A joint Iranian-British archaeological and geomorpho-logical survey of Bushehr Province, Iran (Fig. 1) tookplace between 23rd November and 18th December 2004,as a pilot season to determine the course of future surveyand excavation.1 There were three main research aims:• To clarify the nature and chronology of coastal

settlement in the Persian Gulf, and build a chronolog-ical and cultural framework for the Bushehr coastalregion.

• To seek evidence for contact between coastal Iran,Mesopotamia and the littoral of the Arabian Peninsuladuring the 6th/5th millennia B.C.E. (known as theChalcolithic, Ubaid and Neolithic Periods in eachrespective region).

• To gather data towards establishing the sequence ofsea-level change in the Persian Gulf.

The region was chosen because of its high archaeologi-cal potential, established through previous fieldwork (seebelow), and specifically because of reports of aChalcolithic Ubaid-related site on the Bushehr Peninsula(Oates 1983: 255–56). The latter is relevant to previousand ongoing research on 5th/6th millennium maritimeexchange and coastal occupation, undertaken in Kuwait,Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar and the United ArabEmirates (Masry 1974; Oates et al. 1977; Oates 1978;Inizan 1988; Uerpmann and Uerpmann 1996; Jasim1996; Beech et al. 2000; Carter 2002).

Because of considerations of access, and because theBushehr Peninsula had already been comparatively wellstudied, the work took place on the mainland. Theresulting short survey of the Bushehr hinterlandrecorded 56 sites dating from the Chalcolithic through tothe Late Islamic Period. The majority were Achaemenidto Sasanian in date. Areas suitable for more intensivesurvey were identified, and a Chalcolithic site wasidentified for test excavation in any future season.



By R.A. Carter, K. Challis, S.M.N. Priestman and H. TofighianOxford, Durham, Birmingham and ICAR

History of Previous Investigations

Previous work indicated a rich history of occupation onthe Bushehr Peninsula itself. More limited explorationof the adjacent mainland had also revealed significantoccupation, especially during the Elamite and Parthian-Sasanian Periods. Investigations began early in the 19thcentury, when the British Residency attracted numerousindividuals with an antiquarian interest (Simpsonforthcoming). At least eight sites were noted, producinglarge numbers of Sasanian jar burials, often placed in theground in linear alignments (ibid). In 1913, a Frenchdelegation began excavating at Tul-e Peytul (ancientLiyan) (Pézard 1914), to investigate cuneiforminscribed bricks found on the surface during the thirdquarter of the 19th century, and excavated by Andreas in1887 (Simpson forthcoming). Pézard described thepainted pottery of the mound as “Chalcolithic”, thoughin fact it belongs to the Kaftari horizon of the late3rd/early 2nd millennium B.C.E. (Potts 2003: 159;Petrie et al. 2005: 67–68; Carter 2003: 34–35). In 1933Aurel Stein visited Bushehr (Stein 1937: 234–43). Hewas intrigued by the lack of Chalcolithic sites betweenMinab and Bushehr, and speculated that this was due notto an absence of occupation but changes in relative sealevel (Stein 1937: 236–37). Unfortunately he wasthwarted in his attempts to explore inland Fars and themainland opposite the peninsula.

Between 1969 and 1971, Andrew Williamson andMartha Prickett surveyed the Peninsula, recording atleast 89 individual archaeological sites and picking upabundant pottery (Priestman forthcoming). Williamsonidentified an intensive Sasanian presence, andconcluded that the impressive remains at Rishahr, 6 km.south of Bushehr town, should be identified with theleading Sasanian port, Rev Ardashir (Whitehouse andWilliamson 1973: 39–41). This was one of the principleports of the Sasanian Empire founded as part of thestrategic campaign by Ardashir I to gain mercantile


supremacy within the Persian Gulf (Piacentini 1985:60). Historical texts indicate that it became the mainSasanian trade emporium within the Persian Gulf, aswell as the seat of the Nestorian metropolitan of Persis(Gropp 1991: 86). Renewed work on Williamson’scollection is nearing completion (Priestman and Kennet2002; Priestman 2003). Apart from Sasanian andIslamic settlements, a Chalcolithic/Ubaid-related site,H200, was found at the southern end of the peninsula, ator near the village of Halileh (Whitehouse andWilliamson 1973: 35, n. 32).

In 1973 Donald Whitcomb carried out a survey andpublished pottery from two sites on the peninsula and 13on the mainland. He dated most of them to the Elamiteand Partho-Sasanian Periods. Some were reidentifiedduring the 2004 season. Whitcomb also used aerialphotography and textual sources to posit the existence ofa canal system used to supply the Bushehr Peninsulawith water from as early as the Achaemenid Period(Whitcomb 1987: 331). The so-called Angali Canal wasinvestigated during the 2004 survey and found not toexist. The features observed by Whitcomb relate to aroad and rail system used to supply the Bushehr

Peninsula, which channelled goods from the hinterlanddown to the small port of Shif and thence to the peninsula(see below). This route may have had earlier origins.

Fieldwork by western archaeologists ceased after1979, but Iranian archaeologists were busy both beforeand after the Revolution. The Early Islamic site ofTawwaj (2004 site code: BH12), north of Borazjan, wasvisited and identified by A. Iqtidari in 1970 (Whitcomb1987: 333 and n. 31). Professor A. Sarfaraz discoveredseveral Achaemenid sites in the region, including apalace near Borazjan, Char Khab (BH27), which hedated to the later years of Cyrus the Great (Sarfaraz1971–72; Sarfaraz 1973). This was later reinvestigatedby the Bushehr Cultural Heritage and TourismOrganisation. Professor Sarfaraz investigated anotherAchaemenid Palace at Sang-e Siah (BH48), a site whichhas now been entirely bulldozed. Mr Ismael Yaghma’ihas been conducting survey and excavations since the1970s at a large group of sites dating to the Achaemenidto Sasanian periods, outside Deh Qa’ed, a village to thenorth of Borazjan (BH29–44).2 Together these sitesappear to constitute an extensive town, which isdiscussed further below.

Fig. 1. The northern Persian Gulf, with mainland Bushehr Province outlined in black.


Additionally, the Bushehr Cultural Heritage andTourism organisation has been conducting testexcavations at various sites in the region, including atHazar Mardom on the Bushehr Peninsula, at Ziyarat onthe south bank of the River Hilleh, and at the fort inAhram. Most recently, Hossein Tofighian carried outunderwater survey at Bandar-e Rig in 2004, wheresubmerged torpedo jars were discovered. These date tobetween the Parthian and Early Islamic periods.

Strategic location, geography and geomorphology

The designated study area extended between the townsof Bushehr, Ganaveh, Ahram and Dalaki, measuring c.90 km. SE-NW and 60 km. SW-NE at the widest points(Fig. 2). It consists of a broad plain between the Zagrosmountains and the sea, bisected by one major river, theRud-e Hilleh, which flows year-round. This dividesupstream near Sa’adabad into the Rivers Shapur (or

Fig. 2. Map of the study area,with 5 m. contour lines and siteslocated on the survey.

Fig. 3. Map of study area withsurvey zones and sites located

on the survey.


Shirin) and Dalaki (Fig. 4). The most significant modernsettlements on the mainland cluster around this system,particularly near the divide. There are several smallerrivers which do not flow year round, the most significantof which are the Shur, just north of the Hilleh, and theAhram, which flows past the town of Ahram but does notreach the sea. The existence of the perennial river flow issignificant to human occupation and agriculture, giventhe low rainfall of the province. Bushehr Town receivesonly 259 mm. of rainfall annually, and the months ofJune to September are entirely dry (Potts 1999: 14, tab.2.1). This would allow rain-fed agriculture to take placeduring certain months, but irrigation would be necessaryfor year-round cultivation.

The coastal plain exhibits a varied geography,dominated in its lower part by the delta of the RiverHilleh. Examination of the satellite images (see below)and ground observations indicate that the current delta,all of the Angali plain and most of the other lower areasof the Bushehr hinterland, consist of alluvial sedimentsdeposited by the Hilleh system, and to a lesser extent theother rivers, up to around the 20 m. or even the 25 m.contour. The 20 m. contour is 40 km. from the tip of thedelta, giving an indication of the flatness of the plain(declining 0.5 m. every km). The delta is a progradingtongue of extremely flat land, which becomes progres-sively more muddy and saline as one nears the sea.

The flat land on the south side, the Angali Plain,consists of fine silty deposits laid down by the Hilleh

during past episodes of flooding, or when it followed aslightly different course. Several features visible on thesatellite imagery indicate previous courses for the river,which has meandered across the flat plain. The moderncourse is only maintained by human intervention.Except in the lowest parts below the 10 m. contourwhere it is very saline, the alluvial silts are cultivableand although barren for much of the year, are farmedwith rain-fed cereals. Although slightly saline, the waterfrom the Hilleh itself is extracted to feed crops and dategroves year-round in the areas closer to the river.

The effects of the sedimentation regime on thearchaeological landscape are significant. The surveyshowed that, with the exception of a possibleAchaemenid or post-Achaemenid component in anotherwise Sasanian sherd scatter on the Angali Plain,3

no sites earlier than the Sasanian were found anywherebelow the 20 m. contour. Earlier sites either did not existbelow this line, as what is now land would then havebeen sea; or they have been buried by alluvium; or theyhave been washed away as the river shifted course. Theoffloading of sediments, and resulting alluviation anddelta formation, would not have begun in this area untilthe sea reached roughly modern levels, around or soonafter 6000 B.C.E.4 Any earlier ground surface is buriedbeneath the alluvium. Furthermore, the 15 km. of mud-flats which now connect the Bushehr Peninsula to themainland would not have existed before the alluviationbegan (see also Petrie et al. 2005: 68 and fig.13). It

Fig. 4. Distribution of sites ofthe Early Periods (Chalcolithicto Elamite).


would have been a true island for some time after the seafirst encircled it. By the time of the Sasanian period,when sites appear on the Angali plain and at the edge ofthe sea at Shif, the shoreline had advanced close to itsmodern position.

