Bristol Herald Courier from Bristol, Tennessee (2024)


1, tr 0-0 Tile Talk Sattirday night, Border City Chap- 'As a courtesy to Mrs. E. William and 1111 I DTI mnit Personals tr eeceiv an official visit fr'om Lunsmann, of New Yorki always I TO PROSECUTE LEA HEAR la ECRU I IllUtILL I of the 1 117-(D la i rrs the "'Worthy t'r'rand, Matron, Mrs. a much feted tor In Church Societies; aU. Town! 1 Phone 227 Mayme Stovall of Rives, Tenneuee.

who the guest of her parents, 2 ilf to 1 Mornings arm Federation Agent A unusually lartre number of mein- Mr- 'rs. John Bell Redford. I WEDNESDAY MORNING; JULY .22, 1931. Social Activities; Club Events; 1 Church Societies; Personals' ASIoci tit to I tit to 12 Mornings Phone 227 MRS. STOVALL VISITS BORDER -CITY 'CHAPTER Sattirday night, Border City Chap- I onals1 ter received an official visit from the "Worthy 0-rand, Matron; Mrs.

one 227 Mayme Stovall of Rives, Tennessee. An unusually large number of VHE BRISTOL HERALD COURIER, BRISTOL, VAeTENN. MISS GRAY COMPLIMENTS MRS. LUNSMANN 'AA a courtesy to Mrs. E.

William Lunsmann, of New Yorki always To poosEcuTE LEA much feted vlaitor in who Is the guest of her parents, Mr and 'Mrs. John Bell Redford, TEINESSEE'S FARMERS HEAR W. T. MARTIN0111 Farm Federation Agentl vorlal 4 VW 3 to 5 3 to 5 memone tiers and visitors irom surroundmg cnapters was present to pay homage tins distinguished guest. tither guests of honor who attended.

the Phone 5109 5109 THRIFT SEASON SPECIALS Miss Mary Gray entertained with coures I Action Follows contract Monday afternoon at the Towers Tea Room. Failure allure of Attorney Gen. Mrs. Fred Huling was winner' of Act eral Atkinson to guest towel for top score; In the cut Mrs. C.

A. Bergheimer won NASHVILLE, July (A a deck of cards; the gift to Mts. Nashville attorLunsmann was a cheese compot. i The prayers were Mrs. Lunsmann, ney, NN ELS appointed by Criminal Judge Mris Redford, Mrs Ruling, Mrs.

Charles Gilbert touay as attorney. Beribeimer, Mrs. Igunsey Slack, general' pro tern to file a couspiracy Mrs. W. A.

Hiddleson, Mrs. H. H. indictment against Col. Luke McFern, Mrs.

John R. Dickey, and Luke Lea, in connection Mrs. Phillip Bergheimer, of Rick with the closed Liberty Bank and rnond, Mrs. Robert Smith, Mrs. Trust Company.

William Nininger, and Mrs. L. M. The court's action followed whal Simpson. Jgdge Gilbert said was Attorney.

Mrs Bedford, Mrs Huling, Mrs. Charles Gilbert touay as attorney. Ber beimer, Mrs. Igunsey Slack, general' pro tern to file a couspiracy Mrs. W.

A. Hiddleson, Mrs. H. H. Indictment against Col.

Luke Mc Fern, Mrs. John R. Dickey, and Luke Lea, in connection Mrs. Phillip Bergheimer, of Rick with the closed Liberty Bank and mond, Mrs. Robert Smith, Mrs.

Trust Company. William Nininger, and Mrs. L. M. The court's action followed what Simpson.

Jgdge Gilbert said was NASHVILLE, Tenn, July 1. (A Nashvillie attorney, NN E. appointed by Criminal Judge Rayon tinderyear All perfect quality garments Panties, Bloomers and -Step- 1 insall wanted pagtel shades Run-Resist Rayon I Run-Resist Rayo All perfect quality garments Panties, Bloomers and -Step- insall wanted pagtel shades Run-Resist Rayon Run-Resist Rayon Run-Resist Rayon Undies Undies Undies Undies Attorney-General atichard M. Atisinson's re MISS JUNE ALLEN ILL twat to comply 'With an order directing hind to take that course. Friends ivili regret-to learn that Atkinson had been instructed by Miss June Allen is quite ill at her Judge Gilbert to file an indictment home on Georgia Avenue.

