Feb 4
i'm doing it... i'm writing... i'm writing....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jan 31
Ok instead of a a school it takes place within the Port Mafia which is the biggest gambling ring in japan
Pm dazai and chuuya here but dazai is 22 and the pm boss and chuuya lost his place as an executive after losing against mori in a gamble for his position
2 months afterwards mori mysteriously dies and dazai becomes the boss
He calls chuuya into his office and teases him about his loss and offers him a deal
A deal where if chuuya wins he gets his old job back
If dazai wins, chuuya has to follow a life plan dazai had made for him
In this plan he must leave the Port Mafia altogether and marry dazai and bear his kids
Oh did I mention this was omegaverse????
Not rlly bc it has nothing to do with scents or mating cause honestly I'm not feeling it
It's just an ideal world (where men can get pregnant as they SHOULD)
Anyway the game is called "Disappearing Dazai" it's a game dazai invented for this situation
The way it works is that each player is given a set of doors
These doors have a small plastic box behind them where you can store something inside
There are six doors each in a color from the rainbow and arranged as such
Then the player whose turn is first is given a small ceramic dazai doll
While the other player has their back turned and a blindfold on for extra precautions, the other will hide the Disappearing Dazai in one of the doors
Then the other player must turn around and take off the blindfold and try to guess which door holds the dazai doll
While chuuyas back is turned he focuses on the sounds of the door closing and the ceramic doll hitting the inside of the box
He hears it come from the left side
So when he turns around prepared to choose one of the doors on his now right side, he is surprised to see that the doors have been rearranged. Some are now on the opposite side, seemingly at random
Dazai says that the rules never mentioned rearranging the doors so it's definitely allowed
Confused and overthinking, chuuya chooses the wrong door
He stuck to his decision to thr sound coming from the right side and chooses an orange door, thinking that maybe dazai rearranged the doors first before inserting the doll
However, he is wrong
He realizes that the board they are playing on is made of velvet, which is a soft material that made him unable to hear the sound of the doors being rearranged
The truth was that dazai put the doll in the blue door, the one originally on chuuyas right, and then switched them after
Ok this is getting long and I'm too lazy to explain how the rest of the game goes so pretty much chuuya lost and now has to pay the price
He really doesn't want to and fights against it, but dazai tells him that no one in the pm respects him anymore after he lost to mori, and now his career in the mafia is forever stagnant at an underling position
He is no longer the strong and powerful chuuya nakahara, the gravity manipulator
He is now chuuya nakahara, the prideful idiot who bit too much than he could chew and lost pathetically
So now, since dazai is ever so generous, he gives chuuya a choice
He can remain in the mafia, however trapped in this unmoving, unpromotable state where he will never be respected again
Or he can obey dazai and willingly choose to live by his life plan, at least keeping his pride and erasing his embarrassing blunder from the past by cutting ties with the mafia altogether
And since I'm a silly lil fanfic writer ofc he chooses the life plan
From there it's kind of fuzzy with how I plan to keep it going buuuttt at least I got this much figured out
I wanna actually write this properly in fanfic form but I just made this to get the idea out there, see if people like it, get feedback, and so that when I do write it, I have a guide I can look at so I don't forget everything haha
BTW I had this idea at like 12 am last night while I was supposed to be sleeping so there might be some plot holes or something wrong with the logic
I'm especially worried about the logic of the game since I am nowhere smart enough to think of something actually on the kakegurui level
So anyway ya!! Watch kakegurui if u haven't since that's what this au is based on and if u know it you might understand the story better
Also it's got girls orgasming everywhere so....idk ur feelings abt that......
Anyway tell me what u think!! I'd love to get ur feedback and fix whatever mistakes I made!!
Apr 15
Do you have any creative influences? I'm always so impressed by your work— your prose especially— and I need to know if there's any creators out there I need to file away in the creative influence database in my head so I can write like you
This question took all day of me searching and thinking because I can't really say I know who or what's influenced me right off the top of my head. With notable exceptions that bookend this post. Anyway, here you go!
@.teshamerkel 's PMD Seekers of Soul was my TPiaG before I found TPiaG. It helped me through a part of my life that, looking back, was a lot harder than I thought it was. While it didn't move me to the point of starting to make my own art again, I certainly did consider it. And I consider Seekers of Soul to be a must-read for any PMD fanfic enthusiasts.
Tui T. Southerland's Wings of Fire series is the first thing I can remember thinking of fanfiction for. I never did write any of it, mostly because I never felt motivated enough (and partially because it was was all just oc x canon). But even with my misgivings of the series and how bungled the overall theme of arc 2 was with how they defeated the big bad, book 6 is still one of my favorite books of all time.
All of @.saltnpepperbunny 's work is really good, and definitely had an influence!
PMD Victory Fire holds a very special place in my heart for being excellent story, incredible artwork (that I think was done in MS paint), and being one of the first pmd things I consumed besides the games. Even if its on indefinite hiatus, I still consider it to be a must-read for even people outside of the PMD sphere. I would go into more detail, but I don't want to spoil anything!
I also consider Cucumber Quest to be a must-read. I dont have much to say besides that it's genuinely amazing and that you should read it the first chance you get.
Obligatory Avatar The Last Airbender mention. It's shocking to me how the worst that show got was just a mediocre episode in the first season. (The great divide) I genuinely think the entire series should be put in museums or something because it is an enormous accomplishment in the field of storytelling in general.
Scoob And Shag goes from a silly, foul-mouthed joke comic, to... not a joke comic. I would love to gush about it, but I fear that doing so would spoil it. Check it out. Even if its just for the (frankly absurd) glow up in the artistic style and quality. I normally advise going into things as blind as possible, but I would recommend checking the TV tropes page to know what kinda stuff you're in for once you reach around episode 20~30 and then seeing if it's something you would be interested in. It's very good, but definitely not for everyone.
... I thiiiiink that's it for people and content I can point to and know that they've influenced me off the top of my head. (Aside from one massive exception at the end of this post) The rest of this is just kinda a list of content and creators I really enjoy and highly recommend checking out at some point. Even If I can't really tell just how much of an effect it's had on me.
First, videogames!