On the north side of the Hilleh delta the effect ofalluviation is less, and eroded hilly land can be found asfar down as the 10 m. mark, with muddy plains below.Potentially significant geographical features includewhat appear to be an extensive raised shoreline abovethe large mud-filled bay through which the Rud-e Shurexits into the sea. The Chalcolithic site identified in2004, BH56, was located upon this shoreline.

Above the 25 m. line the landscape on both sides ofthe river mostly consists of hilly land bisected by steep-sided water channels which are dry most of the yearround. Gravel fans are found at the foothills of theZagros, at the base of which settlements and agricultur-al areas are concentrated, presumably taking advantageof the aquifers found below such features or from thedirect seasonal run-off indicated by the presence ofnumerous heavily scoured flood channels runningthrough the gravel fans.

The 20 km. long Bushehr Peninsula itself is a ridge ofquaternary sandstone, rising to 35 m. (De Planhol 1990:569). The sheltered waters on the northern side offer agood but shallow anchorage.5 The alluvial isthmus thatconnects it to the mainland sometimes flooded at hightide before a raised causeway was built (Lockhart 1960:1341). Water supplies are limited. There is no perennialsurface flow, though dams were built to collect seasonalspate (Whitehouse and Williamson 1973: 40).Groundwater was available, however: the interior of thepeninsula was studded with numerous wells(Whitehouse and Williamson 1973: 40; Lorimer 1908:331; Williamson 1971–72: 35), and although the wellsnear the town of Bushehr yielded very bad brackishwater, better supplies could be found 5–6 miles away (dePlanhol 1990: 571; Lorimer 1908: 346). The availabilityof water in the central part of the peninsula is indicatedby the location of the residences of European merchantsand diplomats (de Planhol 1990: 571), the Elamitesettlement of Liyan, and the Sasanian and latersettlements at Rishahr. Stein notes the presence of at leastthree water conduits (qanat) at the edge of the gullies tothe south of this area (Stein 1937: 238), which hebelieved must have led to irrigated land. Sweet water wasalso found at Halileh in the south, which had a goodanchorage (Lorimer 1908: 331). The yield from the wells

was sufficient to allow “a large proportion” of thepeninsula to be cultivated in the time of Lorimer, some ofit year-round, and some only after rain (Lorimer 1908:331). It is unlikely, however, that the agriculturalpotential of the peninsula was sufficient to provisionlarge urban settlements such as were seen during theSasanian Period.

Finally, note must be made of the strategic locationof Bushehr, which was well positioned to control thenorthern part of the Gulf and the Iranian coast, throughnaval means. Harbour facilities were good. Moreover,the peninsula was effectively an island, and thereforeeasily defensible. The peninsula was high enough toavoid inundation, and rocky enough to provide buildingmaterials and solid land to build on. Although its ownagricultural resources were limited, it had a productivehinterland on the coastal plain of the mainland, with richalluvial soil watered by a perennial river. This river, theHilleh, its tributaries and other valleys, allowed accessto inland Fars. Access can eventually be gained alongthe Dalaki and Shapur to the major Sasanian city ofBishapur, some 120 km. from the Bushehr Peninsula tothe north-west as the crow flies.

Certain disadvantages also pertained. Limited orlow-quality water has already been mentioned.Although it was certainly present on the peninsula, extrasupplies may have had to be brought in. Moreover, therewere difficulties of access across the isthmus connectingthe hinterland to the peninsula. This problem wasaverted in historical times by the use of a port on themainland, Shif, which is found on a small rockypeninsula where the Angali plain meets the sea.Sasanian and Islamic remains are also abundant there(see below, BH5). An inhabited island, seemingly alsocalled Shif but known too as Sheikh Sa’ad, lies just off-shore. Caravans from the interior would unload ontoboats at the Shif peninsula, which would transfer thegoods to Bushehr after a three hour journey, and viceversa (Lorimer 1908: 347). During the 17th–19thcenturies, when Bushehr acted as the main port withinthe Persian Gulf for the Dutch and British East IndiaCompanies, Shif provided the main route for boatscarrying goods on and off the peninsula, being used inpreference to the slower and more treacherous routeacross the flats that separate the peninsula from themainland (de Planhol 1990: 570). By 1906 the Shifroute had been deliberately shut down by the Qajargovernment (Lorimer 1908: 82), but in 1919 a lightrailway connected Borazjan to Shif, and thence Bushire,


allowing the passage of civil traffic (Floor 2005: 194).This was dismantled in 1921.

A final barrier to communications was the Rud-eHilleh and its tributaries, which while allowing access tothe interior, greatly inhibited north-south traffic along thecoast. Lorimer described it as “a considerable obstacle tomovement, especially in summer” (Lorimer 1908:1596). In his day there was no bridge, only a ferryservice. The modern bridge was completely inundatedduring floods in late December 2004, preventing accessto the survey areas on the northern side of the river. In thelower parts the land bordering the river is swampy andprone to flooding, while in the upper parts the rivervalleys are deeply cut into the land surface.

Survey Methodology

The study area was initially divided into 14 zones (Fig.3), roughly corresponding to different geomorphologicalregimes, according to visual analysis of the satelliteimages. The whole of the study area could not beintensively surveyed, and the intention was to make briefvisits to as many of the 14 zones as possible, in order toassess their archaeological potential. The BushehrPeninsula itself (Zone 1) was excluded, while Zones 2, 5,11 and 14 were not surveyed.6 The period of activearchaeological survey lasted just under three weeks (23rdNovember–12th December), following which one weekwas spent recording the collections in full. Informationwas entered into a database (Microsoft Access).

Sites were identified by a combination of fieldwalking and consultation of villagers about thewhereabouts of ancient remains. The knowledge of MrHamed Zar’eh and Mr Biladi of the Bushehr CulturalHeritage and Tourism Organisation was invaluable intargeting certain known sites, in order to place them ona map and collect dated ceramics for the project’sreference collection. Existing publications were alsoused (especially Whitcomb 1987), which give partialsummaries of previous archaeological investigations.

When sites were encountered, they were pho-tographed and given site codes (BH1, BH2 etc.). Recordsheets were filled out, GPS coordinates were taken andartefact collections were made, mainly of pottery. TheGPS data were recorded using UTM coordinates (WGS84). In places where closely grouped archaeologicalremains were found, and it was unclear whether theyshould be included as a single large site or several

smaller ones, sub-site codes were given (e.g. BH5A,BH5B etc). Sub-sites were recorded individually and thecollections were kept separate, in case they correspond-ed to occupations of different dates.

Satellite Remote Sensing for Landscape Investigation

IntroductionSatellite remote sensing has seen widespread use in theMiddle East, including pioneering analysis of Landsatdata to produce regional scale landscape character maps(Adams 1981; Allan and Richards 1983) and theinnovative use of SIR-A/B radar data to mappalaeodrainage in the Sahara (McCauley 1982; McHughet al. 1988). Studies combining a variety of data sources,including high-resolution satellite imagery, haveattempted to prospect for archaeological sites and to mapsite locations (Comfort 1997; Kennedy 1998). Severalstudies have utilised Corona imagery for regional andsite-based studies (Challis et al. 2004; Ur 2003; Philip etal. 2002; De Meyer 2004) or explored the technical pos-sibilities of Corona imagery for producing regional DTM(Altmaier and Kany 2002).

The present work was carried out by the author ofthis section (Keith Challis) at the HP Visual and SpatialTechnology Centre, Institute of Archaeology andAntiquity, University of Birmingham. The study madeuse of Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM)digital multispectral imagery to provide mediumresolution coverage of the study area and Corona declas-sified intelligence satellite photographs to provide highresolution coverage of the study area. In addition, terraindata acquired by the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission(SRTM) was acquired from the NASA Jet PropulsionLaboratory (JPL) and served to provide a digital terrainmodel (DTM) of the study area.

During the course of the survey and analysis theETM and CORONA images proved invaluable in under-standing the landscape and the distribution of sites, andin choosing appropriate areas to investigate. In additionto the purchased imagery a regional composite ETMimage of the west of Iran acquired from the Global LandCover Facility, University of Maryland ( was used in the field, and as a basemap to show site distributions in this report. Despite itslow resolution and unrealistic coloration, this imageryshows gross topographic features very well, giving aneffective guide to the landscape of the study area.


Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM)A single Landsat ETM scene for the study area wasacquired from the US Geological Survey.7 In generalanalysis of the ETM data was restricted to generating anatural colour composite image (ETM bands 4,3,2) forvisual inspection and comparison with the Coronaimagery. More complex analysis of the multispectralimagery might be attempted in the future if it werepossible to determine distinct spectral signatures fortarget sites (for example areas of archaeological activity)through fieldwork.

CoronaFive stereo pairs of Corona images were acquired fromthe US Geological Survey.8 This imagery covers theentire Bushehr peninsular from Halileh in the south toBandar-e Rig in the north. Georeferencing was achievedby matching features on the Corona imagery with thoseidentifiable on the georeferenced Landsat ETM image.This practice, although far from ideal, minimised thepropagation of error as in effect a single image providedthe referencing source for all subsequent operations.Once georeferenced, Corona images were combinedwith GPS-collected field survey data within ArcGIS toproduce interpretative mapping.

Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)SRTM elevation data are derived from a Space ShuttleSynthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) survey that obtainedelevation data on a near-global scale to generate a high-resolution digital topographic database of the Earth.9

Contours at 2 m. and 5 m. intervals were automaticallygenerated from the SRTM DTM within the GIS.

