation. It was a moment that revealed the complex intertwining of emotions, the undeniable bond that had endured throughout the years.

You look him straight in the eyes, "Thanks, you didn't have to…"

"I didn't do more than my duty." He cuts you off, the look in your eyes made him feel right at home.

"I just didn't think you'd do that." You shrug, looking away.

"I knew it wasn't going to take long for this to come up." He exclaims with a forced laugh. "You can't have a dialogue with me without throwing something in my face. I honestly can't stand you."

"Of course, it's always my fault." You roll your eyes, feeling that intensity wash over you."Be more creative Rojas, you always use the same speech."

"I f*cking hate you." He whispers, hand in his pocket while he takes a long breath. Looking away from you, it was impossible for him to lie like that to you looking you straight in the eyes.

"Ah so that's it, you hate me?" You approach him, he doesn't move away, he just looks away. "Say it to my face then! I'm here listening to you…" You whisper, getting closer to him. Carefully you take the drummer's face, making him look at you. "You can't, right?"

As the tension and emotions intensified between you and Warren, the air crackled with anticipation. In that charged moment, he couldn't resist the magnetic pull any longer. With a mixture of longing and determination, he closed the gap between you and captured your lips in a passionate kiss.

The world seemed to fade away as your bodies leaned into each other, lost in the intensity of the moment. The kiss was a blend of pent-up desire, years of unspoken words, and a connection that refused to be ignored. It was a collision of longing and vulnerability, a confirmation of the undeniable chemistry that had always existed between you.

The weight of the moment lingered in the air as you both broke apart, breathless and wide-eyed, realizing the depth of your unspoken desires. It was then that Warren, unable to deny the pull any longer, took your hand and led you through the place to a secluded warehouse, hidden from prying eyes.

Inside the dimly lit space, he locked the door behind you, creating a world where only the two of you existed. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation as he pulled you closer, his touch a mixture of gentleness and hunger. The warehouse walls seemed to contain the intensity that had built up over the years, allowing you both to explore the depths of your desires.

In that sacred space, your bodies came together, exchanging passionate kisses, exploring each other with a newfound urgency. The world outside ceased to exist as you surrendered to the sensations, losing yourselves in a dance of pleasure and connection. Every touch, every sigh, and every whispered word spoke volumes about the longing that had consumed you both.

As the flames of desire burned bright, there was a profound realization that this was more than a momentary release. It was a testament to the unbreakable bond that held you together, a recognition that you couldn't deny the depths of your connection any longer.

"I hate you for how you make me feel, you understand now?" he holds your face tenderly, looking deep into the paradise of your eyes.

"You make me crazy." You say between the kiss, Rojas smiles resting his forehead on yours. "I can't ignore what I feel for you anymore, and if you tell me you don't feel that way... I think I'm crazy."

Rojas lets out a muffled laugh, kissing you once more. "You're not crazy, there's something between us that we can't ignore. And believe me, I tried."

You roll your eyes and pat his arm lightly. "You are the log that keeps my fire alive, and I need you." He says.

"You have me." You smile, kissing him again. "Just don't lose me again, I assure you it won't be that easy to get me back."

In that moment, you both understood that this connection was no longer something to be pushed aside or denied. It was a force that had been waiting to be unleashed, a love that had endured against all odds. From that point forward, you embarked on a journey together, bound by a love that had been simmering beneath the surface for far too long.


Hi, I hope you enjoyed it... If you wanted to ask for something my requests are open, and if you want to ask and don't have any ideas check out my prompt list :) xoxo

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Taglist: @lantsovcolors, @quezadaas @boredsh*t-shadow

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Apr 6, 2023

Get away car

Warren Rojas x Fem!reader

✧.* you're reading part two — here's part one: Mrs Perfection

✧.* summary — The relationship between you and Warren has you more and more confused. And during a night full of emotions you decide to clarify these doubts.

✧.* warnings — mention of drugs, anxiety, Kyle (the bassist) being an asshole to the reader, silly fights between Warren and the reader again.

✧.* word count — 2.9k

✧.* 🥁 — Warren's masterlist

✧.* mandy's notes — hii, i hope you doing great. I had some ideas to continue this story so I wrote and brought to you :) just remembering that English is not my first language so there may be some mistakes and I apologize for that... Hope you like it <3

Despite having your career as a singer consolidated, the shows always made you very nervous in a way, and when you and your band were invited to a major festival that weekend your anxiety wouldn't leave you alone until that day arrived. So you found yourself backstage at the event alone, trying to focus on your breathing but nothing you tried to do worked, your insecurity about new music where you had to risk more in the high notes filled you with every passing second.