Despite how much of my time I spend playing videogames, the only few I can point to are:
Undertale Yellow
Stardew Valley
and Hades. (I recommend Hades the most)
Despite how much I love the series, I haven't actually played any PMD games. (At least, in any official sense.) I am working towards getting them though!
Next, Youtubers:
• Atastic's animations are fantastic! I don't have much to say beyond that they are really good and fun.
• Bumbles McFumbles is a rare example of a person who is equally entertaining while talking about something he likes, as he is while talking about something he doesn't like. He's got an excellent sense of comedic flow and timing. He's part of the reason why my humor is the way it is.
• Doodley is an animator that makes videos on animation principles and is also just generally entertaining while also educational.
• Eltorro64rus makes all of his absurdist, extremely smooth animations in Gmod. Which is endlessly impressive if you know that Gmod is a game first, and an animation software like, 6th. The humor is very much an acquired taste though.
• FutureCanoe has such a funny, dry sense of comedy that it almost makes you forget that he's a cooking youtuber who somehow makes all of his food look like it was poisoned before, during and after cooking.
• GildedGuy is such a cool animator that he got his stickman OC in fortnite! And all his animations are gorgeous masterpieces, that too.
• Krugston is an animator that is constantly experimenting with his style. He went from a generic storytime animator to, in my opinion, one of the most unique and creative animators on the platform.
• Neytirix is an animated youtuber, but describing her videos really difficult because of just how unique they are. My best shot at it would probably be: "horror storytime animator and artist, with overarching plot between videos"
• Overly Sarcastic Productions has an entire, multi-hour long playlist of videos on different tropes. And within those is writing advice. While there are a couple of things that I remember disagreeing with, (even though I can't remember specifically what. probably just opinions on certain shows' quality) The general advise they give can be a big help. (They also do history lessons, and while I don't care for those as much, there is definitely appeal behind them)
• MajorLink doesn't have a large amount of videos, but he does have a fan animated series of The Legend Of Zelda. One with a total runtime reaching just over two hours at this point, with more on the way!
• ScottTheWoz is up there with Jerma as one of the most experimental, consistently funny, and creative e-celebs on their respective platforms. One of the few YouTubers that you would have to watch his videos in chronological order to understand all of the jokes. But even lacking context behind all of the injokes and references is fine because he writes jokes with the knowledge that someone might be watching it for the first time. 'Great Gaming Mysteries', followed by 'The Trial' would be my favorite youtube video of all time if they weren't separate.
• Wendigoon's videos are equal parts entertaining, and disturbing. They also are consistently over the 1 hour mark, so they also make for pretty good background noise material if you want to hear a guy talk for hours.
• Yahya Danboos has several videos showcasing his process of making an ambitious 3d hack-n-slash as a solo dev. It's pretty informative on the process of making a 3d game.
Next is TV shows!
This one is even shorter than videogames since the amount of time I spend searching for shows to watch, and watching youtube videos on said shows, outweighs the amount of time I spend actually watching the shows.
But I can fully recomend these shows though!
Gravity Falls
Adventure Time
The Owl House
Next up, Webcomics!
All of the following are in no specific order. If I don't say anything, it's not because it's worse, but because saying "it's really dang good and you should check it out" for every entry can get exhausting.
All of these can be found on ComicFury.
PMD: Taken Place
Pokémon Abridgestery Dungeon
PMD: Milos From Home
PMD: On Borrowed Time
PMD: Terminus
PMD: Another Perspective
PMD: The Human Connection
PMD: Rangers Of Sky
PMD: The Rouge Team
Autumn In Sinnoh
Jet's Black Nuzlocke
Last Light
Soul Food
Endurance: In Our Blood
Laika's Comet
Vagabond Sonic
All of the following I found on Webtoons, some I know arent on just webtoons, but I do know that they're all on there.
Lil' Char and Gang
Suitor Armor
Vampire Husband
City Of Blank
The Greatest Estate Developer (genuinely the funniest webtoon ive ever read)
The Last Dimension
Hand Jumper
Spontaneous World Shifting (my favorite out of all of these in the webtoons section)
Magic School Girl: Spare No Villains
Loving Reaper (my beloved)
Spellward Bound
Zodiac Parade
Of Swamp and Sea
Jupiter Men
Vibe Check!
Next is the various Tumblrinas I follow. (Not tagging them because i feel like it'd be wierd.)
@.cringywhitedragon and @.ghetsis both come up with really cool idea's that are partially responsible for the things I come up with.
@.efplanning Makes some cool art and is also cooking up a really cool universe that I'm excited to see.
@.obogaboo is making PMD: Taken Place and is also just a really good artist.
@.teeterarting Author of The Rouge Team and also makes really lovely art
@.aimer-arts 's art is adorable and wonderful and beautiful and I love it.
Same goes for @.quikyu
Same goes for @.sunsnak
Same goes for @.pichiicake
Same goes for @.pikabata
Same goes for @.chufflepop
Same goes for @.honeycrud
Same goes for @.honrupi-art
Same goes for @.cryptid-creations
Same goes for @.dailyralsei
Same goes for @.bugblast
@.zeropro Is the author of Jet's Black Nuzlocke, and also makes some great art on the side!
@.fwugradiation makes some cool music I think. He hasn't posted it a while though.
@.spicymochi makes cute art that I wanna buy stickers of in the future.
@.advosart 's riolu gives me life.
And now for the grand finale! The person who's my greatest creative influence:
It's @sincerely-sofie
You asked me for my biggest creative influences, but it seems to me, from what I think is implied in that ask you sent, didn't realize that I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for you. I doubt I ever would have gotten started even writing things if it weren't for the things that you make and your constant, uplifting encouragement.
While all of these other things I've outlined in this post did have an impact, and those ones at the start had more of an impact as i might not have thought of before, they all are barely quantifiable compared to just how much of an impact your own stuff has had on my creative expression. It's your stuff that got me to begin creatively expressing after all!
You say you like my Prose, but I actually think that it sounds closest to yours than anyone elses, if we assume that my own personality isnt a factor.
It's genuinely impossible to thank you enough for how much of a positive impact you've had on me.