against- the Leas not later than yesterday. He challenged the couiVp BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT authority to issue such an order Mr. and Mrs. David Grubbs, and said investigations made by 2101 Anderson street, announce the him had failed to produce any birth of a daughter, Nancy Lee, evidence in support of a con-July 3 spiracy or any other charge against the publisher and his son. RAINBOW ASSEMBLY Judge ilbert's order replacing 'Fh Thainhnut A laglomhlir I Atkinson for this prosecution re Friends ivIlt --regret to learn that Miss June Allen Is quite 111 at her home on Georgia Avenue.

The Rainbow Assembly viewed the various steps in the proceedings and concluded: "Therefore, in compliance with article 8, section 5, of the con- stitution Of the state of Tennessee and 3ect1on 5769 of Shannon's code of Tennessee, and in pursuance of. the discretion, powers and duty of the prembies, the court does hereby appoint, Seth Walker at-to torney general pro tempore, a citizen of Davidson County, Ten-be nessee and a member of the Nashville bar, to file an indict- ment officially against Luke Lea and Luke Lea, upon the charge of conspiracy in violation of sec-of tion 6003 of Shannon's code of Tennessee, as the Baia Richard M. Atkins, attorney general in the matter of said fleeting were: Mrs. Bobble Gritfin Ripley, Tenn. associate grand conductress, Mrs.

Ruth Bolcom 11, grand conductress of 1'4ashvil4le, rennessee, Mrs. Aturrel Wooten. grand xmitron of Knoxvlile, Airs. Lucy Crudgington, past grailld inatron- of Knoxville, Mrs. Veiva Goad, grand matron of the state of Virgtnia.

from Hillsville, Mrs. Herndon, grand chaplain of Virginia, anti udge Borrow, past grand patron of Tennessee, Mrs. Gertrude Lush, past grand matron of Virginia, Airs. Carrie Francis, grand warder of Virginia, Mrs. aliouns past grand At ol Oklanoma.

Airs. stovaii, a brilliant speaker brought wendertui message to, the mein bets of-Border City Chapter, and asked them to keep in mind one their xriottoes and Loving Mrs. Goad past grand matron of Virginia in, her enanning manner' spoke of her 'pleasure in being -a guest at the meeting with the grand matron of Tennessee. All other distinguished guests made short talks, and also the matrons of Limestone, Mrs. Hartsell, Bristol Chapter, Mrs.

Leslie, Kingsport, Mrs. Todd, Polk, of Park Ave, Chapter, Memphis, and MIEB Tibbee of Memphis, and others. After. the meeting a social hour was held and a reception, a tempting platewas served by a special committee, composed of ligirls from the Rainbow assembly. Lovely gifts were presented the grand officers.

Sunday morning, members from Border City and Bristol Chapter complimented their with a trip over Holston and Iron Mountains to Blowing Roclt, a delightful picnic dinner as served. The trip was made by Linville, the party of 50 members anci guests returning to Bristol at sundown, Monday morning a trip waa made around Bristol to the different Colleges, and then to Hrwin, where the members and guests visited the Fish Hatchery; then back to Johnson City to attend a delightful meeting of Nolachuckey Chapter Monday night, and again these guests were royally entertained and present with lovely girls. Tuesday they were taken for a trip out of Elizabethton and a meeting was held there Tuesday night. They will visit other chapters in this end of the state. IN GRACE ROSPITAL Little Miss Eleanor Pippin is a patient in Grace Hospital, for a tonsil operation.

PERSONAL MENTION' Miss Marjorie Grindstaff of Butler, who is a student at E.T.T.C. Spent the week-end as guest of Miss Juanita Graves at her 'home in Piney Flats. 9 0 Mrs. E. T.

Pippin, left 'yesterday for Richmond, to visit her son E. junior, for a week. Mis8 Juanita Graves is at hOme for her summer vacation after attending the E. T. T.

C. for the past year. o-- Mrs. E. D.

Tester has returned to Bristol after spending the last two months in WilkeSbarre, with Sergeant Tester. She is visiting her mother, Mrs. M. M. Pierce.

500 Olive Street. i N. June, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Whittemore, 201 Court.

land Street, is quite ill with colitis. Mrs. J. E. Cunningham of North Carolina is the house guest of Mrs.

