Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 CHRONICLE-TRIBUNE, MARION, IND. FRIDAY; FEBRUARY Weather Watch Marion's five-day outlook TODAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY: Chance of snow Chance of snow or rain or rain Chance of snow Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy HIGH: Low 40s HIGH: Low 30s HIGH: Near 30 HIGH: Low 30s HIGH: Upper 20s LOW: Low 30s Low: Low 20s Low: Near 20 LOW: Low 20s LOw: Near 20 Scrapbook Around the state Last Feb. 3. Here's the and forecast high and for low today's temperatures daytime conditions 36 16 South Bend Record since 1954 34 Fort Wayne High .49, 1984 35: 42 Low. -9, 1985, '96 Marion Precipitation Feb.

2... Lafayette 43 34 OHIO (24-hour reading as of 7 a.m. Thursday) ILLINOIS Year to 2.26 Indianapolis The sun INDIANA Rises 7:51 6:07 51 Evansville 39 KENTUCKY The moon Louisville First Sunday Full Moon Feb. 13 Last quarter Feb. 21 New Feb.

28 Pt cloudy T-storms Sunny Rain: Showers ice Snow Flurries Get FREE Get a Winter? Cold is expected to return next week BY MALCOLM RITTER The Associated Press NEW YORK -'Let's put itthis 4 way: People played golf this winter in Maine. In shorts. Buttercups have been blooming in Montana. In Ohio, an icefree Lake Erie allowed an early start to seasonal ferry service. And the sap started running early in Vermont.

While January plunged much of Europe and Russia into the deep freeze, it appeared to be remarkably mild across the United States. Federal scientists haven't calculated yet whether it ranks as the warmest January on record nationwide, but "it's certainly going to be right up there," said Michael Halpert, a meteorologist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Climate Prediction Center. The balmy weather will soon end for much of the country, he said. Just how warm was January? Warmest on record in Oklahoma, South Dakota, Green Bay, Kansas City, Riverton, and Eppley Airfield in Omaha, Neb. It barely missed tying the record for Iowa.

Second-warmest Maine and in Milwaukee, Wis. Third in Memphis, and Detroit. Fourth-warmest in. New York's Central Park (tied with January 1913), in N.C., and Louisville, Ky. Eighth-warmest in Denver, and the warmest since 1986.: 10th warmest in Baltimore.

Warmest since 1950 in Buffalo, N.Y., and Nashville, Tenn. 12th-warmest in New Mexico. 1: The national outlook temperatures around the country Yesterday Today Tomorrow: Hi Lo Pro Hi Lo Otik Hi. Lo Otik Albany.N.Y,: 47 .27 46. 37: 48 37 ody, Albuquerque 63 33.

55 34 29 clr Amarillo 62 28 .56 30 cdy 52 25 cdy Anchorage 4 3 :02 2. 6 21 2 cdy Asheville 50 27.05 63 39 cdy 45 40 sno Atlanta 52 42: 06 60 48 ody: 47. 41 cdy Atlantic City 27 156 51. 37 cdy 79 45 .02 67. 46 cir 71 38 55.

29 56. 43 52. 43 Billings. 47 35 47 26 cdy 49. 25 coy Birmingham 55 49 .19 61 48 45 35 27.

28 14 27 6 cdy Bose 47 35 48 33 coy 46 Boston 45 31: 47 38 49. 40 coy Brownsville 92 58 82 56 clr 78 50 cir. Buffalo 49 34 44 39 39: 35 Burlington, V. 43 28. 46 33 43 34 cdy 42 26: 40 21 cdy.

47. 20 cir 67 38. 1,05 71 56 62. 56 cdy Charleston, W.Va..: 60 36 52 44 cdy 43. 37 sno Charlotte, N.

60 30 66 46 cdy 55 47. Cheyenne 40 25 39 23 51. 20 cdy Chicago 43: 27 39 35 sno 30 26 ody 49. 40.02 50 39 coy 35. 31 cdy Cleveland 50 :23 46 38 39 36 sno Columbia.S.C 64: 33 .04 69 51 cdy 57 50 cdy Columbus.

53 37 :08 46 39 34 sno Concord 41 22 37. 30 sno- 26 Dallas-Ft Worth 73 63 47 cdy 63 39 cdy Dayton 45 33- 37. 46 36 cdy 36. 31 cdy Denver: 47 29 45 21 cir 58 20 cdy Des Moines 59. 38 34 33 sno- 32 17 cdy Detroit 43 36 42: 38 35 31 Duluth 31 19 20.

18 ody 16. 4 cir. El Paso 72 52. 67 42 .37. cir 50.

43 1.14. 51 39 cdy: 37 29 cdy Fairbanks -19 -22 -7 42 cdy 3 -26 cdy. 34 23 16 10 sno 18 3 clr Flagstaff 57. 24 51. 26 clr 59- 21 clr Grand '34 38 34 sno 32.

28 sno Great. Falls 42 27. 44 26 cdy 49 27 coy 58 31 66 45 cdy 53 49 coy Hartford 50: 27 48 37 m-. 48 34 coy 48 36 45 27 cdy 45. 21 cdy Honolulu 79 69-.