Oct 12, 2022
Beboptober Day 11: Procrastination
Thanks to @thestarlightsymphony for the prompt list! I’ll be honest, I’m not sure this idea makes sense to anyone else but me, but it was fun to write :)
Hey, Maya, says the tiny Jet Black who lives in my head. Shouldn’t you be writing your Beboptober fic for today?
I’ll do it later, I think back. I have work to do. History readings, and studying for my Astronomy midterm, and…
Okay, okay. Jet holds up his (imaginary) hands, smiles and nods approvingly as he exits. Probably a good idea, too, to get your homework done first.
(He doesn’t know I’m going to procrastinate on that too.)
Hey, says the tiny Faye Valentine who lives in my head. Don’t you have Beboptober to do tonight?
Yeah, I say. I stuff another cookie in my mouth, from earlier when I decided I couldn’t possibly write without the proper snacks. But I’ll do it later.
How much later d’you have? asks Faye, giving an idle glance at the clock between drags of her cigarette.
I can submit it a little after midnight and it will still be fine, I say. It’ll still be the same day in the time zones behind mine.
Stands to reason, says Faye, shrugging; I can’t tell if she’s convinced or not. I can’t tell if I’m convinced by myself or not, to be honest.
Then, over my protests, she reaches for one of my cookies. Hey, can I have one of those?
(As if she could have them anyway.)
Beboptober! Beboptober! chants the tiny Ed who lives in my head, whirling and spinning around in my mind’s eye. She likes Beboptober the best of all the characters in my head—she enjoys doing silly little things for me to write down, and she’s generally not the one being put through trauma or getting her neuroses dissected for all of Tumblr to see. The tiny Ein who lives in my head stands next to her and barks.
Yep, I tell her. Beboptober is, in fact, a thing I have to do. And that I will do. I glance at the clock in the upper-right of my computer screen and shake my head. Eventually.
The deadline looms ever-closer! says Ed, wiggling her fingers and injecting her voice with her spookiest vibrato. You must write noooooow!
I’ve got time, I say.
Whatcha doin’ instead? she says, standing on tiptoe and leaning over my shoulder to see my laptop screen.
It’s, er… How on earth am I supposed to explain this? It’s an article, I say. Okay, fine, not an article. A Reddit post. About the hobby drama behind Disney parks and their fans.
Ein gives me a reproachful look at the fact that this is what I’ve been doing instead of Beboptober. That I opened up that tab and have just gotten lost in it—for the past three hours.
And that’s not all. Also on my laptop are the New York Times crossword, a questionably-legal copy of a Sophie Kinsella novel, and a game that’s like 2048 except it’s called “Large Hadron Collider” and the blocks are labelled with the names of subatomic particles.
In my defense, I say, playing that last one kinda helps me think…
But Ed, all thoughts of deadlines and spookiness forgotten, is fascinated by the 2048 knockoff. She avidly watches me as I move the little blocks, every so often suggesting new movements and giggling, and that’s what we do for the next half an hour.
(With no progress made on Beboptober.)
Hey, says the tiny Spike Spiegel who lives in my head. It’s, like, 11 PM. You doing Beboptober anytime soon?
Later, I think back, gritting my teeth, not lifting my eyes from the computer screen—which is not open to my Beboptober doc.
He raises an eyebrow. Y’know, it gets kinda boring just sitting here, in your head, waiting for you to make us do stuff and write about it…
But what if the stuff is wrong? I say, fear creeping into my voice. Fear I haven’t really acknowledged until now—but really should more often, as it seems to be at the root of a lot of my procrastination. Like, out-of-character, or inaccurate to canon, or…
So, it’s wrong, he says. It’s one fanfic-event-thing, or whatever the hell it is. It’s not gonna be the end of the world.
I frown resolutely. I should probably look on the Bebop wiki just to be safe. And rewatch the episodes I’m thinking of for this idea, and look at the #Beboptober 2022 tag to see what other people have written, and…
Suit yourself. Spike shrugs his shoulders and leans back on the couch. (Don’t even ask me where he found a couch inside my mind.) But when you’re still up frantically typing at 3 AM, don’t blame me.
(Like he’s the pinnacle of healthy habits.)
AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! I say in my own head. It’s 2 in the morning and I don’t have anything written for Beboptober. What the hell am I supposed to do with this prompt?! I don’t even have an IDEA!
I knew this would happen, says Jet knowledgeably.
Happens every time, says Spike, taking a long drag from his cigarette. (I’ve told him before that smoking inside my head clogs up my brainspace and doesn’t let me think, but he never listens to me.)
Come on, guys, I say, glaring at them. Stop being smartasses and do something! Do something funny and thoughtful and deep so I can write it down!
Maybe we would have if you’d asked us earlier, snarks Faye.
I put my head in my hands. You’re seriously going to give me a creative block now?
Block, block, hard as a rock! chants Ed, as cheerfully as ever.
This is your fault, you know, says Jet. You could have avoided this if you had just gotten down to business earlier. You’ve brought this panic on yourself.
And posting your fic at like 3 AM when no one’s gonna see or reblog it, adds Spike. You brought that on yourself too.
And they’re right. I have. And it is my fault.
(Not that this will stop me from doing it all again the next day.)
Feb 8, 2022
Hello!! I'm writing a fanfic after years of not writing anything so this isn't good, but isn't the wost thing in the world either
Look what special interests do to people's brain
I don't plan on writing a lot of ship stuff but I'm starting with one cause this was stuck in my head for days
Please don't cry
Pairing: Wade x Roy
Cartoon: Orson's farm
Roy decided to target Wade with today's prank, nothing super elaborated, a simple lavender gift box that contained a splut pie inside. He waited close to the barn for Wade to cross his path, it didn't take long as it was already evening and the duck was too scared to stay out at night time.