C. E. Parks at her home on Maryland Afternoons Nothing after 3:30 TO ANDERSON'S I CONDITION CRITICAL The conditioil of Tom Anderson, suffering from pneumonia in New York, is critical. His mother. Mrs.

J. C. Anderson and aunt Mrs. Waiter Leak have been with him during his illness and his brother John C. Anderson, Junior, of Louisville, who has been in Bristol several days left yesterday for New York.

Mrs. John C. Anderson. Junior and daughter Julia remain in Bristol during Mr. Anderson's absence.

They were en-route to Emporia, for a visit with Mrs. Anderson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T.

Tillar. MRS. KYLE. MORISON HAS GUESTS Mrs. Kyle, Morison is entertining at her home on Maryland Avenue.

her sister Miss Mainel Twill. of New York City and her cousin Mrs. Leaven. of Houston, Texas. Miss Turner will spend sometime with Mrs.

'Morison. Nerves Bad After Baby Came I 'MY nerves were so bad I just had to do something. I am taking Lydia E. Pinkham's medi' cine again and am going to take it till I get good and strong. "I sure recommend it to all of my friends and relations." This hopeful letter came to us i from Mrs.

James H. Davis, of 91312 East Indianola Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio. 98 out of a 100 women report benefit. you are sick and want to be wellwhy don't you try taking ibis medicine for a few weeks? 1 Lydia E. rinkham's Vegetable Compound Is sold at Bunting's.

WtiEN a substitute claims to "just like Kotex," ask Nk here it was made. By whom. How. Isit used by leading hospitals? Only when these questions are answered to your complete satis: faction, as Kotex answers them, cart any subiticute justify its claim, "just like Kotex." After all, why take risks? You know the wonderful safety of Kotex the world's standard in sanitary protection. Don't give up this assurance even if a few pennies' saving is offered by a nme 0:1 151 A 0 Nerves Bad After Baby Came I 1 7::0::, ti 4, cl*ttertil-f 144N4 VECETU CO 'MIND eware L.

when 1: "It's just Kotex r. EN a substitute claims to Wibie "just like Kotex," ask NIk here it was made. By whom. Haw. Isit used by leadine hospitals? ICSIEZIEEMENZIEWM 40-11111: Wtti litr -It 0 i4V.


Herman Hecht was injured Thursday of last week in an automobile accident between New York and Boston. X-Rays show no broken bones but 'a badly wrenched back. He remains in Boston, where he was joined Saturday by Mrs. Hecht, who left Bristol Friday night. Mr.

ilecht attended the convention of the Quality Bakers of Amer, lea, at the New Yorker, in New York, the 13, 14, and 15, and on the 16 was enroute to Boston with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Simon (Roberta Gutman, formerly of Bristol) and their young son for a visit. A collision with-a truck caused the car to be turned over several times. Mrs.

Simon sustained two cracked or bruised vertebrae and several bad cuts and bruises. Mr. ad the young On were not injured. MR, AND MRS. WITT AND MISS WITT AT HOME After, spending the last three weeks in Cincinnati and Knoxville, Mr.

and Mrs. L. B. Witt and daughter Miss Mary Ellen Witt have returned to their home on Euclid Avenue. TO VISIT IN NORTH HOLSTON Mrs.

E. E. Judkins and two young daughters-Elizabeth-Gray and Anne-Peyton will go to North Holston, Virginia today to spend the remainder of the week and next week with Mr. Judkins' mother. TO ATTEND LUNCHEON IN MARION TODAY Mrs: E.

E. Judkins and Miss Mary -Gray will attend a luncheon ay in 'Marion to be given by the Jane and Elizabeth Tyler, In iplim to their siSter- Mrs, Carter Tyler, a recent bride. 1 MISS BONHAM ENTERTAINS Special, to the Herald Courier CHILHOWIE, July Bonham of Chilhowie entertained Saturday evening in. honor of her guest, Miss Vestal Barr of Blountville, Tenn. The game of liearts was played.