Overview of the Results of the Survey

56 sites were identified, ranging in date from theChalcolithic (6th/5th millennium B.C.E.) to the recentperiod (20th century C.E.). If sub-sites are counted indi-vidually, the total is 73 sites. Seven of the 56 weremodern or very recently-abandoned settlements. Thesewere recorded in order to collect pottery to allowrecognition of the local modern or recent assemblage.Unless specified, they are excluded from the maps,analyses and site counts given below. Pottery was takenfrom 64 of the sites/sub-sites (including the six modernsettlements). Pottery formed by far the greatest quantityof material, but other artefacts which were picked upincluded glass, lithics (stone tools), metal (copper/bronzeand iron), shell, bitumen and bone. Tables 1 and 2 give

Pottery Period Probable DateRange

Site Count Comments

Chalcolithic (cf. Sohz, Bayat, MiddleSusiana 3, Djowi II, Bakun BII)

1st half of 5thmillennium B.C.E.

1 BH56. A stray Chalcolithic sherd wasalso found at BH51. H200 not counted.

Lapui Early 4thmillennium B.C.E.

2 BH26, BH49

Early-Middle Banesh c. 3500–3000 B.C.E 1 BH19. Dating slightly uncertain.

Mid to Neo Elamite c. 1300–1000/900B.C.E. or later


Achaemenid-Parthian c. 550–150 B.C.E. 32

Sasanian c. 200–650 C.E. 34

Islamic, 8th–10th centuries C.E. c. 700–1000 C.E. 9

Islamic, 11th–14th centuries C.E. c. 1000–1400 C.E. 7

Islamic, 15th–18th/19th centuries C.E. c. 1400–1800 C.E. 4 Some recent settlements also likely tohave 18th/19th century components.

Recent 19th–20th centuries 7 Not an accurate representation of theactual number of recent settlements inthe region.

Unknown 12 Mostly features with no associatedpottery

TABLE 1. Site counts by period.10


breakdowns of the sites in terms of site type and period,while Table 3 is a brief Gazetteer.

General observations and site types

The most obvious observation is the preponderance ofsites dating to between the Achaemenid and Sasanianperiods in the study area (Table 1). Regarding theSasanian period, this fits with what is known fromWilliamson’s research, that Rishahr, on the BushehrPeninsula, was the leading Sasanian port. In effect, thestudy area comprises the hinterland of the city ofRishahr. One of the reasons for the high number ofAchaemenid-to-Sasanian sites is the dense cluster justnorth of the village of Deh Qa’ed, on the outskirts ofBorazjan (BH29–BH44). This consisted of numerousseparate mounds and features which were recorded indi-vidually but together represent a dispersed town. Thesematters are further discussed below. A better-knownurban site was recorded to the north on the edge of the

Site Type Site Count Description/Comments

ancient townsA


Tawwaj, aka Tuj, Taoke: BH12. Extensive collection of predominantly Umayyadmounds and structures, with earlier material (but not Sasanian). Another ancient town,of Achaemenid-to-Sasanian date, was found north of Borazjan, outside Deh Qa’edvillage. This was a dispersed settlement and its elements were recorded individually(BH29–BH44).

prominent man-mademounds


16 Large or steep-sided mounds of human construction, potentially containing large singlestructures, or sequences of buildings and deposits. Mainly 40–100 m. diameter.

large mound(s)/surfacescatters


3 Large mounds with surface cultural material, where it is unclear whether there arestructures present, and to what extent the mounding is man-made. 100 m. in length ormore.

low mound(s)/surfacescatters


18 Low mounds (or groups of low mounds) of any size with surface cultural material,where it is unclear whether there are structures present, and to what extent themounding is man-made. Size range is wide, between 30–450 m. across.

mound(s) with structuresE

8 Mounds (or groups of mounds) with surface cultural material and signs of structures,where it is unclear to what extent the mounding is man-made. Size range is 12–100 m.across.


12 Miscellaneous archaeological structures (or groups of structures), with or without othercultural material, without signs of mounding. Size range is 15–200 m. across.

surface scattersG

6 Scatters of material on the surface without obvious signs of mounding or structures. Theexistence of structures below the surface is not precluded. Size range is 20–200 m.

rock-cut featuresH

3 Tombs, irrigation tunnels and other features.

modern/recent villageI

6 Modern or recently abandoned settlements which were recorded in order to pick upceramics for reference.

TABLE 2. Site types (with site type code).

River Shapur. This site, BH12, can be identified with theUmayyad town of Tawwaj (see below, Islamic Period).

Apart from the obvious predominance ofAchaemenid-to-Sasanian remains, it would be unsafe todraw other conclusions regarding the intensity ofoccupation at any given time. These are results of a pilotsurvey undertaken in just three weeks, which left largeareas of archaeologically promising land unseen orbarely visited. The raw site counts should therefore notbe taken as a precise measure and almost certainly do nottell the whole chronological story.

Table 2 gives a broad categorisation of the kinds ofsites encountered. As is to be expected with this kind ofsurvey, most of the sites identified consist of mounds, 16of them being large and prominent man-made moundsof a type often designated tell, tul, tapeh or tump. Noneof these was exceptionally large, however, such as mightbe left by a town or village which was occupied andreoccupied for many centuries or millennia. Most thesites designated “prominent man-made mounds” arebetween 40 and 100 m. in diameter and 3–6 m. high.


site sitetype


BH1 I 503210 3228491 14 X

BH2 G 503613 3227785 14 X

BH3 G 503496 3226850 16 X X

BH4 I 500783 3226202 13 X

BH5A B 490194 3215835 2 X

BH5B D 490240 3216078 4 X X

BH5C D 490327 3216261 3 X X

BH5D E 490474 3216228 -2 X X

BH5E D 490350 3216195 3 X X

BH6A I 504116 3228153 14 X

BH6B G 504082 3228224 17

BH7 G 504208 3228899 16 X

BH8A C 511189 3233186 30 X X

BH8B C 511009 3232977 30 X X

BH8C D 511067 3232590 24 X X

BH9 D 506266 3238613 31 X

BH10 B 524622 3246384 84 X X

BH11A C 514590 3253913 84 X X

BH11B F 514590 3253893 84 X

BH11C E 514604 3253691 69 X X

BH11D F 514607 3254215 77 X

BH11E E 514668 3254139 69 X X X

BH11F B 514725 3253892 78 X X

BH12 A 514323 3253286 74 X X X

BH13 H 512535 3253018 58

BH14 F 471960 3234001 2

BH15 I 510531 3229652 26 X

BH16 I 515453 3228808 51 X

BH17 D 516851 3227915 49 X X

BH18A B 509457 3226122 34 X X

BH18B F 509550 3225694 26 X X

BH18C D 509696 3225846 30 X X X

BH19A B 523569 3194784 48 X


TABLE 3. Site gazetteer.

Site Type refers to the codes given in Table 2. X and Y are respectively UTM Eastings and Northings. Z is the heightin metres asl given by the GPS: this is not always accurate, and the contour lines generated from the SRTM DTMare to be preferred.






























BH20 B 527136 3195343 44 X

BH21 I 520266 3219148 63 X

BH22 B 519941 3232169 91 X X

BH23 D 521697 3207774 55 X

BH24 F 523685 3211060 47 X

BH25 G 519626 3216852 37 X

BH26 D 520265 3218695 106 X X

BH27 F 518351 3236536 90 X

BH28 B 518879 3236483 46 X X

BH29 F 518587 3242713 63 X X

BH30 E 518441 3244563 56 X X

BH31 D 518329 3241808 49 X X X

BH32A D 518364 3242753 48 X X

BH32B D 518089 3242514 46 X X X

BH33 B 517967 3243197 44 X X

BH34 E 518181 3243569 49 X

BH35 B 517818 3243306 59 X

BH36 D 517709 3243377 46 X

BH37 D 517481 3243532 45 X

BH38 F 519759 3242625 36 X X

BH39 D 518792 3242964 72 X

BH40 H 519075 3243092 52 X

BH41 E 518573 3243106 54 X X

BH42 B 517729 3244412 60 X X

BH43 E 517838 3243999 54 X X

BH44 E 518350 3244277 47 X X

BH45 D 516328 3243795 56 X X

BH46 F 516165 3243580 38 X

BH47 B 513456 3248026 36 X X

BH48 F 515848 3245449 43 X

BH49 B 488613 3271424 41 X

BH50 F 485863 3272889 58

BH51A B 485252 3269881 47 X

BH51B B 485229 3269738 49 X

BH51C B 485045 3269899 55 X X X X

BH52 H 449436 3276548 48 X

BH53 F 487682 3215988 8 X

BH54 D 488222 3215720 25 X X

BH55 D 488676 3215592 -1 X X

BH56 G 476771 3269572 -4 X

Sum 1 2 1 10 32 34 9 7 4 6 12


Although some may well represent ancient villages, e.g.Tul-e Gol Pokhti (BH19), or Tul-e Sabz (BH49), othersappear to be single monumental structures orcomplexes, e.g. Khegham Khoneh Jatut (BH47), whichappears to be a large complex of the Achaemenidperiod; or the mudbrick platform at Isavandeh(BH18A). The smallest are three mounds at Seh Talu(BH51A–C), which have a diameter of only around 15m. each, yet are sufficiently high and steep-sided to fallinto this category.

As well as large mounds which were clearly man-made, there were a few which had cultural material butwhich probably took advantage of natural raised features(designated “large mound(s)/surface scatters”). Theymay have had layers of cultural deposits on the top of thenatural prominence, perhaps including building remains,but this would have to be established through excavation.The same is true of numerous smaller and lower mounds,particularly in the hilly land of the dispersed Sasaniantown (“low mound(s)/surface scatters”).