"Hi, Wade"
"Hello, Roy" Wade didn't look up when talking to the rooster, but that went unnoticed by Roy who was looking forward to prank his pal
"I've got a gift for you" Roy said handing Wade the gift box
"Wow, thank you Roy" the duck smiled while taking the box, such an genuine smile that the rooster could never imagine the bad day Wade just had, which included his usual phobias scaring him plus Orson's brothers visiting the farm, as always they decided to annoy their young brother, who was having a picnic with Wade, after dealing with that not a single sandwich survived and Orson's mood was ruined as well as Wade's, later on he got caught in the middle of one of Bo's and Lanolin's fights which resulted in him being both sheeps' therapist, so when he finally had a chance to rest he encountered Roy, tired as he is it didn't even crossed his mind that the content in the box might not be a real gift, he just hoped for a single good thing today.
He opened the box
The rooster fell to the floor laughing while Wade tried to process what just happened
"Oh my god, I can't believe you fell for that" not managing to control his laughter he paused and added "You never learn"
Tears started rolling down Wade's face, that was he's breaking point
Once Wade started sobbing Roy noticed that he picked the worse person of the farm to prank today
"Hey Wade... what's wrong?"
The duck just cried, now trying to dry his face with his hands
"C-calm down Wade... I didn't mean to make you cry, it was just a joke" the rooster was trying to cheer him up, giving Wade a fake smile, but his stuttering showed how nervous he actually was. Roy never made someone cry with a joke before, he sure didn't expect such a silly prank to be the first to do it either, he had no idea what to do
"If you can't calm 'em, confuse 'em"
Roy kissed Wade on the cheek to try to calm him down, and it worked, the duck stopped crying with the shock
"Roy... what?"
"S-sorry for that, I just wanted to comfort you, and well... it worked I guess"
"Well, yes..."
"But really, sorry for making you cry in the first place"
"It's fine, you weren't really the major reason I broke down today, if anything, you were the only good thing that happened to me today"
"Really? Well, your day must have been horrible, well, if you want... we could spend some time together, to cheer you up"
"That would be good, but it's already late, so only if we stay inside"
"That's alright, we can play board games" Roy suggested while offering Wade a hand
The birds spent the last hours of the day playing all the board games in the farm, in which Roy managed to cheat on all of them, but even so, Wade had a lot of fun spending time with his friend
Apr 14, 2021
This is a Dabi fanfic and it's way longer than anticipated and I don't know if you guys like it but it was on my mind the whole day and I kinda really wanted to write it. Hope you enjoy it.
Synopsis: Reader plays truth or dare and visits a website on the dark web. It goes all downhill from then on. Non-quirk AU.
Note: I have no idea how this whole thing with the dark web works so don't bother too much if it's wrong. Also, friends' reaction is a little weird but oh well. I'm also reeeeally bad with giving characters names so....yeah...you'll see.
Warning: Anxiety, mental abuse
Word count: 3.8k
It was a silly idea but you and your friends did this stupid truth or dare thing and now it was your turn. Since you’ve chosen truth the last time, now it had to be dare. One of your friends dared you to log into the Dark Web. You were confused since you had no idea on how you were supposed to do this. You were not really tech savvy nor have you been interested in visiting the deep, dark part of the internet before. But your friend assured you that he knew how to get access (how and why, you didn’t want to question) and that it was rather funny to see what kind of thing you could find there.
Reluctantly, you agreed, a mistake you would regret later. You opened your laptop, signed in and let you friend show you how to get access to a website on the Dark Web. Your other friends gathered around the two of you, watching with curiosity. “How do you know how to get in?” one of them wanted to know but he just shrugged, grinning to himself. “I got curious one day. Don’t worry.” He answered and the other cackled, taking another sip from their beer.
You weren’t so sure about this whole situation. Maybe it was because it was your laptop, maybe it was because you didn’t feel too keen on doing something ‘illegal’. Was it even illegal? Or was it just illegal to buy something from there? You had no idea. Nevertheless, was there a heavy lump in your stomach but you didn’t want to back down now.
He opened a link and a website opened. It didn’t look like much but it looked shady anyways. Your friends made wide eyes and pointed at a link and challenged you to open it. Your friend made room for you to sit in front of the screen, a huge grin on his face. “C’mon, Y/n! Open it!” they animated you and you gave in, clicking the link. A dark window opened with a chatroom. Messages popped up, a conversation between strangers.
You read the messages but didn’t do anything beyond it. “You need to say something, too!” your friends told you but you didn’t want to. “I don’t know…” you said but before you could say anything else one of them started typing. “Hey!” you yelled but were too late to push her away and prevent her from sending the short text.
I hope nothing shady’s going on here.
“Are you out of your mind? Why did you send that?” you demanded to know but she simple giggled. “Relax. It’s not like they’re gonna take this seriously.” Another one said but her eyes were glued to the screen, anticipating an answer. But there was none – at least not to your message. Instead, they went on with their conversation which was kind of boring to read. “Maybe this is just a normal website and he is just messing with us.” “Hey! This website is legit! I once saw one asking for child pornography!” he defended himself but the others were not convinced. “Sure. Let’s get goin’. It’s your turn with truth or dare anyways, Dai-chan.”
He mumbled to himself, annoyed that they didn’t believe him that this site was legit but let it go and put an arm around his girlfriend, moving back to the sofa with her, others following. Your eyes were still glued to the screen and you were about to close the window and forget about the who thing, when a small window popped up. It simply read:
Hope you join us again.
It’s been two weeks since you and your friends had this truth or dare night and after you closed the website and shut the laptop close the night went on pleasantly. You forgot about this whole ‘Dark Web’ and moved on with your life, by now also convinced Daisuke was messing with you guys.
You were sitting in class, listening to the professor talk about the history of capitalism, it’s pros and cons but you were barely listening. You were way more interested in this episode of “Haikyuu!!” your friend introduced you to and since then you were hooked. You listened to it with your earphones, not bothering to cover it up. You were emotionally completely invested in the game when a small window popped up, indicating a chat request. You had no idea which website this was coming from and ignored it, clicked the small ‘x’ and kept watching the episode.
A couple minutes later another message; this time you got curious. The website you were watching the episode at was none of those shady websites where half naked women were advertising for some porn website and women who were ‘less than a mile away’. So, this should be something different. A little hesitantly, you opened the chat box and a window opened, revealing a black screen with two bubbles – the two messages that had been sent before.
You never came back.
You were confused and locked around the room. Everyone was either looking at their laptops, writing something down or flat out sleeping with their heads on the table. No one was looking your way.