Miss Glenna. Pugh was awarded high score prize, a golf pencil. Delightful refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Misses Stella and Ruth Bonham. Guests were: Misses Vestal Barr or-Blountville. Ruth Converse --of Clarksville, Mary Franc Kelly, Lois Dungan, Glenna -Pugh, Virginia Stella Bishop, Hope and Ruby Pugh and Edna Henry Converse, of Clarksville, Reese Pennington, Ralph Pugh, Lee Bonham, Mack Duncan, Ray Carter and Greely SATURDAY BRIDGE CLUB Mrs.

Dent King Burke and Miss Louise Brown will entertain the Saturday Bridge Club Saturday afternoon at three o'clock at Big Creek. less substitute, of whose makers you know nothing. Every refinment of comfort is offered by Kotex. Its softness lasts. It is adjustable, disposaVe, and may be worn on either side.

It is treated to deodorize. OTe Sanitary Napkins Pr; New Hat or 5 of a Stresses KNOXVILLE, July. 21. (A T. Martindale, field service director for the American Farm Bureau Federation, in an address today before the fiat annual convention of East Tennessee farmers said there must be "c8-operation among co-operators" in order to insure the success of tue agricultural marketing act--Several hundred farmers from throughout East Tennessee were in attendance at the.

sessions at the University of Tennessee Farm. Numerous addresses as well as informal discussions of agricultural con-(talons and inspection trips about farm were scheduled for the meeting which ends tomorrow. "Co-operation," Mr. Martindale told the convention, "is needed so that we may show a united front to the enemies who would block our progress if they could. It Ls needed so that the Nation may get a clear understanding of what farmers want and how we propose to get it." Mr.

Martindale told the convention that eight great natiohal 'marketing associations as well as numerous regional co-optratives have been formed with help of the agricultural marketing act. He said they marked a marvelous advance "in our efforts to make the farmer's dollar equal the 100 cents it means to industry and labor." He said, however, there was still 'much to be done before the co-operative movement could be established on a firm footing. Dr. W. J.

Fitts, State commtssioner of agriculture, attended today's sessions and will address the convention tomorrow. SLOT MACHINE 'OWNERS UNDER CHARGES JOHNSON CITY, July 21. for alleged operators of fifteen slot confiscated by chief deputy John McKinney and members of hilts force has been postponed until Thursdar morning at 9 o'clock, when the cases will again be called before Magistrate A. E. McCorkle.

Lyle Burrow, attorney for Several of the defendants, requested that the hearings be postponed so that lawyers In the cases may get the Supreme Court decision returned Saturday. The court's decision holds that the devices are made for gambling purposes and are therefore unlawful. Attorney General Ben Allen was on hand when time for the hearings was Allen said he was going to prosecute to the limit in the cases, especially those who were operating machines which "paid oft' in cash. Some of the machines pay off in checks which may or may not be redeemed in trade, it was stated. ter of Mr.

and Mrs. Harold Nickels, who is at King's Mountain Memorial Hospital. continues to improve, friends will be glad to kaow. Mr. and Mrs.

J. E. Ellington were recent visitors to Dante, seeing their. many friends. The interior of the Methodist church Ls being Miss Pearl Smith.

and Miss May Smith. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. A. J.

Smith, are spending their vacation with their parents. Rev. A F. and sister, Mrs. R.

M. Dougherty, bave returned from a camping trip on the Metraddin 'farm about seven miles east of Mendota. Mr. B. Vermilion, cashier of the Bank of Mendota, was a recent visitor to Bristol.

Prof. W. Z. McClellan and family are spending their vacation at their home here. Prof.

McClellan was princtpal of a high school last session in Bowling ree County, Virginia. Mrs. R. E. Millard, who recently underwent a seripus operation at Kings Mountain Memorial Hospital, continues to Improve, her many friends will be glad to know.

Mr. Ople Vermilion of the Kingsport Press is spending a few 1 I days vacation with hiS parents. tilEV8tITAG 7th Avenue 42nd Street et Times Square NEW YORK Daily Nom Higbee Room with Running Witter sz.00-Lso CITY Tw. 3-50 Roonerprith Private Beth Reduction of Oft day on weekly re tea vfir $3 00-330 ch. For 4.50-5.00 Two Finger, -r1965 I Regular values.