80 70 cdy 80 69 clr Houston. 57 .14 71. 50 coy 68 42 clr 42 30 46 37 34 29 cdy Jackson. Miss. 65 53 1.40 .67 50 54 38 cdy 74.

42. .01 74 61. 64. 59 cdy Juneau 37 35 23 30 27 coy 29. 20 clr Kansas City 62- 39.

47: 34 ody 39 cir Key 77 72 80 73 cdy 78 72: Las Vegas 70 46 70 47 cir 71 45 cdy Little Rock 60 53 :.33 60 43 coy: 53 35 cdy Los- Angeles 67 50 77 50 clr 74 53 cir Louisville. 54. 51 .06 51 41 coy 39 33 cdy Lubbock 69 36 -60 '32 ody 60 27 cir Memphis: 56 51. 85 60 44 cay. 48.

35 cdy 44 Fronts Cold. Warm Stationary High -10s -Os Los 10s. 20s 40s 50s 60s 70s 90s 1100s 110s Miami Beach 78. 67 83 .10 cdy 70 m. 52 36 .02 49 40 38 36 sno Santa 58 27.

50 27 cir 55. 73 48. 62. 44 cdy 62 28 clr Portland, 36 29 39 30 sno 47 31 ody St Ste Marie 34 30 .01 37 25. cdy '28 Milwaukee.

40. 28 37. 34 sno 32 24 cdy Portland, Ore. 52. 48.

.31 55. 41 coy 47 45 Seattle 51 45. 51. 41 cdy 49 Mols-St 43: 26 27 25 cdy 14 ody Providence 48 28 51 37 50. 37 cdy Shreveport 74.

56 1.21- 61 52 ody 57 Nashville 55. 42 .16 58 44 cd 41 35 cdy 62 31 68 48 coy 58 50 ody Sioux Falls 49: 26 28 17 cdy 27 New Orleans 76 60 2.06* 74 54 ody 63 48 cir Rapid City 49 26 43 21 cdy 47 22 cdy Spokane 45. 36 .11 44 32 cdy 47 New York City 51 38. 53 44 51 45 cdy. 57: 49 60 33 cir 50 40 coy Syracuse 51 30 48 35 41.

61 33. 68 52 coy: 58 52 cdy 60 32. 69 49 cdy 57. 47 cdy. Tampa-St Ptrsbg.

78 49 78 64 cdy 68 North 54 21 49. 22 cdy 47 19 cdy 64. 52 .03 61 45 cdy 58. 48 61 34 50 32 cdy 43 Oklahoma City 69 43 59 38 cdy 55 30 cay "St 47. 34 47 37 coy.

37 28 Tucson. 74 41 6 Omaha 57 34:. 36 29 cdy 37. 20 'clr Salt Lake City 44 33 .33: 46 29 coy: 47. 30 cdy Tulsa 70 43.

60 38 clr 50 Orlando 82 54 79. 62 coy 70 63 cdy San Antonio 85 48 74 51 cir 71: 41 cir 57 :36 61 45 51 Pendleton 52 35 53. 37 coy 54 40 cdy San Diego 66 50 69 54 cir 66 52 cir. Wichita 63. 39 56 33 coy.

48 55 31. 4 57. 44 -m 52 38 cdy San Francisco 62 54 .27 62. 50 ody 58 50 m. Wilkes 47.

30 ..49 39- 46 Phoenix 75. 48 76 50 clr 78 51 clr San 76: 68 .38. 82 72 82 72 Wilmington, Del. 53 30 57 44 52 4: mutual Checking federal savings bank FREE Gift! 800 Mart FixH to 18 and al 30-Piece to a hecking tO) Car spate One guft Safety per $100. Kit Now Ofer as be funds not on at Mutual federal Direct deport consumer wall he coresed two weeks after verification of direct deposit.

Member Jet stream causing warm weather Usually in winter, the jet stream follows a lazy zigzag across the U.S., allowing cold air in. This year -it has flowed east in almost a straight line, forming a fence that has kept cold air out. Degrees above normal temperature, Jan. 1-29 4 0-2: 3-6 7-10 11-14 15 and up Jet stream National Weather Service; Weather Underground The Assoclated Press Minneapolis and St. Paul had the warmest January in -160 years.

Ice sculptures at the St. Paul Winter Carnival melted and broke up nearly as quickly as they were carved, and several big ice-fishing contests in Minnesota were canceled or moved because of thin ice. Temperatures in Bismarck, N.D., stayed above zero the entire month, a balmy signal not seen since 1875. The unusual weather has been problem for some businesses but for others. At Ski Beech: in Beech Mountain, N.C., "our snowmakers have worked themselves silly," says Gil Adams, marketing and ski patrol director.

"It's been a continuous battle to build things back after a thaw spell." In southern Wisconsin, warm weather and rain meant cemetery workers using heavy equip- WEATHER RECAP HOW WARM WAS IT? During January, people played golf in Maine. Buttercups bloomed in Montana. SHOW ME THE RECORDS: Warmest January on record in Oklahoma, South Dakota, Green Bay, Kansas City, to name a few. WILL IT LAST? Colder weather is expected by next week in the eastern half to two-thirds of the United States. For much of the nation, howev-: er, meteorologist Halpert says the warm weather is on its way out.