In some cases structures were visible at the surfaceof a mound, but it was uncertain whether or not the bulkof the mounding was due to the natural geology, inwhich case the site was designated “mound(s) withstructures”. In other cases single structures were clearlyevident, without mounding, except that created by theirown collapse (designated “structure(s)”). Theseincluded water-mill structures (BH11D); dams (BH24);wells (BH14) excavated and bulldozed Achaemenid“palaces” (BH27 and BH48); a large square collapsedstone-built building (e.g. BH38); the colossal fortifica-tion of Tul-e Khandagh (BH29); and various other less-easily interpreted structures.

Some of the surface scatters were in ploughed areas(including that of the Chalcolithic site BH56), and inmost cases it is likely that structural remains onceexisted there, or survive below the plough zone. It isfeasible that other artefactual scatters were notimmediately associated with settlements. In parts of theMiddle East organically rich deposits were taken fromsettlements to be spread on the fields, leaving manuringscatters (Wilkinson 2003: 56–57).

Finally, several rock-cut features were found,including a pair of irrigation channels cut into bedrockat the edge of a dry river bed to catch flood run-off(BH40), a series of chambers cut into the vertical cliff-face of the River Shapur, probably rock-cut tombs(BH13), and a mysterious set of chambers and tunnelscut into bedrock near the sea at Ganaveh (BH52).

Site distribution

As noted in the geomorphology section of theIntroduction, site location is partly determined by sedi-mentation in the lower reaches of the coastal plain, withvery few or no sites earlier than the Sasanian periodbeing found below the 20 m. contour (Fig. 2). In fact,few sites of any kind were found below the 20 m. line,apart from of the Sasanian and Islamic sites at Shif andthose of the same date in the middle of the Angali Plain,en route to Shif. Other exceptions include a line of stoneand brick wells revealed at the bottom of a 3–4 m. deepprawn-farming trench (BH14).11 The tops of these hadbeen removed so it was impossible to know from whatlevel they were dug, but they raise the possibility thatsites and man-made features exist at low elevations, butare buried by mud.

The site distribution also reveals that majorsettlement was concentrated along the rivers, examplesbeing Tawwaj (BH12) and the nearby sites at Zirah onthe River Shapur (BH11A–F, BH12, BH13), and theAchaemenid-to-Sasanian town outside Deh Qa’ed, at abend on the River Dalaki. Availability of water mayhave been a significant factor, as well as the possibilityof water transport at certain times of year. Both townswould have had to expend considerable labour in orderto lift water from the rivers, however, which in the caseof the Shapur is very deeply cut, and in the case of theDalaki is around 12 m. below most of the structuralremains. Virtually all other sites were found in a linealong the edge of the foothills and at the base of gravelfans at the foot of the Zagros mountains, where groundwater can be collected through wells. This tract isrevealed as a line of green on the satellite imagery (Fig.3). There are exceptions, one being BH56, theChalcolithic site. The climate was wetter in parts of thePersian Gulf region during the Chalcolithic, as theIndian Ocean south-west monsoon advanced to a morenortherly position (Parker et al. 2004: 673), perhapsrelieving the reliance on groundwater. Other exceptionsare found in and around a large area of aeolian dunesvisible as a large brown feature. These sites includeBH8A–C and BH18A–C, and the name of the areawhere the former are found (Khosh Ab: “good water”)indicates the reason for their location.

The area between the Shapur and the Dalaki is likelyto have been intensively occupied for centuries. Thisarea was not examined in any detail and numerous sitesmay exist or existed there. Several Achaemenid sites are


reported, apart from those visited by the team (BH12,BH47, BH48). The region between the rivers is nowheavily planted with dates,12 which has damaged some

known sites, including Tawwaj (BH12) and theAchaemenid “palace” Khegham Khoneh Jatut (BH47).The marshy areas to the north of the River Hilleh, below

Fig. 5. Distribution of sites ofthe Achaemenid to ParthianPeriods.

Fig. 6. Distribution of sites ofthe Sasanian Period.


the junction of the Shapur and the Dalaki,13 may alsohave sustained ancient human occupation, but thecombination of water action and extensive dateplantation is likely to have removed any traces.


The Periodisation presented below is based almostentirely on the ceramic collections. A total of 3147sherds were picked up from 64 collection points. Thepottery was recorded during and at the end of the fieldseason, and 112 pottery classes were defined, and 65fabrics. All pottery was recorded in the databaseaccording to those criteria, and 417 sherds were drawn.The class codes are not discussed in this publication, butare listed in the tables accompanying the illustrations.

Again, it must be stressed that these results areprovisional and that any future fieldwork wouldprobably refine the dating and reveal undiscoveredoccupation horizons. Work on the ceramics is at a verypreliminary stage, and date ranges of the sites andceramic classes will certainly be changed pending a fullanalysis. For this reason, only broad ceramic horizonsare presented. Figures 4–7 show the distribution of sitesduring the designated periods.

The Chalcolithic

Just one Chalcolithic site was identified, BH56 (Fig. 4).Wasters and kiln lining picked up from the surfaceindicate that painted buff ware was manufactured there(Fig. 8). Lithics, including a sickle-blade with sickle-gloss, were found as well as spindle-whorls. Preliminaryindications are therefore that the site had a settled farmingpopulation. The site is situated near a local shrine (theImamzadeh Amir al-Mo’minin) 2 km. to the west-north-west of the village of Chahar Rusta’i, and 4.5 km. to thewest of the river Shur. It lies between the 24 m. and 26 m.contours, and is found on and close to the edge of whatappears to be the ancient shoreline of a bay, which is nowa muddy basin containing an impermanent stream. Thesite may therefore originally have bordered the sea. It is apriority for future research to examine and map theapparent raised shoreline, establish its exact elevation andprobable date. At 20–25 m. it would appear to be too highto represent a shoreline relating to the FlandrianTransgression and may, therefore, be a very much olderfeature than the Holocene. The consequences of tectonicaction in this region must, however, be explored.

The geomorphological reasons for the lack ofChalcolithic sites to the south of the River Hilleh havebeen discussed above, and it should be added that very

Fig. 7. Distribution of sites ofIslamic Period (up to c. 1800C.E.).



Fig. Sherd Class Dia. Decoration Comments

8: 1 BH56-1 CHABU.G 5 fairly crude greenish/red-brown paint ext Handmade. Complete cup.

8: 2 BH56-3 CHABU.R 11 dark brown-black paint ext Handmade

8: 3 BH56-6 CHABU.R 11 maroon-black paint ext and int lip of rim Wheelmade?

8: 4 BH56-2 CHABU.G 15 black paint ext and on int lip of rim fine smooth fabric and surfaces

8: 5 BH56-9 CHABU.G 20 dark green-black paint ext and at lip ofrim

8: 6 BH56-11 CHABU.G 20 green and dark green-brown paint ext paint like slip ext

8: 7 BH56-10 CHABU.G 24 green-black paint int and on ext lip of rim Wheelmade?

8: 8 BH56-4 CHABU.R 25 dark brown-black paint int and at lip ofrim


8: 9 BH56-5 CHABU.R 24 dark red-black ext, traces int at rim Wheelmade?

8: 10 BH56-8 CHABU.G 18 traces black ext at rim

8: 11 BH56-7 CHABU.R 15 brown-black paint ext and int at lip Wheelmade?

8: 12 BH56-24 CHABU.UNP 26

8: 13 BH56-15 CHABU.R 0 traces red-black paint ext Wheelmade? V. fine.

8: 14 BH56-25 CHABU.R 0 ring base Wheelmade?

8: 15 BH56-16 CHABU.G 0 black paint ext Wheelmade?

8: 16 BH56-12 CHABU.R 0 maroon/black paint ext

8: 17 BH56-13 CHABU.R 0 traces red-black paint, int ext Wheelmade?

8: 18 BH56-17 CHABU.R 0 traces red-black paint ext

8: 19 BH56-14 CHABU.R 0 traces reddish paint int and ext Wheelmade?

8: 20 BH56-18 CHABU.G 0 black ext Handmade

8: 21 BH56-22 CHABU.R 0 dark maroon/black paint ext jar neck and shoulder

8: 22 BH56-21 CHABU.R 0 dark brown/black paint ext. piercing Handmade.

8: 23 BH56-26 CHABU.R 0 red-brown ext Handmade.

8: 24 BH56-29 CHABU.G 0 green ext Wheelmade?

8: 25 BH56-31 CHABU.G 0 green-brown ext

8: 26 BH56-32 CHABU.R 0 red-brown ext Handmade

8: 27 BH56-33 CHABU.G 0 green-brown ext Handmade

8: 28 BH56-39 CHABU.G 0 green-black int

8: 29 BH56-40 CHABU.G 0 green-black ext

8: 30 BH56-41 CHABU.R 0 dark red-brown int

8: 31 BH56-34 CHABU.G 0 green ext Handmade

8: 32 BH56-35 CHABU.G 0 green-black ext fine and smooth

8: 33 BH56-36 CHABU.G 0 green ext

8: 34 BH56-27 CHABU.R 0 red-brown int eroded

8: 35 BH56-38 CHABU.G 0 brown-black ext

8: 36 BH56-57 CHABU.G 0 black paint (int or ext?)

8: 37 BH56-45 CHABU.G 0 green int Waster

8: 38 BH56-46 CHABU.G 0 green-brown ext Waster

8: 39 BH56-43 CHABU.G 0 green-black ext Waster

8: 40 BH56-30 CHABU.R 0 red-brown int

8: 41 BH56-37 CHABU.G 0 green-black ext

8: 42 BH56-20 CHABU.UNP 0 multiply pierced Handmade. Sieve

8: 43 BH56-56 CHACOAR ? Handmade. Damaged rim?

8: 44 BH51C-9 CHABU.G 0 greenish black paint ext good ID

Fig. 8. Pottery of the Chalcolithic site, BH56 (near Chahar Rusta'i).


little time was spent surveying the area to its north,where BH56 was found.14 It is possible that otherChalcolithic sites exist in this region, which will bemore intensively explored if future seasons occur. It isalready clear that the site did not exist in total isolation.Apart from BH56, another site (BH51C) yielded oneChalcolithic sherd in an assemblage which otherwisedates to the 9th century C.E.