All perfect quality 74c 111 CULES MAI BECOME HEAD OF MEXICO'S BANK MEXICO CITY, July Just as Pluterco E. Carats' was getting nicely-' started with his breeding of prize horses, cows attnd chickens. another national Cris, has come along, and it looks as though he would have 'to- Tural pleasures of his beautiful hacienda, "Santa Mexico's "strong man" is pected to be called to ibe poet of president of the Bank. of Mexiccr-, with the duty of pegging the fast-, sliding silver peso. he left the presidency of the nation, three years ago, Calks i has spent as much time as possible his estate', 20 mites from Mexico City.

There the politicians and era's find him when they want adviceand a welcome awaits callers much more lowly. The poorest peon may wander usquestioned through the gate of "Santa Bur- bara" and talk with the man who though out of office, still dominatee 'tile political life of Mexico. 3t4orinfus relierfrom 141 ERVOUS 11EAIDACIII When one of those sick, nervouil headaches comes and you want three-minute relief, go to 'any drug store or soda fount and ask for a package or dose of "B-C" (10c and 23c) the wonderful new preparation of a North Carolina druggist that Is anteed safe and speedy Withoe; pression or bad after eifects "B-C" relieves any kind ot 11 ache, sciatic, neuralgia or female pain, because it contains several gredients that function together for the relief of pain. regardless of Its origin. The "B-C" fOrM11111 111 one of the most important medical disoovs ries of recent years, accomplishing In a few minute" what no on.

drug formula can dO under 1. to hours, lie Regular values. All perfect quality tne politica' me et mexwo. i 1 l' to lb lair 3kallNEUITE-- relierfrom 2 for $1.00 Vtilues to $t00) Fine quality Rayon Slightly soiled MIMEO 10 KINGSPORT CITIZEN KINGSPORT, July 21 (Sp1)--Suing the American 11181In ance Company, of New York for $5,000 dalages claimed due in the burning his. home on Bristol Boulevard; March 11, 1980, B.

Horton was awarded $1,800 by the Kingsport Law court this morning. At a previous hearing of tile case Horton-- wax awarded $5,000, but the verdict was set aside by the presiding judge. The insurance company contended that the amount claimed was greater than the loss sustained. In the second case disposed of this morning, King Larkin w3.3 awarded $75 in a $175 damage suit against the ity Transit Company. The case grew out of an automobile wreck on Bristol Boule7 Yard.

NEVI SAS WELL PLANNED IN UOTT COUNTY GATE- ernr, July 21.On the strength of the successful Davis-Elkins gas well in Scott county, W. B. Fulton and others, are planning to drill a well on what is known as the Cowden tract, in Dekslb district twenty miles from here. LOCILIAW YICTIMSIVEN LITTLE HOPE LIVING James Littleford, 11-year old boy critically ill with lockjaw, yesterday showed no change toward improvment and his chances recovery were believed almost gone. Although he developed lockjaw Wednesday his condition was not learned until Sunday night and I although he has received expert 1 i and careful attention since.

little Ihope is held. The disease is believed to have entered his body by. several small I sores on the feet and legs. Thousands of items original cost Beads Ear- Rings Pits 25c 1 It has been the RY.LAND'S Ti alues FIRE Thousands of items original cost 1 2, sill Beads 2r Ear- Rings the on. 00 Girls has been invited by the Bristol Chapter to exemplify the work at their meeting on Friday night Members of Border City Chapter who can attend It130 are invited to be present.

CINCINNATI VISITOR Mrs. P. Brewer, of Cincinnati, Ohio, arrived last week to spend a month visiting her mother, Mrs. Ella S. Hammit.

She will be Joined later by Mr. Brewer who will spend a week here. VISITING MRS. PATTON Mrs. Grant Yarnell of Chattanooga, Tennessee Is the guest of Mrs.

W. l'sl Patton at her home on Wood lawn Avenue. IMPROVING Miss Jean Allen Marks, young daughtir of Mr and Mrs.Max Marks is Improving after a week's Illness at ber home on Euclid Avenue, HAS TONSIL OPERATION Fred Swan is improving following a tonsil operation at Grace Hospital. RETURNS FROM GREENEVILLE Miss Mildred Dunn has returned from Greeneville where she spent the past two weeks visiting relatives. MRS.

ALLIN VISITING MRS. KIDD Mrs. J. B. Al lin formerly of Bristol, now of -New Orlean, is the guest of Mrs.