Who are you?
It didn’t take long for the person to answer.
Are you bored?
He completely ignored your question but before you could type in a reply another message popped up.
Or why else would you be watching an anime during class?
You stopped dead in your tracks and stared at the screen. Your eyes darted around the room once again, you even turned around but no one was looking at you, not even a small glance. This must be a joke you thought to yourself and you gave a small huff.
Stop it, Daisuke. You can’t freak me out again.
No reply. Satisfied, you smiled to yourself and closed the window again, making a mental note to slap the shit out of him later.
“Why would you send me those creepy messages?!” you confronted Daisuke and he raised his hands in defense, confusion plastered all over his face. “What’re you talking about?” he wanted to know, his girlfriend holding on to his arm, looking similarly confused. “You sent me those creepy messages during class, didn’t you?” He chuckled nervously but shook his head no. “What messages are you talking about? He was with me the whole time.” She defended him and you huffed, not convinced. “Sure. You had your fun but please, don’t do this again. You almost gave me a heart attack.”
When you got back to your apartment, you took out your keys, unlocked the door, opened it and locked it behind you again. You were a little paranoid since you’ve moved here, a lot of break-ins happened in the neighborhood over the last couple of months. To top it all off, you lived on the first floor, easy access to your apartment from the sidewalk. But it was cheap and one of the few places you could actually afford with your crappy job.
Your shoes flew across the hallway and you made your way over to the small kitchen, checking for anything edible but to no surprised it was empty. A sigh left your mouth, not wanting to go out again and get something to eat. So, pizza delivery should do for tonight, even though it would be the third night in a row.
When the pizza finally arrived you sat yourself in front of your TV and watched some random series, not actually interested in the content itself but you needed the background noise to start your assignment later.
Your phone screen lit up, indicating a new message. You grabbed your phone but dropped it once your read the message. Your heart started racing, threatening to either burst out your chest or stop beating completely. Your body got cold and you started to shiver.
Do you like watching that shit?
You put the piece of pizza away and got up, storming from window to window, looking outside and the closing the curtains once you made sure no one was there. You stalked back to the sofa and picked up your phone from the floor, reading the message again. Surely, this had to be a joke, right? Your friends were just messing with you, right?
You opened the text with trembling fingers. You didn’t know the number that was displayed on top of the message. Maybe Daisuke bought a sim card just to scare you? But why would he do that? He wasn’t the type to do this, especially since his girlfriend would reprimand him for doing that.
Who are you?
Not a minute later you got a reply.
You can call me Dabi.
Dabi? Obviously, a fake name but you wouldn’t ask him for his real name. Hell, you didn’t want to answer him at all again and were tempted to just block this number. But the next message flew right in.
How you doin’?
Did he really try to do small talk?
Stop messaging me!
And that was it. No messages anymore. Maybe it was one of your friends after all. Still, the anxiety still remained.
In the middle of the night you woke up to your phone vibrating, the bright screen blinding you. You pressed your eyes together and opened them again, trying to recognize the number that was calling you at this ungodly hour. When your eyes got used to the brightness you looked at the scree – unknown number. Annoyed, you put the phone aside again and were relieved when it finally stopped ringing. The room turned dark again and you closed your eyes, ready to fall asleep again.
Your phone screen lit up once more, this time another text. You didn’t bother checking it and fell asleep instead, being consumed by complete darkness until the next morning when your alarm went off.
You didn’t check your phone until you sitting in a seat on the bus, surrounded by strangers who were on their ways to work as well. The small red symbol indicated a voice mail. You dialed the number to your voicemail and waited until the automatic announcement signalized the new voice mail. You tried to hear anything but there was just the rush of wind and a faint breathing. Then it was over. Confused, you deleted it, thinking it must’ve been an accident. But your mind wandered back to the night before and the texts. You checked the number from the texts and the one from the voicemail.
You could see the number that was used to text you but not the one from the missed call and the voicemail. So, you had no proof that it was the same number. It made you feel uneasy nevertheless.
What were you looking for?
The message came out of nowhere. The same number as last night. Why? Why was that person texting you? Hadn’t you made it clear that you wanted to be left alone?
Leave me alone.
It’s dangerous on those websites. Ye never know what people you might encounter.
You snorted. Yeah, people like you.
Like you?
It was bold of you to answer but by this point you were more annoyed by that person than scared. How fast your feelings could change…
Like me? I’m pretty harmless.
A short pause before another text came in.
What were you looking for?
He asked again, not leaving it alone. You were about to type in an answer when you stopped. Why didn’t you question it before? Why didn’t you question some stranger suddenly starting to chat you up on the dark web and not long after continued to text you on your phone? It clicked and you chuckled like someone who had just solved a mystery.
Good try but I know it’s you, Daisuke. Quit making up fake names.
You got off the bus and felt your phone vibrate.
What makes you think I’m Daisuke?
You shook your head in disbelief. Why was he keeping this act up? He was there when you entered this website, he was there when your friend sent this message to the group chat and he probably also saw the private message you got before closing the window.
Stop it already. I don’t trust the others doing that shit and you were there when we went on that stupid side. You just want to scare me.
No reply. Now, I’ve got you finally!
Would you believe me if I told you I’m not Daisuke?
This was getting ridiculous.
Please, just leave me alone. I’m about to start work. See you tonight and you better not text me again from this number. It’s getting annoying.
You were invited to a party at night, all of your friends were going as well. You were tired from work but didn’t want to miss out on the fun. You got ready at home. Tight jeans, a cute shirt and pumps – subtle but not too prude. You did your make-up in a cute but sexy way, highlighting your eyes and putting on lipstick. Content with your outfit you left the apartment once your friend’s car showed up, locking the door twice.
“Why would you keep texting me?!” you yelled at Daisuke when you met him at the party. He was making out with his girl, both already drunk. “What?” his eyes were unfocused when you hold your phone screen up in his face. He squinted his eyes to read the texts before he started chuckling. “Why woulddi texxxt you somethn’ like that?” he slurred, a derpy smile on his lips. Frustrated, you threw your hands in the air and stomped off, annoyed by this whole shenanigan. But okay, you would prove that it was him!