Y/N L/N: I was very excited for this show, I confess that I was very disappointed in myself for being like this a few minutes before it started… But things like that we can't control, right?

You look in your bag for some pill or any kind of drug that would help you forget that frustration, but as if the universe hated you, you couldn't find any. You were starting to despair, getting up you walk towards the person you were sure would have something: Warren.

Yes, Daisy might have something to give you but she had been gone for a few weeks so he was your best shot, you pass several people trying to identify that curly hair you knew well finding Rojas next to a woman you had no idea who it was, and at this point you couldn't give a f*ck.

"Drummer, do you have weed?" You say approaching him. "Mescaline, cocaine, pills, anything!"

Warren Rojas: Worried would be a strong word, but I couldn't pretend not to notice that she was about to explode.

"Since when am I your first choice for help?" Rojas says ready to start a silly fight with you, until he notices your hands shaking and your breathing uneven. "Are you okay? You look awful."

"f*ck you!" You say turning around, trying to hold back your tears of frustration.

Warren watches you leave, worried about you even though he doesn't want to admit it. Letting out a sigh he indicates to the woman in front of him that he was going to go after you. He sees you walking into a random room, probably looking to be alone but Warren couldn't put you aside after noticing your anxiety.

He opens the door slowly, and you, noticing the presence of the drummer, turn around wiping your tears. Warren keeps a distance so as not to invade your space, Rojas takes a joint out of his vest pocket, offering it to you who accepts it and takes it in your hands.

“You didn’t have to help me…” you say kinda proud.

“Yeah, well, unfortunately, I did." The drummer responds, grabbing himself a joint and lighting it up. "Are you... okay? Sorry, it's weird to ask that but still."

"I won't make it…" You say lighting up the joint.

"What do you mean?" He asks

"I don't know if I can sing like this" You respond by pointing to yourself. "I feel like sh*t"

“You look like it, too.” Chuckling Warren says, receiving a disapproving look from you while trying to hide a chuckle. "I mean, nevermind…"

Y/N L/N: It was funny to see him not knowing how to act in this situation.

Interviewer: What situation?

Y/N L/N: Being nice to me.

"Look Warren, I appreciate the joint" You say smoking it, letting the smoke escape your mouth along with a sigh. "But don't feel obligated to have to deal with me, you can leave if you want."

For a few seconds the drummer is silent, watching you not knowing how to act at that moment. He didn't want to go and leave you like that, but staying would confirm that he cared for you somehow. But even after several seconds of silence he doesn't move, he just stays there smoking next to you in that random room.

Warren Rojas: I stood there until I heard someone calling for Daisy Jones and the six on stage, we didn't talk, we didn't look at each other but I think somehow we both knew things were changing between us.

Y/N L/N: I calmed down... I don't know if he did it or the weed, it was probably the weed

That night they had a party at the house in Laurel Canyon and you were invited by Karen to join them, the house was not full but there were some people from the record company and other girls you didn't think you knew from anywhere.

After that whole situation with Warren before the show you were thoughtful, you couldn't understand why he stayed and even less why that move coming from him messed with you so much. So it was almost impossible to take your eyes off him, you wanted to get closer and understand why all these fights you had these last few months, why did he hate you so much and what the f*ck had happened earlier to make him want to help you.

Y/N L/N: I was very confused, and in the absence of an answer I occupied my mind with other things.

Karen Sirko: She drank so much that she couldn't stand up at the end of the party.

Graham Dunne: I started to get worried because every glass she saw alone she drank what was inside

Eddie Roundtree: I didn't see anything, I was busy with other things…

Warren Rojas: *sigh* It was a rough night

Y/N L/N: There are times when you look for outlets for your problems, and that night I was desperately looking for one. *laugh* It didn't work

"You look so f*cking sexy with this shirt baby" Your body immediately locked up when you heard Kyle's voice behind you, he approaches you from behind placing his hand on the small of your back.

"Don't touch me!" You exclaim, immediately pulling away from the man.

"Calm down honey" He chuckles, clearly invading your personal space. "Just relax my love"

"Just leave me alone, I don't feel like dealing with you right now!" You roll your eyes drinking more of your beer.

"I don't like the way you're talking to me, beautiful" Kyle says more seriously, in an almost menacing tone.