Carol Kidd and Colonel Kidd, at their home on Euclid Avenue. Mrs. Al lin i a being most cordially welcomed by a large circle of friends. ENTERTAINING NIECE 1 Mrs. Carol Kidd is entertaining )her niece Miss Dorothy Bundy, of Lebanon, at her home on Avenue.


and Mrs. Earl Caudle are in Baltimore visiting Mr. and Mrs. It Niles. They went to Baltimore Saturday.

SPENDS WEEK-END IN BOSTON Miss Bernice Marks who Is spending the summer in Ai Maine camp, spent, the week-end in Boston, to be with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hecht. MRS. REEVE A VISITOR Mrs.

William P. Reeve of Knoxville is spending several days visiting her mother, Mrs. J. A. Wallace and sister Mrs.

Taylor Cowan at Columbia Road. She came at the week-end and Is remaining for several days. RETURN TO SAVANNAH Mrs. Leis and Mrst Arthur Waite have returned to their home in Savannah, after a visit with Mrs. Patterson's Taylor Cowan.

1 HARMELING-AND POST HEARD BY ROTARIANS The necessity of fellowship in Rotary activities was the theme of Tuesday's meeting of the Bristol Rotary Club, in which Karl Ilarmeling and Dr. Robert Yost made brief talks. The program was in charge of the fellowship committee, Mr. Berme 11-ng. presiding in the absence of Dr.

H. H. Thompson, chairman. Rotarians should know each other intimately and should season their acquaintance with sincerity of gooti will rather than a casual friendship, Mr: Harmeling said, giving illustrations Of his ideas of true fellowship. A Dr.

Yost, who, it was announced. would speak fully of his recent visit to Europe and the 'Vienna infernational convention at the next meeting, of the fellowahip exhibited by Rotarians on the trip from New York to France. The fellowship was ideal, he said. clooing his talk with the suggestion that Rotarians might well adopt as a motto the words he new engraved at an old abbey in England: "Season life's bitter with a pleaaant smile." Mr. Harmeling and C.

P. Daniel led the singing of several songs, aclcornpanied by Miss Elizabeth Her-meting at the Guests were: Mrs. T. W. In-'gram, Miss Harrneling and Bob Boswell of Bristol; C.

H. Roe. Cedar Springs, and Rotarian Fred Pate, Bedford. the Bris- the work day night Chapter invited to Cincinnati, spend ither, Mrs. Joined will spend kirTON Chatta- guest of home on FEDERAL BANK INQUIRY Is NOT CONTEMPLATED LYN'CHBIJAG, July 21.

(AP) Carter Glass, Democrat, said here today, that the senate suboonvnittee on of which he is chairman, Is not planning an investigation of the Federal Reserve Board in connection with bank failures in tne Jurisdiction of the hoard. Comment1ng on a report that the committee was planning such an Inquiry, Senator Glass said the statement was inaccurate. He said he had received a complaint from Sidney Ward, claiming to present depositors in a National Bank at Benton, Ill, but that he bad Informed Ward that his committee was not engaged in investigating any particular bank failure. MENDOTA mEsnoTA, July C. G.

Sproles and daughter, Mrs. Dan Lewis, and son Fred; also Mrs. Jebs Fleenor and little son, Lynn, of Benhams spent Tuesday with Dr. and Mrs. J.

C. Pruner. Mr. Frank S. Wilson, and sister, Mrs.

H. B. Christiali, left today for Richmond, Virginia on a business trip. S. Many oil and gas interests, including some of the lead.

oil geologists of the U. have 'lately been Investigating the extent of the local gas Mr. Lawrence Smit of the Washington Trust Savings Bank, is spending his vacation with homefolks. Mr. Halsey Hendricks, of the First National Bank, Bristol, is visiting his and Mrs.

James Hendricks. Mr. Scott Smith is spending a few days with his 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.

J. Smith. Mr. Vernon Malone and wife are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

J. T. Malone. Attorney V. C.

Barker is in Richmond. Virginia, on business this week. The local chapter Of the Eastern Star is expecting a visit of the 1 Worthy 'Grand Matron of -Virginia on the evening of July 27th. mr. and Mrs.

P. M. Wood of Bristol hare bought the residence property of Mr. Frank Pippin, kn OWO as--t'tte- Shuffiebarger arty, and -expect to move to Mendota shortly. Mr.