"Probably by next week we will. be seeing much colder weather over the eastern half to two-thirds of the country," he said Wednesday. The West will probably remain warm on average, he said. Why? The current warmth is caused by the unusual position of the jet stream, the high-altitude: river of air that flows west-to-east. across North America.

It divides warm air from cold, with colder temperatures to its north and warmer temperatures to its south. Usually in the winter, it follows a lazy zigzag across the States and Canada, allowing cold air into the U.S. where it dips south, Halpert said. But for the past month or so, it has instead flowed east in almost a straight line across the northern part of the country, basically forming fence that has kept cold air out and allowed in milder air masses from the Pacific Ocean instead. Over the coming week, Halpert, said, the jet stream is expected to return to its usual wavy pattern, bringing cold air to the eastern U.S.

once again. 3 Educator: Lessons in black history fall short Author wanted to set record straight on bus boycott BY GREG WRIGHT Gannett News Service WASHINGTON Educator and award-winning author Herbert Kohl has written more than 40 books. These include 36 Chitdren, his of teaching inner-city children in Harlem in the 1960s. Kohl's latest book, She Would Not Be Moved: How We Tell the Story of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus. Boycott, examines how some educators oversimplify the groundbreaking 1955 Alabama protest.

if As Black History Month begins, Gannett News Service, talked to Kohl about how black heritage is taught in schools and what parents can do to improve it. Fans in football jerseys sang. essentially been, a German "Here we go Steelers," and mem- superstition. Steelers fans rally PUNXSUTAWNEY, Pa. (AP) Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow on Thursday, but it was hard to find a complainer in the crowd at Gobbler's Knob, where the morning temperature was well above freezing and the Groundhog Day high was expected to hit 48 degrees.

There were a few boos at the groundhog's prediction of six more weeks of winter, but most of the hundreds of revelers instead turned the event into an impromptu Pittsburgh Steelers rally. for Phil's shadow bers of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club's Inner Circle the top-hat-'and tuxedo wearing businessmen responsible for car-. rying on the groundhog tradition each year threw black and gold Steelers "Terrible Towels" as they waited to rouse Phil from his burrow. A Each Feb. 2, thousands of people descend on Punxsutawney, a town of about 6,100 people located about 65 miles northeast of Pittsburgh, for a little midwinter revelry, celebrating what had Help Us Welcome Tracy Jones! CLIP THIS COUPON Perm Color Cut Tracy Jones $37 $27 $7 (Reg.

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"It's like spring here in the southern part of the state," said Clyde Rupnow, secretary of the Wisconsin Cemetery Association. In Vermont, mild weather made sap run early and let maple syrup producers work ahead of schedule, especially in the southern part of the state. Sales rose about 40 percent at Toyota dealerships in Columbus, Ohio, as warm weather got people thinking about cars. The Nonesuch River Golf Club in Scarborough, Maine, hosted 250 players on Jan. 21 and had to turn away 200 more.

And Alan: Rockhold, who owns Four Mile Car Wash in Des Moines, Iowa, said the warm spell in January has provided "one my best months in a long time." known community leader, I started looking at kids' books and I said, 'It's not right and it's not Why is it important to improve how black history is taught?" I would think if kids understood the dignity, the strength, the courage, the organization and the power and intelligence of the African-American community under very difficult circum3 stances, it would contribute something. EILEEN BLASS Gannett News Service As a white person, how did you Herbert R. Kohl, shown at home in become so. interested in black written a book and called the She Would Not culture and history? of Rosa Parks Montgomery, In my first book, 36 Children, I taught Greek culture and a she said to me, 'No, I' was sick bunch of African-American and tired. all of my life of all the teachers came up to me and said stuff they've done to us, and that' you've got to teach Africanday was no different from any American culture, African culother And then, knowing ture.

And they pushed me. And I she had been at Highlander did it. And you know, I will do before the boycott, that she was things that relate to getting kids the executive secretary of the totally motivated to learning and NAACP in Montgomery at that when I changed my way of thinktime and that she was a well- ing, the kids learned Cemetery Lots 06 Gardens of Memory 4 spaces in SectionA (Prayer), $4000 for all, (317) Garage Sales AUTHOR Award-winning author Swarthmore, on Jan. 24, has Be Moved: How We Tell the Story "Bus Boycott. What prompted you to set the record straight on the history of Parks and the Montgomery bus boycott in your book? I met Rosa Parks at the Highlander Center.

(a civil rights. training center in Tennessee) in' the 1970s. I took a deep breathand I said to her, 'Mrs. Parks, were you tired that And North Marion 14 3rd Annual Elks Lodge Rummage Sale, lots of nice items; to include, restaurant books, movies, electronic items 9 to 12, 1100 E. Bond Avenue, Marion Pet Column 7 Dogs, Cats, Pets 92 CKC Shih Tzu, male, 6 mos.

old, or 765-499-1938.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.