You walked off to the side where it was quieter, eyes on Daisuke and his girlfriend, and called the number from the text. It rang twice before someone picked up.
You froze in place. Daisuke was not holding his phone. Rather the opposite; his hands were occupied with moving under his girl’s shirt, groping her breasts shamelessly.
You didn’t dare speak up, a huge lump in your throat. You heard a slow breath from the other side of the phone but nothing more.
“You havin’ fun at the party, Y/n?”
You screamed and dropped your phone, clutching your hands together, bringing them up to your face. Your whole body trembled and you stared at the bright phone screen, the time counting up, indicating the still active call. A few people were looking at you bewildered but didn’t seem to care too much.
Slowly, you picked up the phone again, bringing it back to your ear.
“No need to scream.”
A dark chuckle resonated trough the phone. It sounded amused but it was more than unnerving.
“W-who are you?” You asked with a meek voice. You pressed your back to the wall behind you for support but unable to just hang up the phone.
“Rude to just forget someone’s name. Didn’t take you as this type of girl.”
Dabi, that was his name, you remembered.
“H-how did you get my number?” you demanded to know, insecurity almost oozing out of your voice. Another chuckle, this time a little more sinister.
“You really wanna know?”
Did you? Probably not, but you still answered yes.
“Not gonna tell ya.”
There was another pause before he started speaking again.
“The jeans look good on you. Turn around so I can take a better look.”
Your knees gave in and you started crying, phone clutching in your hand but not able to end the call. The people around you started to look worried and got closer, asking if you were okay.
“You’re usually not supposed to cry when receiving a compliment. You’re supposed to say ‘thank you’. Can you say thank you, Y/n?”
“Leave me alone!” you yelled at the phone and threw it across the room. It smashed against the opposite wall and you saw the screen go black. You pressed your knees against your chest, tears running down your face. Who was this man? Why was he watching you?
Your friends rushed over, worry written all over their faces. “Y/n! Y/n! What’s wrong?” they asked, some of them stroking your back but you couldn’t pull yourself together. The music had stopped and a cluster of people had formed around you.
“Someone is watching me…” you whispered so only your friends could hear. One of them grabbed your phone from the opposite wall and walked over towards you, phone in hand and ready to hand it to you.
“I don’t think it’s broken. You can probably just start it again.” He said and hold it out for you to grab. Hesitantly, you grabbed it but didn’t turn it on.
“C-can you just drive me home, please?” you asked your friend with teary eyes and shaky voice. Concerned, she nodded and helped you up. Some of them insisted on staying with you but you said no. You just wanted to barricade yourself in your apartment and only leave when it was bright outside again.
On your way home you turned on your phone but there were no new messages. But you were far from feeling relieved. Only once you were home and locked every door, every window and hid under your blanket would you feel somewhat safe again. But not right now, not when you were outside and still visible for anyone to see.
“I need to stop at the gas station real quick. You can wait here.” Your friend said and pulled up next to the entrance. She probably wanted to buy some cigarettes. You stayed in the car when your phone vibrated once again. Tears formed in your eyes again; you felt hopeless when you slowly opened the message. There was a picture. It was dark but there was light in the distance. You looked closer and recognized the place.
Without thinking you jumped out the car and started running. You knew you were close to your home, not too far away. You heard your friend call from the distance but you didn’t stop, just ran straight into the forest next to the station which would eventually lead you right to your home. Sticks scratched against your skin, thick roots of trees made you stumble but you always caught yourself.
Your phone started ringing and you could see that it was your friend calling. But you didn’t answer. Instead, you kept on running until you could see houses in the distance. Almost. Just a couple hundred yards.
You crossed the street, fumbling with your keys and needing more than one attempt to unlock the door, looking over your shoulder over and over again to make sure that there wasn’t anyone here.
Tears blurred your vision but finally you managed to unlock your apartment door and closed it right behind you, locking it as often as you could. Before you could feel at least some sort of relief you ran to the windows, checked if they were closed and closed the curtains. Then, and only then did you sink to the floor, starting to sob uncontrollably. Why was this happening? What have you done to deserve this? It was just a stupid dare, why is he targeting me?
A small buzzing sound led your focus to your phone. You didn’t want to look but you had to, regretting it instantaneously. A moan of agony made its way out of the depth of your body. You didn’t want to answer but your hand moved on its own.
“Glad you made it home safely.”
“FUCK OFF! I’M GONNA CALL THE POLICE!!!” you screamed, sure you woke up some of the other residents. Good, you thought. The more people awake the more likely it was that he didn’t do anything funny. His tone changed.
“No, you won’t.” he sounded self-assured, as if he knew exactly how you would behave.
“Cause if you do I have to hurt you.” He said it as if he was talking about the weather, nonchalantly.
“Y-You said you were harmless.” You argued, sounding pathetic. You crawled over the floor to the furthest corner of the room where you could watch the door to your apartment.
“Did I?”
He sounded musing as if he tried to remember.
“Guess it was a lie then.”
“What do you want?” you pleaded but you didn’t get an answer to your question.
“Are you sure you locked the door?”
The sudden question had you widen your eyes. Have you? Of course! It was the first thing you did! But did you really lock it?
“Maybe you should check it.”
You didn’t want to. Maybe he was standing right in front of your door, waiting for you to open it. But what if you didn’t lock the door? Anxiety took over your thinking and you crawled over to the door, checking the handle. Relieve filled your body when you realized it was, indeed, locked.
“Guess you locked it after all. Do you have your keys?”
Keys? You looked up at the small table where you usually kept your keys. No keys. Dread filled you and you wanted to curl up into a ball. Was he in your apartment? Your heard him chuckle again.
“Don’t worry. I don’t have your keys. You probably dropped them somewhere.”
Your eyes wandered over the floor and there they were, next to the bathroom door. How they got there was beyond you but you couldn’t care less. They were there and that was all that mattered.
“Leave me alone. Please!” a high pitched voice you didn’t recognize as your own echoed through the apartment.
“Leave me alone.”
He mocked you.
“But okay. I will leave you alone. If you can tell me where I am right now.”
