United Dual Complete Providers (2024)

1. UHC Dual Complete VA-S002 (HMO-POS D-SNP) Lookup tools

  • Search our directory of network doctors and more including: specialists, hospitals, laboratories and X-ray centers.

  • UnitedHealthcare offers UHC Dual Complete VA-S002 (HMO-POS D-SNP) plans for Virginia and eligible counties. This plan gives you a choice of doctors and hospitals. Learn about lookup tools.

UHC Dual Complete VA-S002 (HMO-POS D-SNP) Lookup tools

2. UHC Dual Complete WA-D002 (HMO-POS D-SNP) Lookup tools

  • UnitedHealthcare offers UHC Dual Complete WA-D002 (HMO-POS D-SNP) plans for Washington and eligible counties. This plan gives you a choice of doctors and ...

  • UnitedHealthcare offers UHC Dual Complete WA-D002 (HMO-POS D-SNP) plans for Washington and eligible counties. This plan gives you a choice of doctors and hospitals. Learn about lookup tools.

UHC Dual Complete WA-D002 (HMO-POS D-SNP) Lookup tools

3. New Jersey UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete® Special Needs Plans

4. New York UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete® Special Needs Plans

  • These SNP plans provide benefits beyond Original Medicare, such as transportation to medical appointments and routine vision exams.

  • New York UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete® Special Needs Plans cover features and benefits in addition to those included in Original Medicare. Members in some areas may have different plans from which to choose. The plans may include a Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit.

5. Dental Provider Portal | UnitedHealthcare

  • The UnitedHealthcare Dental Provider Portal helps providers get access to more patients, competitive reimbursem*nt rates and dedicated support.

  • The UnitedHealthcare Dental Provider Portal helps providers get access to more patients, competitive reimbursem*nt rates and dedicated support. Health care professionals can get detailed patient benefit and claims information and access to trainings designed to help you and your practice.

6. UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete Medicare Advantage | Lakeland Care

7. [PDF] Frequently Asked Questions about Medicare and Dual Eligible Special ...

  • 5 jan 2024 · Some dual eligible enrollees are eligible for all Medicare and Medicaid benefits and services, and are sometimes referred to as ...

8. [PDF] Dual Special Needs Plans (DSNP), Behavioral Benefit - Provider Express

  • • Call Provider Services on the back of the Member's ID card. Always check benefits before providing services to a UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete®. Plan ...

9. Best UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete HQ Dental, TX in 2024

  • However, a dental plan is quality depends on the participating providers. Let's look at some UnitedHealthcare dental providers to help you understand your ...

  • Explore comprehensive healthcare with UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete. Discover benefits for your health coverage today.

Best UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete HQ Dental, TX in 2024

10. District Dual Choice (D-SNPs) - at www.DHCF.DC.Gov.

  • How do I enroll in the Dual Choice plan?If you are interested in enrolling, you may do so directly with UnitedHealthcare by calling 1-855-801-7175 / TTY: 711 or ...

  • The District Dual Choice program is exclusively for dually eligible beneficiaries and aims to better coordinate their Medicare and Medicaid benefits. On February 1, 2022, the District expanded its existing Dual Choice program into a more comprehensive program that integrates Medicare and Medicaid benefits into a single program. That means that there is ONE set of comprehensive benefits and ONE accountable entity to coordinate the delivery of services to help coordinate the unique needs of individuals.

11. [PDF] Care Provider Manual for TennCare - TN.gov

  • UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete: For information about UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete in. Tennessee, go to UHCprovider.com > Menu > Health. Plans by State ...

12. Shop Dual Special Needs (D-SNP) plans from UnitedHealthcare

  • Shop UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete plans and learn how Dual Special Needs plans offer extra benefits for people who have Medicare and Medicaid.

United Dual Complete Providers (2024)


Is United Healthcare Dual Complete the same as Medicare Advantage? ›

UHC Dual Complete® (HMO D-SNP) is insured through UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company or one of its affiliated companies, a Medicare Advantage organization with a Medicare contract and a contract with the State Medicaid Program.