"I believe she told you to leave" Karen appears like an angel to save you, you automatically approach her as if you are seeking comfort. "In fact I would like you to leave the party anyway, you're bothering me"

"Unbelievable!" He says rolling his eyes. "You still have to see me on Monday my love" winking he leaves.

The drinking had made you much more sensitive, your desires for the drummer were more intense, your hatred for the bassist in your band was increasing, your sleepless nights were consuming you. Karen had gone out somewhere you hadn't seen which, Graham seemed to have been out of your sight for a while and Eddie was clearly busy with a girl in the corner of the party.

Without thinking too much, you approach Warren, holding his hand and pulling him to any place where it would be just the two of you. Not understanding much of anything he lets himself be carried away by you, a confused look on his face.

"You know, I was busy back there" Rojas says, rolling his eyes at you. "What do you want?"

"You know what, drummer…" You speak, with your words scrambled. "If you weren't such an asshole, you'd be hot."

"What?" He asks, arching his eyebrows in surprise.

"As you've probably noticed, I'm not in my best condition." You continue, ignoring the man's question. "I can't find Karen anywhere, let alone Graham, Eddie was too busy to help me and unfortunately all I have left is you"

"Look, me once again being your hero... Who knew" Rojas says playfully.

"You know what, forget it! If you're going to piss me off, I'm walking home." You say already turning to go away.

You had no idea where you were going, and your sense of direction at this point was a wreck. The drummer watched you stagger not knowing where you were going trying to hold in his laughter, he just followed you with his eyes until one of your heels broke causing you to fall, probably spraining your foot.

"f*ck!" He says, rushing to help you. "Come here, let me help you" Rojas says, extending his arm for you to hold.

"I'm fine!" Trying to get up you say, but when you go to rest on the sprained foot a giant pain takes your body.

"Don't give me that bullsh*t! You could have broken your foot."

He looked worried, noticing as he moved that some of your things had fallen out of your bag with the fall. He crouches down picking up objects scattered across the floor.

"I swear to God Rojas!" You say angry. "You touch my sh*t, you die."

"I'm literally trying to help you!" He responds by trying to remain calm. "Wait, did you just call me Rojas?"

"And what if I did?" You reply, in a teasing tone.

"It sounded good in your voice." He says looking up at you, as he finishes gathering your things. "Where are your car keys?"

"Must be in the middle of these things" You say pointing to the floor. "And if it isn't, then I'm f*cked because I have no idea where I left it."

The drummer laughs standing up with the key in hand, he shakes them making you feel more relaxed. He starts walking and you just watch him go.

"Are you coming or not?" Warren says with his arms on his hips impatiently.

"How can I be sure you won't kidnap me?" You ask, slowly approaching the drummer who lets out a muffled laugh.

"Why the f*ck would I want to kidnap you?" He responds with another question. "I can't stand you even when I have to."

Rolling your eyes you give up fighting him anymore, trying to walk faster you back away as you feel the pain in your foot stronger. Unable to contain a groan of pain, you call the drummer's attention back to you.

"You have to carry me." You say shrugging.

"No f*cking way!" Warren says laughing, imagining you were teasing him yet again. "Are you serious?"

"Yes I am f*cking serious" You say opening your arms, waiting for him. "I can't feel my legs at all."

"You were two seconds ago saying you were fine." Approaching you the drummer says, laughing at the whole situation."Come on, let's end this torture.

Warren wraps his arm around your waist and holds your legs with his other arm, this closeness between the two of you was something strangely good for both of you. When one of your hands was against the man's bare chest your face automatically began to heat up, noticing that you didn't quite know what to do with the whole situation. Your drunk state didn't think much about it other than to make it clear to the drummer that you still hated him.

"I never thought you'd be worse up close" Pretending to analyze him you say, making Rojas roll his eyes.

"Out of the blue? Really?" He responds by leaving you on the ground when you reach the car.

"Won't you open the door for me?" You ask, arching your eyebrows.

"You hurt your foot, not your hand!" He says getting in the vehicle, and as soon as you got in he started the car.

For a few minutes you were silent, listening to the sounds that the streets of Los Angeles provided you. Warren watched you when he could to check that everything was okay, you can see that sometimes he wanted to say something but didn't.

"Just say it already Warren." You say through a yawn, as you bring your gaze fully to the man beside you.

"What happened to make you like this?" He asks, looking really worried about you.