It clicked and he had hung up. Your head shot up and you looked around. He was in here! You knew it! Or was he messing with you? But how did he know where your keys were? He could’ve guessed. But you should’ve been able to hear him if he actually was in your apartment. He just wanted to make you more and more paranoid.
You got up, knees weak and barely supporting your body weight. Fear clung to your body like a second skin and you tried to keep your mind from racing a thousand miles a minute by telling yourself that he was bluffing. Still, you moved from room to room, turning on the lights and checking every single room.
No one in sight. He’s not here. You felt a burden fall off your back and relief flooded your senses instead. He was just bluffing.
You slowly calmed down but didn’t go to bed until you couldn’t keep your eyes open again. You were almost asleep when your phone vibrated on the night stand. You were too tired to open the message and instead drifted into a dreamless sleep.
You forgot to check the closet.
Dec 31, 2020
Creator Tag Game
It’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works <3
Thank you @badsext and @sean-falco for tagging me!!
1.All You’ve Got is Gold pt 1
This was my very first fanfic for one of Rob’s characters. It got me“back in the game” so to speak. I put myself out there with a character almost no one had heard of *laughs* I’m pleased that it put so many of you on to this show! I mean naturally I made Cormac age appropriate (which is Rob’s age so.. lol) but I aged him up for the year it takes place. I’m also quite proud of the characterization and dialogue I put into it. It’s also my first OC in 8 years and a bit steamy.
2. She Wants Revenge
This one is my first hard“R” smut fanfic. I went with Luke because he’s the first of Rob’s characters with minimal backstory, and yet he really carries the chaotic plot. Even though he commits a grievous crime a the end of the movie, it’s still kind of open-ended. Also Luke is the most“goth/punk” that fits in with a faux vampire theme. Plus, it’s my first venture into Reader insert fic.
3. Brick and Morter, Sacred Skin
This was my first request!! I was so excited to write this for @joz-stankovich because I know how much they love Sean :) It was one of the easiest, must deliciously romantic smuts I have written thus far. I got pleasure from writing it as a sort of a gift for someone I respect and admire and mutual love very much. Joz was one of the lovelies who got me back into the game, so I repaid them happily!
4. The Dog Days Are Over tied with Last Christmas Chapter 1 God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
Oh you silly, arrogant, Irish conjurer. You scream the loudest when your muse invades my brain. I gave into once and then once more. You wear a woman down like you’re Ben and I’m Klaus. Make that possession good. We’ve been on quite the journey twice now. And our second adventure is nearly done. Sometimes it’s hard to be“on” as Nathan. That witty dialogue Robbie just manifests by opening his mouth. I hope I’ve done you justice, Nathan. You’ve been a sexy thorn in my side for 12 years. Also @robertsheehanownsmyass has encouraged me in the most amazing ways for the latter. I feel like we are plotting a war strategy, and I delight when the battle plays out in our favor.
5. Do You Wanna Touch Me There?
Surprised the FUCK out of myself with this. I did smut. Ive done fluffy smut. I did borderline harder smut. I did rough sex smut. But this. Challenged me and excited me and really pushed me to the limits I thought I could write about. And I delighted in it so much that I now wrote another and plan for two more afte that. Goddamit Klaus, you are nearly as loud as Nathan but for all different reasons. Thank you @firstpersonnarrator for the prompt!!
Most of my lovelies have been tagged and have done this. I will say @robertsheehanownsmyass and @bisexualnathanyoung need to get on this train. :)
Feb 10, 2021
Personality / Brief history / important things about MC / Reader for my fanfics or when I make requests.
Okay, I decided to do this more for myself when I make a request to someone, but this is also useful to let you know a little more about the MC / "reader" of my fanfics.
The MC is a cis-woman of almost 1.60cm in height, (age may vary) but generally the age will be between 20 and 23. She is heterosexual/straight (I don't know if there is a difference between the two things, but I don't understand why I would have two words for the same thing) and usually in fanfics she has never had a boyfriend before the character she will be together with (be it Jake (Duskwood), Jason (Todd), Spencer (Reid) or any other character).
She was born in Brazil and lived a large part of her life there, and depending on what story she is in, she makes an interchange trip abroad because of college, and because of that she lives far from her family and lives alone, but she has her faithful companion, a male Schnauzer dog (his name in fanfics is undetermined.)
MC has always been a lonely person, because after several events in the past she does not trust people easily, and the only people she does trust are her family, but she still has trouble talking about her problems to them.
Furthermore, MC is a very shy, introverted, anti-social person and suffers from social phobia, which of course, is a perfect combo to be an alien in society and not be able to make friends, even if she wants to.
MC also doesn't know where it all started from, but she does know that she has probably suffered from anxiety for many, many years, even though she only discovered it a short time ago, and went to get help even less time ago.
Because of anxiety, she ends up being stuck in her own world, or I should call it, hell itself. Her mind is a mess, bad, unreal and meaningless thoughts invade her mind all the time, and because she has been this way for so long without help and not knowing what to do, her situation has worsened to the point where her anxiety starts to change into a depressive anxiety.
However, as much as she has been suffering with her own mind for years, she can always count on her family whenever she needs them, even if they are distant from each other, they are inseparable.
Her father, as much as he doesn't understand most of the things she goes through, supports her and wants the best for MC, and so he does what he can to help MC pay for psychological treatment, and even though he doesn't understand, he always makes her smile and laugh, even when the situations are bad, even though he was always busy because of work, he always did what he could to be together, even in the simplest things, like family lunch, playing video games, watching movies, shopping together.
Her mother, on the other hand, has been through similar things like MC, and always try to help her the way she can, always speaking encouraging words, helping MC to do her things when she couldn't, sleeping next to the MC when she couldn't sleep because of anxiety, always being by her side, always supporting any decision, no matter the situation, MC's mom will always be there to hear her, either to hear about something that MC wants to do a lot or when she has some fear.
And there is also her younger brother (3 years younger), as much as they ended up arguing for silly things, he is her best friend, maybe her only true friend, always having fun together doing what they like, protecting each other, always being one for another, even when it was not known which words were right to say.
MC is blessed to have such an amazing family, and as much as she couldn't say "I love you, you are everything to me" to them, she loved them with all her heart and soul, and she couldn't say what would happen to her if she lost them, but probably something really bad would happen.