A further Chalcolithic site, H200, was found in the1970s near Halileh on the Bushehr Peninsula(Whitehouse and Williamson 1973: 35, n. 32; Oates1983: 255–56). This assemblage was not published priorto the deaths of its finders, Andrew Williamson andMartha Prickett, and the site has not been relocated, butthe pottery has recently been re-recorded.15 It can beconfirmed that the assemblage of H200 relates to theMiddle Susiana 2 (early Middle Susiana) of Khuzestan,and the Ubaid 2/Hajji Mohammed of southernMesopotamia. It is thus slightly earlier than that ofBH56, though elements are held in common and bothare part of the broad “Ubaid-related” Chalcolithicpainted buff ware tradition which developed a vast geo-graphical distribution in the 6th and first half of the 5thmillennium B.C.E.

The best parallels for the BH56 sherds indicate con-temporaneity with the Sohz phase of the Behbehan-Zuhreh region of eastern Khuzestan, as well as BakunBII, Djowi II, Bendebal II and Middle Susiana 3. TheBH56 ceramics were mostly in a fine, slightly porousfabric with no visible temper and chalky-feelingsurfaces. The colour was generally buff, tending to palegreen and pale reddish according to firing. Most of theBuff Ware sherds collected in the (unsystematic) pick-upwere painted (64%). The paint colour varied according tothickness and firing, from black to greenish brown orreddish brown. While some were clearly handmade,others had very even sides and diameters, and fineparallel markings, suggestive of use of the wheel. It isuncertain whether the potter’s wheel was used at thistime, and the regularity may have resulted from carefulmanufacture by hand on a simple turntable. A crude, softhandmade ware with coarse vegetal temper was alsopresent, comprising 5% of the pick-up, excluding straySasanian or Islamic sherds (Fig. 8: 43). This was palebrown in colour and was represented by shallow dishes,though no complete rim profile was obtained.

The painted and plain Buff Ware assemblage wasdominated by bowls (Fig. 8: 1–9). No obvious jar rimswere recovered, though three sherds may represent that

category (Fig. 8: 10–12). The presence of rounded bodysherds, including examples with an inner ledge,indicates that jars with internal ledges at the rim werecertainly present (Fig. 8: 21–22).

The assemblage has good parallels with Tepe Sohz,a site in the foothills of the Zagros, 125 km. to the northof BH56. This site and contemporary neighbouring sitesaround Behbehan provide excellent comparisons formost of the decorative motifs found at BH56, including:large circles surrounded by dots; rows of short paralleldashes around jar shoulders; bowls with right angledecoration; ring bases with short dashes descendingfrom a horizontal line; and lines with right-angle turnsand parallel chevrons or large zig-zags (Dittmann 1984:fig. 25: 6–9, fig. 2: 11, fig. 27: 15, fig. 3: 6, fig. 3: 23,fig. 4: 12). The latter design is of particular interest as itoccurs at BH56 on a waster consisting of three bodysherds fused together (Fig 8: 39). The other motif on thissherd, a narrow line of right-angle motifs or “variantchevrons” can be seen in the Deh Luran, said to betypical of the Bayat phase (Neely and Wright 1994: fig.IV.12: e; Hole et al. 1969: pl. 29: d) and in CentralKhuzestan in the Djowi I/II transition (Dollfus 1983: fig.26: 7). A distinctive bowl with thick horizontal linesabove and below a middle register, containing a motifresembling outstretched wings or palm branches (Fig. 8:4), is found at Behbehan (Dittmann 1984: fig. 38: 9) andalso has an excellent Early Bakun parallel from GapLevel 17 in the Marv Dasht (Phase Gap 1a) (Egami andSono 1962: fig. XXXIVB: 17).

Various other Early Bakun parallels are found withTall-i Bakun (Bakun BII) and Tall-i Gap (Gap Ia–b).These sites are located c. 200 km. inland to the north-eastin the Kur River Basin, not far from Persepolis. Apartfrom the ones mentioned above, another with descendinglines (Fig. 8: 2) compares to one from Bakun B (Egamiand Masuda 1962: fig. 16: 11). Rows of short lines belowa horizontal line (Fig. 8: 26–27) are found at Bakun Band Gap phase Ia (Egami and Masuda 1962: fig. 14: 2;Egami and Sono 1962: fig. XXXVIIIB: 1). Someelements also have parallels with the Late Bakunassemblage: the bowl with nested right-angles or squares(Fig. 8: 3) resembles a Late Bakun bowl or beaker fromGap level 9 (phase Gap IIb), while parallel loops orcurved chevrons (Fig. 8: 32–33) have parallels at Gaplevel 5a (phase Gap IIb) (Egami and Sono 1962: fig.XXXIB: 3). The latter can also be compared to EarlyBakun motifs from Bakun B (Egami and Masuda 1962:fig. 13: 7).


Connections are similarly evident with the EarlyBakun tradition at Tol-e Nurabad, in the Mamasaniregion of Fars. The bowl with parallel lines descendingfrom the rim (Fig. 8: 2) is similar to one from Tol-eNurabad (Weeks et al. in press: fig. 3.86 TNP 1183), asis a bowl with internal diagonal lines and a horizontalline at the rim externally (Fig. 8: 7, cf. Weeks et al. inpress: fig. 3.82: TNP 1327). Weeks et al. tentativelyassign the former to the Early Bakun, while the latter isassociated with other vessels assigned to the EarlyBakun at Tol-e Nurabad. Less good comparisons can bemade with the Middle Bakun pottery of Tol-e Nurabad,though various simple motifs are held in common,including rows of small dots, and thick bands of paint(e.g. Fig. 8: 24–25, 29, cf. Weeks et al. in press: fig.3.91: TNP 1053–1055).

Parallels with material from Khuzestan and the DehLuran are also found. The bowl with internal diagonallines and a line externally (Fig. 8: 7) finds a possibleparallel in the Middle Susiana at Chogha Bonut(Alizadeh 2003: fig. 22: B); a similar vessel is alsofound in the Deh Luran (Neely and Wright 1994: fig.IV:53: c), though this is assigned to an earlier phase(Chogha Mami Transitional). Nested right-angle linessimilar to Fig. 8: 3 are seen at Bendebal Period II(Dollfus 1983: fig. 62: 4). Footed bases with a band ofpaint are also known from Middle Susiana sites inKhuzestan such as Chogha Bonut and Djowi Period II(Alizadeh 2003: fig. 21: G; Dollfus 1983: fig. 33: 14) aswell as the Bakun assemblage at Tol-e Nurabad (Weekset al. in press: fig. 3.83: TNP 1339–1341). The large discsurrounded by smaller circles (Fig. 8: 23) is found atBendebal Period II (Dollfus 1983: fig. 75: 19).

Finally, it should be noted that some elements of theBH56 assemblage are directly comparable to theMesopotamian Ubaid, for example reserve slip lines(Fig. 8: 5), denticulate decoration (Fig. 8: 37) and finegridded decoration (Fig. 8: 34–35). Such elements arealso found in the Ubaid-related Middle Susiana potteryof Khuzestan, as well as other contemporary Ubaid-related Chalcolithic Buff ware traditions, so on thecurrent evidence it would be premature to suggest therewere direct contacts with Mesopotamia.

The parallels with the Sohz phase, Bakun B, GapIa–b, Djowi Period II, Bendebal Period II and MiddleSusiana 3 are all in chronological agreement (Dittmann1984: 64, Tab. 11; Dollfus 1983: 167, tab. 41; Voigt1993: fig. 2). In Mesopotamian terms BH56 would becontemporary with the Ubaid 3 according to conven-

tional regional synchronicities, though the absolutedates available for the Early Bakun imply that itoverlaps with the Ubaid 4. According to radiocarbondates from Tol-e Nurabad, the Neolithic tradition couldtheoretically end (and the Chalcolithic start) as late as4700 or 4600 B.C.E. in Phase A19, and not earlier than4940 B.C.E. (Weeks et al. in press: 68, tab. 3.2), whilePhase 16, said to be Middle Bakun, has a range of4730–4490 B.C.E. An absolute date in the first half ofthe 5th millennium is appropriate for BH56.

The qualitative comparisons reflect geographicalproximity to neighbouring traditions, i.e. to the regiondirectly to the north (the Sohz phase of Behbehan); theregion directly to the east and north-east (the Bakuntradition of inland Fars); and the coastal area to the northand north-west (the Middle Susiana 3 Phase, i.e. DjowiII and Bendebal II) of the Khuzestan lowlands. Asubjective assessment, based on the evidence of thesurface pick-up only, is that the tradition manifested atBH56 is most closely related to that of the Behbehanregion, followed by Bakun BII. Further research maychange or refine this impression.

The Lapui Period

One site (BH26) was identified which definitely hadLapui pottery of the first half of the 4th millenniumB.C.E. (Fig. 4). Another (BH49) was found which had amore varied assemblage, but which also appears to dateto the Lapui Period. This is perhaps a little earlier indate, and will be discussed first.

BH49BH49 (Tul-e Sabz) was on the north side of the Hilleh,12 km. to the east-north-east of the Chalcolithic siteBH56. It was a prominent mound c. 60 m. x 60 m., 5 height that had at some point been ploughed. Only abrief pick-up was possible, and the site merits closerinspection.