Does UnitedHealthcare dual complete have a deductible? ›

After you enroll in the plan, you will get more information on how to view your plan details online. Annual medical deductible This plan does not have a medical deductible. This is the most you will pay out-of-pocket each year for Medicare-covered services and supplies received from network providers.

How much OTC does UnitedHealthcare give per month? ›

You can also order by phone at 1-888-628-2770 (TTY: 711) Monday to Friday, from 9 AM to 8 PM local time or online at https://www.cvs.com/benefits. You order from a list of approved items, and it will be sent to your address. How much is my OTC benefit? You have $25 per month.

What is the difference between UnitedHealthcare and UnitedHealth? ›

UnitedHealthcare is the health benefits business of UnitedHealth Group, a health care and well-being company working to help build a modern, high-performing health system through improved access, affordability, outcomes and experiences.

Can you have Medicare and UnitedHealthcare at the same time? ›

Yes — but you have to enroll in Medicare Part A and/or Part B. For a Medicare Advantage (Part C) plan, you must have both Medicare Part A and Part B to apply.

Which consumer might benefit the most by enrolling in a D-SNP? ›

A Dual Special Needs plan (D-SNP) is a type of health insurance plan. It's for people who have both Medicare and Medicaid. These plans are designed for people who may need more help because of disabilities, age or health conditions.

Do prescriptions count towards deductible UnitedHealthcare? ›

Types of deductibles

You meet your medical deductible through costs related to medical services (like a doctor visit). With a prescription deductible, only prescription costs count toward meeting your deductible. A prescription deductible can apply to some or all of your plan's covered medicines.

What is the difference between D-SNP and C SNP? ›

D-SNPs can help coordinate your benefits between Medicare and Medicaid. If you're interested in an I-SNP, and live in a facility, check that the plan has providers that serve people where you live. C-SNPs can limit membership to a single chronic condition or a group of related chronic conditions.

Is UnitedHealthcare a high deductible health plan? ›

The UnitedHealthcare plan with Health Savings Account (HSA) is a high deductible health plan (HDHP) that is designed to comply with IRS requirements so eligible enrollees may open a Health Savings Account (HSA) with a bank of their choice or through Optum Bank, Member of FDIC.

Can I buy meat with my OTC card at Walmart? ›

Approved items include fruits & vegetables, meats, dairy & more.

Can I buy laundry detergent with my OTC card? ›

You can also get everyday items like laundry detergent, soap and toothbrushes.

What is the disadvantage of UnitedHealthcare? ›

AARP/UnitedHealthcare is a poor choice for PFFS plans. PFFS plans aren't a popular choice since they are usually expensive and can limit your choice of doctors. For these plans, UnitedHealthcare has high prices, low ratings and limited availability.

Does UnitedHealthcare have a good reputation? ›

What's good about UnitedHealthcare? Members generally like their health insurance plans. UnitedHealthcare has 4.6 out of five stars for member experience, according to a HealthCare.gov survey that asked people to rank their medical care, doctors and ability to get appointments.

Is UnitedHealthcare a good carrier? ›

United has a strong PPO network in most of its markets.

California is no exception. With United Health's PPO options, you have traditionally one of the strongest PPO list of doctors and hospitals available.

What is the difference between Medicare Advantage and Medicare Complete? ›

Original Medicare covers inpatient hospital and skilled nursing services – Part A - and doctor visits, outpatient services and some preventative care – Part B. Medicare Advantage plans cover all the above (Part A and Part B), and most plans also cover prescription drugs (Part D).

Is AARP Medicare Advantage the same as Medicare Complete? ›

Under Medicare Advantage, you will get all the services you are eligible for under original Medicare. In addition, some MA plans offer care not covered by the original option. These include some dental, vision and hearing care. Some MA plans also provide coverage for gym memberships.

Is UHC Medicare a Medicare Advantage plan? ›

UHC Medicare Advantage plans cover features and benefits in addition to those included in Original Medicare. Members in some areas may have different plans from which to choose.

What are the two types of Medicare Advantage plans? ›

Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) Special Needs Plans (SNPs)

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.