As much as it seemed that MC doesn't care about other people, maybe looking selfish and boring to others, she cares a lot about others, but she knows that this is also one of the big reasons why she suffers from anxiety, caring for others more than for herself, and for her own mental health, she had to try not to think so much about the problems of the world that she cannot solve.
Some people may think that she was wrong in doing this, but she wanted to have some sanity, even if little and trying to recover, than to go crazy with things that are impossible to fix, at least impossible for her to fix.
(Some other things about MC, but now simpler, because I'm out of time and too lazy, help me)
- Very distracted
- Very clumsy
- Nerd
- Dreamer / lost in her own world
- Impulsive
- Impatient
- Think too much about everything
- Studious
- Lonely
- Forgotten
- Problems with deadlines, do everything at the last minute.
- Avoid fights / arguments with people she doesn't know, but if it's someone close and it's a silly fight, she'll defend that she's right until the end, if she's wrong in the fight, she'll just be quiet for a while. If it is a serious fight, she will argue for some time until the tears stop her from continuing, and then she will be silent for a long time.
- Too stubborn
- Sarcastic with the closest people
- Always try to look for the good in people, but it is impossible for her to achieve kindness in certain people.
- Pessimistic
- Very sensitive / hurts / cries easily
- Perfectionist
- Very insecure
- She cannot express in words what she feels for other people
Rainy days
Music (Mainly, pop and rock)
To drive
Taking pictures (mainly of landscapes)
Old things, like things related to the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s, or things from centuries ago
Learn things
Horror stuff (games, books, movies)
Horseback riding
See the city lights at night
Games (both video games and board / cards)
Comics, Movies, Series etc about Superheroes
Mexican food
Psychology / Understanding the human mind
Buy drawing materials and books (even though she will never use / read them)
Big clothes
Ride a bike
Explore Abandoned Places
Hot days
Her mind
Who annoy her
People fighting
See things or people comment on things related to death or illness
Having to be patient
Who speak ill of her family
Working in a group
That people belittle her feelings
Alcoholic beverages
Buy clothes
Make up
High heels
Short dresses
Fears / Phobias / Things that bother her:
Falling / High height
To drown
Getting seriously ill
Dark / Night
To sleep
Speak in public
Losing her family
Stay alone
Closed places
Tight clothes (Because she feels they are suffocating her)
Arrive late
Forget things
Having a car accident
Never be loved / Stop being loved
May her fears come true
- To draw
- Write
- Cook
- Game programming
- Sing
- Play keyboard and guitar
- To compose
- To dance
Basically, it's her skills + reading + playing video games + taking pictures of the landscape.
Usually she either works as a waitress in a coffee shop or works in a supermarket (working at the checkout or replacing products on shelves)
As much as many find it strange, MC is very happy in her work, and does not mind working in "simple" jobs (basically jobs that earn little), and as much as she doesn't have much money, just enough to live reasonably well, she is happy with what she has and doesn't care about the money.
She studies digital game design
I think that's it, there are some other things that I only do when I'm writing specific situations, for example, MC's opinions on certain subjects, and honestly I don't have time at the moment to make the MC's different opinions, and just say that she tries to be as neutral as she can, because she knows that extremes are never good, and that when asked which side she is in a situation (depending on what it is, but usually she says), she says doesn't have a side because it doesn’t identify herself by either side, because both are extreme, and this usually leads people to think that it’s on the fence, but it’s not like that, it’s more or less. "You were teleported to a place, there are two paths, one on the right and the other on the left, at the beginning of each of these paths there is a person, each talking about their paths and talking about why their path is the best of than the other and why you should follow their path. And then you must make a choice of which path to follow " But MC does not agree with either side, and will not wait there to see which side gives her the best benefit as many would do, she goes there and moves on, where there is no path, where there is no one, because she doesn't want to be on anyone's side, she wants to make her own opinions, and not follow what a group is saying.
Oh, and one of the philosophies she follows is of yin and yang, which says something like "There is good and there is evil, both need each other to exist, there is no good without evil, and no there is evil without good, and that nothing can be completely good or evil, since, however small, there is evil in good, and there is good in evil. "
Some phrases she would say:
"You can say anything about me, but don't come and talk about my family"
"I can't always do it, but I always try to be balanced, because I know that nothing comes out of extremism, no matter which side."
"I'm a Christian, I may not have proofs but I believe in God, but I don't believe everything in the Bible because it was made by humans, and I know that many of them used and still use people's faith to do very bad things . "
"Sorry, but I suck at remembering names, in fact, I suck at remembering."
"Shit, I knew I was forgetting something."
"I hate logic, most of these things don't make any sense!"
"At least I have you with me here DN" (DN = dog name)
"There is nothing that is not so bad that it cannot get worse"
"I think I celebrated too soon"
"I sleep! But no matter what I do, I will be forever sleepy!"
"No matter what I do, my thoughts disturb me from the moment I wake up until bedtime, and even while I'm asleep. And it happens every day."
"Sometimes ... I think ... people would be better off if I didn't exist. I just hinder and hurt people."
"I don't know when or how it started, I just know that I have been scared forever"
"I don't do it because I want to! It's not my fault if I'm easily distracted"
"I think writing is the only way to say what I feel"
"Yes, I know, I'm crazy, you don't have to tell me that"
"I'm not a normal person. Maybe I'm not even a human? What if I'm an alien and I don't know? A synthetic human? A robot with high artificial intelligence that is identical to that of humans?"
"I don't like to be afraid, but I love to see and read horror stuff."
"I love old things, they are so fascinating"
"What day is it today?"
"I just wanted to have a little courage that other people have"
"I have no hope of anything, as always, every time I had hope, very bad things happened, close people and pets died when I had hope that they would survive. For me, hope has long since died."
"I think, in a way, I am a miracle, just like my brother. I mean, it was almost impossible for my mom to have a baby, and look, here I am."
"I'm not cute!"
"I'm not short, I'm average height, it's the rest of the people who are very tall"
(Maybe I wrote a lot? Did I overdo it?)
Sorry if there is something confusing or errors in English