The assemblage of BH49 was varied compared tothat of BH26, and lacked a distinctive red/black slippedand burnished Lapui Fine Ware which dominated theassemblage of the latter (see below). Instead, thecommonest ware at BH49 was a burnished grittyearthenware, probably hand-made but possibly turned atthe rim (Fig. 9: 12–17). The grits consisted of flat angularplatelets with some white inclusions, and a red-brownslip may have been present in some cases (not shown on



Fig. Sherd Class Dia. Decoration Comments9: 1 BH49-1 RED.N-ID 10 red-br slip(?) int and ext; red-br paint ext hard to tell if slipped9: 2 BH49-2 RED.N-ID 0 red-brown slip int and ext, dark purple


9: 3 BH49-3 RECH.1 14 purple paint ext slightly eroded ext9: 4 BH49-4 RECH.1 269: 5 BH49-5 RECH.1 26 odd angle - distorted?9: 6 BH49-6 RECH.1 0 red slip ext, purple paint ext quite eroded9: 7 BH49-7 SMOC 149: 8 BH49-8 FRED 12 red-brown slip, int and ext a few fine grits in this one9: 9 BH49-18 CW.N-ID 30 fine brown fabric9: 10 BH49-9 BUCH 209: 11 BH49-10 BUCH 0 dark brown paint9: 12 BH49-11 BUGR 23 brown slip?9: 13 BH49-12 BUGR 20 cream surfaces, not clear if slip a bit strange9: 14 BH49-13 BUGR 16 red-brown to grey slip int and ext? turned?9: 15 BH49-15 BUGR 149: 16 BH49-16 BUGR 14 grey slip ext?9: 17 BH49-17 BUGR 12

Fig. 9. Pottery of the Lapui(?) Period (BH49).


illustrations due to uncertainty). It may be similar toSumner’s Lapui Common Ware in the Kur River Basin,a coarse gritty type which shares the same range of formsas Lapui Fine Ware (see below) (Sumner 1988: 27).Shapes were simple, consisting of flaring jar rims andsome holemouths. The former (Fig. 9: 12–15) compareto vessels from Tol-e Spid, in Mamasani (Petrie et al. inpress-a: fig. 4.51: TS 2148; fig. 4.55: TS 2044). Theholemouths (Fig. 9: 16–17) have excellent comparisonswith numerous grit-tempered, roughly burnished vesselsfrom the same site (e.g. Petrie et al. in press-a: fig. 4.51:TS 2114; fig. 4.53: TS 2012).

The next commonest class was a red earthenware ina smooth chalky-feeling fabric with small whiteinclusions, in some instances with a red slip and purplishpaint (Fig. 9: 3–6). The highly curved everted jar rim(Fig. 9: 4) has good parallels in Phase 22 at Tol-e Spid(Petrie et al. in press-a: fig. 4.54: TS 2089). A distinctiveholemouth with a bevelled inner edge (Fig. 9: 5) hasnumerous excellent parallels at Tol-e Spid, though withgrittier fabrics (Petrie et al. in press-a: fig. 4.50: TS2159; fig. 4.51: TS 2141; fig. 4.54: TS 1993), similarforms also being found at BH26 (see below). Regardingthe painted examples, technical similarities mightpossibly be found with “bichrome purple on red”decorated pottery from Lapui levels at Tol-e Spid (Petrieet al. in press-a: fig. 4.51: TS 2116, TS 2131).

Also found was a jar rim in a smooth cream ware(Fig. 9: 7), and a holemouth in a very fine orange-redware with an orange slip, possibly with a fine burnish(Fig. 9: 8). Non-classified gritty red sherds with paintwere also recorded (Fig. 9: 1–2). Of these, a paintedholemouth may have had a red-brown slip internally andexternally (perhaps “self-slipped”), and barely-visiblered-brown paint with a bisected hatched lozengedecoration. It resembles “Soghun Ware”, which is foundcontemporary with Lapui material at Tepe Yahya,mainly in Period VI. Both Red-Painted and BichromeSoghun Ware are restricted to holemouths and openbowls, and decoration is typified by rows of hatchedlozenges below the rim (Beale 1986: fig. 4.13: g, fig.4.15: d ). Soghun Red-Painted and Bichrome pottery isnot slipped, however, though a red wash is found over athick buff slip in “Soghun Mottled Purple Ware”. Asimilar design to the BH49 sherd was found in surfacelayers at Bakun B, in a “reddish brown painted” ware(Egami and Sono 1962: 5, fig. 24).

A black-on-buff sherd was found at BH49, thoughthe pattern is insufficient to assign it to any particular

tradition (Fig. 9: 11). The fabric was porous, grainy andbuff with small chalky inclusions, and appeared to behandmade; a flaring bowl rim shared the same fabric(Fig. 9: 10). A few painted buff ware sherds are found inLapui levels at Tol-e Spid, assumed to be residual fromthe Chalcolithic, while painted buff ware sherds areassociated with the deeper Lapui levels at Tol-eNurabad. It is possible that painted buff ware and LapuiWare coexisted during the early part of the Lapuihorizon.

The notable variability of the BH49 assemblagewhen compared to that of BH26 has several alternativeexplanations. It may mean that the two sites relate todifferent phases of the Lapui Period, or the variability ofBH49 may reflect other chronological differences, i.e.prolonged or multi-period occupation. The presence ofSoghun-like ceramics, which coincides with the earlierpart of the Lapui horizon at Tepe Yayha (Beale 1986: 40,fig. 4.1), would suggest that BH49 is slightly earlier thanBH26. This hypothesis is supported by the prevalence atBH26 of red/black slipped and burnished Lapui FineWare, which becomes more common as the Lapuiperiod progresses (see below). It is also feasible that thedifferences in the two assemblages result from specificlocal patterns of ceramic production and exchange. Forexample, BH26 may have been close to a localproduction site of the fine red/black slipped pottery, ormay even have been a production site itself.

BH26BH26 consisted of a low mound with a recently rebuiltImamzadeh at its top and an Islamic graveyard on itsflanks, densely packed with burials. The culturalmaterial, largely pottery but also including lithics (a longflint blade with gloss, plus small tools and flakes), wasscattered among the graves. It is possible that much of itwas thrown up by grave-digging activities. No obviousarchaeological structures were evident.

The pottery was largely in fine ware which had a finebuff or pale brown fabric and a red-brown to dark greyslip inside and out (Fig. 10: 1–21). The slip was verydistinctive, sometimes combining both red and greystreaks. External burnishing was occasionally obvious(Fig. 10: 8, 20), and may have been present on othersherds. Like comparable examples from Tol-e Nurabad,the vessels appeared to be wheel-made, though Sumnerdoubts the use of the wheel at that time in the Kur Riverbasin (Sumner 1988: 25–26). The class is comparable toSumner’s Lapui Fine Ware in the Kur River Basin,


Petrie’s Fine Red-Slipped Buff Ware at Tol-e Spid andWeeks’ Slipped and Burnished Ware at Tol-e Nurabad.

Common forms included slightly closed vesselswhose rims have bevelled inner edges and/or beadedouter edges (Fig. 10: 11, 15, 16), comparable to vesselsfrom Tol-e Spid (Petrie et al. in press-a: fig. 4.51: TS2141, fig. 4.54: TS 1993). A similar form with a moreout-turned rim (Fig. 10: 14) is paralleled in the KurRiver Basin (Sumner 1988: fig. 2: D). Another vesselwith a more curving rim is comparable to vessels fromTol-e Spid (Fig. 10: 21, cf. Petrie et al. in press-a: fig.4.58: 1958). One distinctive form has an inturned lip; itmay represent a shallow bowl rim or an incomplete jarrim (Fig. 10: 1–2). These compare to examples fromTol-e Nurabad, though not Tol-e Spid (Weeks et al. inpress: fig. 3.102: TNP 752, TNP 695). Various othersimple shapes can be compared to Lapui pottery fromTol-e Spid, Tol-e Nurabad and Kur River Basin,including wide flaring bowl rims with straight sides(Fig. 10: 8, 9, cf. Sumner 1988: fig. 2: L–N; Petrie et press-a: fig. 4.58: TS 1957; Weeks et al. in press: fig.3.102: TNP 638, TNP 715); and everted jar rims (e.g.Fig. 10: 19, 22, cf. Sumner 1988: fig. 2: E–F; Petrie etal. in press-a: fig. 4.57: TS 1956, TS 1954, TS 1963;Weeks et al. in press: fig. 3.98: TNP 917). Generalcomparisons can also be made with Lapui Ware fromTepe Yahya, which shares similar flaring bowl rims, slipand burnish, but is said to be hand-made (Beale 1986:55–57).

A small proportion of the pottery picked up fromBH26 had coarser fabrics. A coarse red earthenwarewith an external slip (Fig. 10: 24) was represented by ajar rim. Its fabric had flat angular grits and whiteinclusions. An identical form in a coarse gritty fabricwith limestone inclusions was found at Tol-e Spid(Petrie et al. in press-a: fig. 4.55: 2044). A cruder warewith similar grits and a grey slip was also found, in theshape of a holemouth with a beaded rim (Fig. 10: 25).This is similar to an unslipped vessel in a grit-temperedfabric at Tol-e Nurabad (Weeks et al. in press: fig. 3.101:TNP 808). This may relate to Sumner’s Lapui CommonWare (Sumner 1988: 27 and fig. 3). Finally a large rimwith an extended flattened top was picked up, in a hardred fabric with a grey core and medium-coarse vegetaltemper (Fig. 10: 26); this may belong to a lateroccupation. Early Islamic pottery and gravestones withkufic script were also present at the site.

Regarding relative chronology, BH26 appears todate to the middle of the Lapui Period. At Tol-e Nurabad

and Spid holemouths with incurving sides in grittempered slipped and burnished ware and other grittywares are particularly associated with the earlier Lapuiphases; these are not found at BH26, but are knownfrom BH49 (see above). Moreover, at Tol-e Spid, wherePhases 24–20 are designated Lapui, fine slipped andburnished buff ware (cf. the dominant red/black slippedand burnished Lapui Fine Ware at BH26) increased infrequency from Phase 21 onwards (Petrie et al. in press-a: 129). At both Tol-e Nurabad and Tol-e Spid, theSlipped and Burnished Ware is associated withbevelled-rim bowls in its later levels (Phases 11–10),and then continues into the Banesh Period. Bevelled-rimbowls were not identified at BH26 which implies a datebefore the late Lapui.