J. C. Copenhaver of Abingdon was a recent visitor to Mendota. Misses Maude and Cleo Hendricks, Leona and Ruby Rice, and Lennie Booth are attending the Summer Session of the State Teachers College at Radford. Mr.

A. C. Barker and farlitly of Bristol have been spending sonic time at their summer home here. Miss Jennie Meade, daughter of Dr. and Mrs.

J. O. Meade, has lately accepted a position with the Johnson-Willis Hospital at Abingdon. Little Betty Jane Nickels, daugh For Limited Time ion. Little Betty Jane Nickels, (laugh: For Limited Time I.

v. told 1A, like A i. .1 1.. A .1.: talk of the tow-1 es a SALE less than the priceonly 0, Many Vases rit and Gift int, less than half the priceonly APS 1641 Many Vases and Gift 2 Mt. Hugh Smith, former King College Student, arrived in Bristol Monday to be the.

guest of friends. He will also spend some time with his parents in Hillsville, Virginia. Mr. arid Mrs. (1.

E. Newland are expecting Mrs. P. K. Arrington of Des Moines, Iowa, to be their guest for several weeks.

Miss Edith Kaylor is the guest of her sister. Zula Kaylor, in Kingsport. 0 Mrs. Philip Bergheimer of Richmond is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.

C. A. Bergheimer in the Kentucky Hall Apartments. 0 Mrs. 1 W.

I. Hughes and son of Richmond, are in Bristol the guests of Mrs. Hughes' parents, Mt and Mrs. S. Christain.

MISS LOUISE BRAMM 1 HAS GUESTS I Miss Louise Brarnm is entertain-I ling at her home on LynwoodStreet I Misses Gladys Hetrick of kYoungstown, Ohio. and Miss Ida of Niles, Ohio. They motored to Bristol, arriving yesterday. A A g- I I LUZ A 1 1113 WIMP the Silverware China I 4 Only 26 piece sets Dinner sets Permanent Waves and all plated Ail Curls Style llo 5 A 0 r' 5 flatwar 4 rice Half 'Price 4 -2 You You --0'w HAall1fLperiathceeranGdooledsss Need Wish Soft Curls That Last Italian Wave German Ware 1 This beautiful ware A deep lasting wave. ll ss which is unexcelled.

and I I i Elb DOO Watches Reduced to Low'est ha delighted thou- the naturalne of I Prices i sands of women. our History Permanent Wave AU the Style llo 50 Cyuorul You Need Wish Soft Curls That Last MUIR' has 1 sands Italian Wave Th18 beautiful wave ha a delighted thousands of women. German Ware A deep lasting wave. the naturalness of which Is unexcelled. mow Only Shampoo and Silverware 26 niece sets Dinner sets and all plated Half 'Price flatware 4 price All Leather Goods.

Half price and less Watches Reduced to Lowest Prices in our History Shop China I IMPROVING Mrs. Audrey Rutherford is gradually improving frorn a serious operation at Grace Hospital aeveral days ago. I SPENDING TODAY IN RRITIM MT1.111 SEVEN MILE FORD Sirs. Robert Gray and her young granddaughters Elizabeth-Gray and Ann-Peyton Judkins, are spending today in Seven Mile Ford. VISITINGIN OHIO Misses Dorothy and Mary Burrow departed Sunday for Celumbus.

Ohio, where they are visiting Dr. and Mrs. Willisun Portsmouth they alit be gbests of Mr. and Mrs. John W.

Hurt. and 11,411 be away two (4 Iv 0 .9, 1 03.00 $500 We can dye your straw hat to match any color.4 A new hat for only 50c. We also dye all leather goods, shoes, We call for and deliver at no extra charge. Just -phone us. SHOE 'AND OP BOSTON REPAIR Sixth St: Phone 679-R -Phone 679-R Open Evenings by Appointment Da nyilaTud, 531 STATE STREET 'BRISTOL, VA.

E'ylland' '1- 531 STATE STREET 'BRISTOL, VA. I Phone 1965 itESSPermanent lintli Wave Wave Shov Unusually 111 beautiful LC; 2nd Floor Paramount Theatre RIg. aryl Phone 4 1 I 111.

Bristol Herald Courier from Bristol, Tennessee (2024)
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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.