"Why do you even care?" You close your eyes, feeling the cool breeze on your face.

“Because no one gets to make you look like this other than me. I’m going to break their nose for this.” Warren says in a playful tone, trying to get a smile out of you which he manages to do.

You chuckle as your cheeks flush at the comment, shaking your head. You look at him and notice that he looks even more beautiful with the moonlight illuminating him, probably the silence in the empty street caused your breathing to increase the tension between you two. Warren looks at you curiously, a small smile on his face.

“Are you actually blushing because of me?” Rojas says, while parking at the house indicated by you as yours.

“I’m not! It’s just really hot in here, that's all.” You say shrugging and laughing a little.

“Oh, that’s weird because this place is quite cool and you look chilled by the wind Darling" he says, the nickname caught you off guard making you even more blushed. "But seriously now, what happened?"

“i don’t want to bother you. seriously, it’s all just... it’s a lot.” You sigh, watching the empty street of your house the, urge to get out of the car was nil you just wanted to be there with him. "The strangest thing is that I'm here with the person who hates me the most, feeling safer than with anyone I should feel good with."

“We can go back to hating each other tomorrow.” The drummer says, reaching for one of your hands to comfort you.

"That's the point Warren…" You say laughing at him. "I don't think you understand my love language."

"Let me get this straight, your love language is to humiliate me?" He laughs along with you, and after looking closely at his face, you realize that his smile is charming.

"Anyway, I just ... don't think you hate me that much" You say after the big sequence of laughter from the two.

"Actually you're right." He starts to say, imagining that maybe you wouldn't remember it the next day. "I tried so hard to hate you. So f*cking hard and yet I failed."

"To be honest with you, I don't remember why we started with this in the first place." You stare into the drummer's eyes, feeling an overwhelming urge to get closer to him.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Warren says fixing his curly hair, averting his gaze to the horizon.

"Doing what?" You ask, curious.

“Making me like you… God damn it, I’m not supposed to" He says sounding frustrated somehow. "This goes against every morals I’ve ever set for myself!”

Warren Rojas: Which morals? I promised myself that I would never date someone who didn't like my sound.

Y/N L/N: *laughing* Idiot…

You stare at the drummer for what seems like forever, he stares back at you which made you feel butterflies in your stomach, what you wanted most was to kiss him and feel his curly hairs in your hands, Warren had something over you that was inexplicable, you felt like you couldn't be in the same room with him without knowing what it would be like to feel his lips against yours. You knew it wasn't the effect of the drink, after all, little by little you became more aware of your surroundings and what was happening, maybe the traces of the drink in your body gave you the courage for what you would say…

As for Warren, he knew very well how he felt about you, and that's what he's been trying to hide since that week he helped you with your new album. He was crazy about you, he wanted to be with you always, he wanted to feel you close, and while you watched each other inside that car, for a few seconds he thought: what do I have to lose?

“Just put us all out of our misery and kiss me already!” you whisper, moving closer to him.

Warren cups your face in his hands, gently caressing your cheeks. "Are you sure?"

"Kiss me Rojas" You answer, watching the man's brown eyes.

Warren Rojas: When she said my last name I went crazy. *chuckled*

Y/N L/N: Does he really think it's cool when I call him by his last name?

Without wasting much time Rojas joins his lips to yours, an adrenaline rush of fulfillment flooded your body as you finally felt contact with him. Your hands go towards the drummer's hair feeling its strands between your fingers as you wanted, he held your waist gently enjoying the contact with you.

After the kiss you remain silent, exchanging glances, smiles and a few more kisses afterwards. Gradually the sunlight begins to rise on the horizon, noticing this you take your gaze to the door of your house.

"Do you want me to leave?" Warren asks, making circles with his fingers on your thigh.

"It's actually the last thing I want." you say patting your lap, indicating that he lay there, which he does. you start playing with the locks of his hair, humming a random song.

Y/N L/N: We stayed like that until I started having a fit of laughter.

“What are you laughing at?” Warren questions, eyes closed.

“Nothing. nothing, it’s just… two hours ago you were hating my guts, and now you’ve got your head on my lap and my hands in your hair." You say, still laughing at this situation "You’ve gotta admit, it’s a little funny.”

"Who knew huh Mrs Perfection" He responds, getting up from your lap to place another kiss on your lips.

Y/N L/N: And that's how me and Warren Rojas started to have something.

Warren Rojas: I was never very true to my morals anyway.


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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.