Regarding absolute chronology, at Tepe Yahya,Lapui Ware is found in periods VIB and VA, beingcommon in VC-VA.2. This gives it a range between c.3800 B.C.E. and 3300 B.C.E. The parallels withSumner’s material belong to the Middle Lapui, whichSumner dates to c. 3700 B.C.E. (Sumner 1988: 30).Recent calibrated radiocarbon dates from Tol-e Spidconfirm that the Lapui Period spanned a period from3980 B.C.E. or earlier up to 3510 B.C.E. or 3380 B.C.E.(Petrie et al. in press-a: 124). The date of BH26 istherefore likely to be in the first half of the 4thmillennium B.C.E., with BH49 perhaps dating to theearly 4th millennium or even earlier.

The Banesh(?) Period

One of the most interesting and well preserved sites wasTul-e Gol Pokhti (BH19),16 a prominent mound south ofAhram with abundant bone, pottery and flint erodingfrom its sides (Fig. 4). Apart from recent sherds andsmall Achaemenid and Sasanian components, thepottery consisted of a group of crude earthenwareswhich probably relate to the Banesh Period.

The commonest variety was a distinctive very grittyearthenware with uneven firing and surfaces (Fig. 11:2–5). Colour ranged from brown to brick-red to grey,and the poorly sorted inclusions consisted of flat angulargrits and white particles. Despite its apparent crudity, itwas largely wheel-made, with an external slip. Ahandmade variety also existed, without a slip (or with aslip that was hard to distinguish), and sometimes withfine textile impressions (Fig. 11: 1). These variants bothshowed distinctive uneven, cracked and pitted surfaces.



Fig. Sherd Class Dia. Decoration Comments

10: 1 BH26-6 REDBLA 23 red-brown slip int ext10: 2 BH26-8 REDBLA 24 red-brown slip int ext10: 3 BH26-11 REDBLA 34 red-brown and black streaked slip int ext10: 4 BH26-25 REDBLA 24 red-brown slip int ext10: 5 BH26-10 REDBLA 15 red-brown slip int ext10: 6 bh26-7 REDBLA 22 maroon slip int ext10: 7 BH26-17 REDBLA 18 red-brown slip int ext10: 8 bh26-1 REDBLA 26 red-brown slip int, ext. Burnished ext10: 9 BH26-14 REDBLA 36 red-brown and grey streaked slip int ext the only kind of base10: 10 BH26-13 REDBLA 30 red-brown slip int ext10: 11 BH26-23 REDBLA 28 red-brown slip int ext10: 12 BH26-16 REDBLA 14 red-brown slip int ext10: 13 BH26-15 REDBLA 0 black slip int; red-brown and grey

streaky ext

10: 14 BH26-4 REDBLA 20 red-brown slip int ext10: 15 BH26-2 REDBLA 30 red-brown slip int ext10: 16 BH26-5 REDBLA 20 red-brown slip int ext dia unreliable10: 17 BH26-20 REDBLA 16 grey slip int ext10: 18 BH26-9 REDBLA 18 red-brown slip int ext10: 19 BH26-21 REDBLA 12 red-brown slip int ext10: 20 BH26-26 REDBLA 10 streaky slip int ext; burnished ext?10: 21 BH26-3 REDBLA 16 red-brown slip int ext10: 22 BH26-55 FINBU 16 black staining inside 10: 23 BH26-56 FINBU 2010: 24 BH26-62 CRED.2 14 red-brown slip ext10: 25 BH26-64 PGRIT.N-ID 20 grey int, ext? pale grey fabric10: 26 BH26-66 CW.N-ID 24 hard, red; grey core

Fig. 10. Pottery of the Lapui Period (BH26).



Fig. Sherd Class Dia. Decoration Comments11: 1 BH19A-1 CRUGR.1 2611: 2 BH19A-3 CRUGR.2 18 greyish red-brown slip ext speckly limy fabric11: 3 BH19A-6 CRUGR.2 0 purplish red slip(?) ext large base11: 4 BH19A-4 CRUGR.2 0 grey slip ext11: 5 BH19A-5 CRUGR.2 0 grey-brown slip ext11: 6 BH19A-2 CRUGR.3 0 handle11: 7 BH19A-7 PGRIT.N-ID 18 more like CRUGR.2 than 111: 8 BH19A-8 PGRIT.N-ID 20 more like CRUGR.2 than 111: 9 BH19A-9 PGRIT.N-ID 10 more like CRUGR.2 than 111: 10 BH19A-10 PGRIT.N-ID 24 red-brown slip ext? more like CRUGR.1 than 211: 11 BH19A-11 COARVEG 2411: 12 BH19A-12 COARVEG 1211: 13 BH19A-13 COARVEG 1811: 14 BH19A-14 COARVEG 1411: 15 BH19A-15 COARVEG 1611: 16 BH19A-16 COARVEG 2011: 17 BH19a-17 BUPA 0 thin red-brown paint ext11: 18 BH19A-18 BUPA 0 thin red-brown paint ext11: 19 BH19A-19 GRIVEG.2 12 probably Achaemenid11: 20 BH19A-22 GRIVEG.2 68 dark grey slip int, ext? possibly Achaemenid

Fig. 11. Pottery of the Banesh(?) Period (BH19).


Similar surface attributes are attributed to Lapui CoarseWare by Sumner (Sumner 1988: 26–27) but there islittle else in this assemblage to indicate a Lapuiattribution. The description of the standard grit-tempered ware at Malyan (TUV) is similar to the grittywares at BH19, with varying combinations of white,black and reddish grits, occasionally with straw temperfound there. There is a white-gritted version (Nicholas1990: 58), similar to a variant at BH19 (Fig. 11: 6).Banesh/Proto-Elamite parallels for the chain-ridgedsherd (Fig. 11: 4) are found in a “protoelamite”collection from the Izeh Plain in north-easternKhuzestan (Sajjidi 1979: fig. 35: h), though chain-ridgesalone are not particularly diagnostic.

Several sherds with similar gritty fabrics, butwithout the distinctive pitted surfaces, probablybelonged to related wares or represent variations (Fig.11: 7–10). One, a holemouth with an inner thickening atthe rim (Fig. 11: 7), resembles a Banesh Period vesselfrom Phase A6 at Tol-e Nurabad (Weeks et al. in press:fig. 3.108: TNP 481), while a slender beaker (Fig. 11: 9)resembles a vessel from Susa (Le Brun 1971: fig. 45: 8).Some less distinctive forms (e.g. Fig. 11: 10) arecomparable to grit-tempered pottery from Malyan(TUV operation) and Tol-e Nurabad Phase 7 in layersdating to the Banesh Period, including simple evertedand flaring rims (Weeks et al. in press: fig. 3.107: TNP517–518; Nicholas 1990: pl. 16). Various crude andsimple rims in Grit Tempered Ware from the BaneshPeriod Phase 18 at Tol-e Spid also compare to the BH19material (e.g. Fig. 11: 7, cf. Petrie in press: fig. 4.64: TS1765; Fig. 11: 2, cf. Petrie in press: fig. 4.64: TS 1774).

Another common earthenware had a buff to palebrown fabric and coarse vegetal temper with no slip ordecoration evident (Fig. 11: 11–16). A flaring triangularjar or bowl rim with an outer indentation (Fig. 11: 11) isidentical to straw tempered “goblet rims” from Malyan,and a similar form is found at Tol-e Nurabad Phase A6(Sumner 2003: fig. D8: 22; Alden 2003: fig. 9.2: 2ndrow on left, 3rd row on right; Weeks et al. in press: fig.3.108: TNP 478). This has another parallel with a jar rimfrom the Izeh plain collection (Sajjidi 1979: fig. 35: e).Simple flaring rims in vegetal tempered fabrics (Fig. 11:13–15) also have Banesh/Proto-Elamite parallels at Tol-e Spid and Tol-e Nurabad (Petrie et al. in press-a: fig.4.63: TS 1840, TS 1841; Weeks et al. in press: fig.3.107: TNP 489, 483, 513).

Two painted sherds were found in a similar but finerbuff vegetal-tempered fabric (Fig. 11: 17–18). These

were wheel-made and had thin reddish paint in bands.Bands of paint are found on Banesh pottery at SusaAcropole (Le Brun 1971: fig. 46: 15–16), though it isnot a particularly distinctive motif, and like the chainridges mentioned above it is not restricted to the BaneshPeriod.

A final variety of distinctive pottery had acombination of flat angular grits and vegetal temper(Fig. 11: 19, 20). It was wheel-made, with creamsurfaces. The larger of the two appeared to have a greyslip, though it may have been salts. Both these sherdsmay belong to later horizons, their fabric and shapesresembling material of the Achaemenid or later periods(Petrie et al. in press-a: fig. 4.104: TS 415).

Taken individually, the sherds and their comparandaare not distinctive enough to be certain of the date of thesite. Taken together, a Middle Banesh Period date seemsmost likely. The Tol-e Spid Phase 18 parallels suggest aMiddle Banesh date, in the later 4th millennium (Petrieet al. in press-a: 126, 130), though the Tol-e Nurabadparallels relate to both the Middle Banesh (Phase A7)and the Late Banesh (Phase A6) (Weeks et al. in press:76). Two characteristic elements of the Baneshassemblage are missing, however: bevelled-rim bowls(BRBs) and “Banesh trays”, both of which are commonat Susa, Malyan and Tol-e Spid, with BRB’s beingcommon but trays absent at Tol-e Nurabad. Furtherwork is required to confirm the date.

The Middle and Neo-Elamite

The Elamite occupation is reasonably prominent in theregion (Fig. 4), perhaps on account of the MiddleElamite centre at Liyan (Tul-e Peytul). The pottery ofthe sites in question largely corresponds to MiddleElamite assemblages. Some elements may relate to laterperiods, i.e. the end of the 2nd to mid 1st millenniumB.C.E., which would encompass the Neo Elamite.

This broad ceramic phase was distinguished by thepresence of several classes of grit and vegetal temperedearthenware, generally buff or pale brown in colour,sometimes accompanied by a finer chalky red ware. Atleast 10 sites or sub-sites contained this family of wares.They include a cluster of mounds and structures in thevillage of Zirah, near Tawwaj (BH11A, BH11B,BH11C); a ploughed field scatter near Golangun(BH25); a very large mound on the outskirts of Borazjanknown as Tul-e Mor (BH28), and mounds and scatters


on the outskirts and within the Achaemenid-Sasaniantown at Deh Qa’ed (BH31, BH32B, BH33, BH45).Tawwaj itself (BH12) also appears to contain thishorizon, though occurrences of the relevant classes arefound amongst material which is otherwise Achaemenid-Hellenistic and Islamic. Acouple of the sites at Khosh Ab(BH8A, BH8B) have isolated occurrences of a Large-Grit Tempered Ware elsewhere associated with theMiddle-Neo Elamite horizon, but this has beenconsidered insufficient evidence to assign elements ofthese sites to that phase. It is possible that some of theclasses continued into use into the Achaemenid period.The dating of one or two of the sites included in theElamite horizon is admittedly tentative.17 The difficultiesexperienced in trying to date these wares and separatethese horizons may reflect continuity of occupation atthese sites.

Whitcomb published “Elamite” survey collectionsfrom the mainland of Bushehr Province. Of Whitcomb’ssites, two are located in the same areas as the Elamitesites of this survey and may therefore be the same sites:Whitcomb’s B3 may equate to this survey’s BH31 orBH45, while his A7 may be BH25 (Whitcomb 1987:figs. B, E–G, I). Whitcomb also noted the Elamiteoccupation at Tawwaj, and two Elamite sites whichwere not relocated during this survey, B9 and B7, bothc. 10 km. from Tawwaj (Whitcomb 1987: 330 and fig.B). As far as the pottery is concerned, a few parallels canbe made between Whitcomb’s material and thatpresented here, including large flaring rims withextended ends or bands (e.g. Fig. 12: 11, cf. Whitcomb1987: fig. F: f), as well as smaller simpler forms such aseverted jar or cooking pot rims. It would be necessary tocompare the two sets of material at close hand toconfirm any direct relationship.

Appropriate comparisons with much of the materialcan be found in Middle Elamite, and perhaps also Neo-Elamite, contexts. A form of jar rim which curvesoutwards towards the horizontal and has a squarishprofile, like an over-extended band rim (Fig. 12: 6,20–21, 28, 30) is found in Middle Elamite Malyan invegetal-tempered and grit tempered wares (Carter 1996:fig. 22: 16, fig. 28: 9). Similar Neo-Elamite rims areknown from the Ville Royale II, Susa (de Miroschedji1981a: fig. 37: 4, 9), and in Phase B8 at Tol-e Nurabad(Weeks et al. in press: fig. 3.123: TNP 2458, TNP 2447),tentatively dated to the Neo Elamite or Middle-NeoElamite transition (Weeks et al. in press: 77). The sameform is identified as “Elamite” at Izeh in eastern

Khuzestan (Sajjidi and Wright 1979: fig. 42: 9–10). Avertically elongated band rim (Fig. 12: 3, 7) is also foundat Malyan and the Ville Royale II at Susa (Carter 1996:fig. 23: 13; de Miroschedji 1981a: figs. 13: 1–13, 24:3–4), as well as the shorter version seen at BH33 (Fig.12: 19, cf. Carter 1996: fig. 23: 7). The Ville Royalelevels are 11–10 and 9, dated respectively to the laterMiddle Elamite and the Neo-Elamite. Another jar rimfrom BH33 has a Middle Elamite parallel from Tol-eSpid Phase 14 (Petrie et al. in press-a: 131 and fig. 4.86:TS 1132). Collar rims similar to those found at Tawwaj(Fig. 12: 10, 12) are found at Malyan (Carter 1996: fig.10–11), also in a buff ware. The broad cordons seen atBH25 (Fig. 12: 18–19) have a parallel at Tol-e NurabadPhase B7b, dated to the Neo-Elamite or Middle-NeoElamite transition (Weeks et al. in press: fig. 3.124: TNP2374). Triangular jar rims (Fig. 12: 1, 9), while not beingparticularly diagnostic, are represented at Malyan (Carter1996: fig. 23: 15), as are simple everted rims in a“cooking pot” ware similar to that found at BH31 (Fig.12: 16–17, cf. Carter 1996: fig. 28: 2–10).

Regarding absolute dating, Elizabeth Carter dates theMiddle Elamite layers at Malyan to the last centuries ofthe 2nd millennium B.C.E. Further comparisons suggestcontemporaneity with de Miroschedji’s Middle ElamiteII (1300–1100 B.C.E.), but perhaps also the Neo-ElamiteI (c. 1000–900 B.C.E.) or even the Neo-Elamite II (c.900–600 B.C.E.). It is quite possible that material ispresent which covers the whole span between the start ofthe Middle Elamite and the Achaemenid. It would besignificant if Neo-Elamite material were represented aswell as Middle Elamite pottery, given the currentuncertainty over the presence of Neo-Elamite sitesoutside lowland Khuzestan (Petrie et al. in press-b: 168).Moreover, context would be provided for historicalevents during the Middle and Neo-Elamite periods,when the coastal region from Bushire to southernKhuzestan is believed to have been referred to in theMesopotamian texts as Pashime, against which theAssyrians campaigned during the first half of the seventhcentury B.C.E. (Petrie et al. 2005: 52).

The Achaemenid to Parthian Periods

A pre-Sasanian component was visible at 32 sites (Fig.5), making it the second best represented horizon. Someelements certainly date to the Achaemenid period whileothers may relate to the post-Achaemenid period.



Fig. Sherd Class Dia. Decoration Comments12: 1 BH8B-12 LAG 1612: 2 BH11B-1 BUFIN 10 tentative ID12: 3 BH11C-1 LAG 4012: 4 BH11C-2 GRIVEG.1 0 incised lines very grey12: 5 BH11C-3 GRIVEG.2 40 border-line GRIVEG.112: 6 BH11C-4 GRIVEG.2 40 uncertain diameter12: 7 BH12-50 LAG 44 unreliable dia12: 8 BH12-51 LAG 40 unreliable dia12: 9 BH12-1 BUFIN 4012: 10 BH12-2 BUFIN 28 handle stump12: 11 BH12-3 BUFIN 4012: 12 BH12-4 BUFIN 46 wavy line on rim unreliable dia12: 13 BH31-3 RECH.2 2812: 14 BH31-4 RECH.2 2212: 15 BH31-5 RECH.2 12 tentative ID, very buff12: 16 BH31-6 BROGR 22 brown slip ext?, int12: 17 BH31-7 BROGR 18 brown slip ext, int at rim12: 18 BH25-1 GRIVEG.2 0 flat cordon12: 19 BH25-2 GRIVEG.2 0 flat cordon12: 20 BH25-4 RECH.2 2212: 21 BH25-5 RECH.2 2412: 22 BH25-6 RECH.2 1412: 23 BH25-7 RECH.2 812: 24 BH25-3 RECH.2 0 whitish surfaces - salts?12: 25 BH25-8 SMAG.B 2612: 26 BH28-2 BROGR 16 brown slip12: 27 BH32B-10 LAG 2012: 28 BH32B-11 LAG 1812: 29 BH33-16 LAG 26 unreliable dia.12: 30 BH33-17 LAG 28 may not be this class12: 31 BH45-10 BUFIN 11

Fig. 12. Pottery of the Middle (and Neo?) Elamite Period (various sites).



Fig. 13. Pottery of the Achaemenid to Parthian Periods.

Fig. Sherd Class Dia. Decoration Comments

13: 1 BH32A-31 SMAG.B 1013: 2 BH43-10 SMAG.B 913: 3 BH30-7 SLIP.HR 10 slip int13: 4 BH30-6 HARGE 1013: 5 BH43-7 SLIP.HR 10 slip ext13: 6 BH12-27 SLIP.HB 12 slip ext13: 7 BH12-28 SLIP.HB 9 slip ext13: 8 BH32A-30 SMAG.B 813: 9 BH17-25 CORC.B 1013: 10 BH17-23 CORC.B 1213: 11 BH41-32 SMAG.B 1113: 12 BH8A-8 HARGE 12 unreliable dia.13: 13 BH12-23 SLIP.HR 38 slip int13: 14 BH39-1 SLIP.HR 34 slip int13: 15 BH41-30 CORC.A 32 black slipped int.. Paint(?) ext13: 16 BH39-5 CORC.A 3213: 17 BH32B-17 SLIP.HR 32 slip int13: 18 BH32A-1 CONG.G 4013: 19 BH8B-19 CONG.G 3213: 20 BH32A-5 CONG.G 3813: 21 BH32B-2 CONG.G 3813: 22 BH45-4 CONG.G 4813: 23 BH18A-2 CONG.G 3413: 24 BH45-5 CONG.G 3013: 25 BH17-13 CORC.A 3013: 26 BH17-14 CORC.A 2213: 27 BH8B-15 CONG.G 4813: 28 BH33-4 CONG.G 4013: 29 BH32A-11 CONG.G 4213: 30 BH11F-2 SLIP.HB 32 slip degraded large grits 13: 31 BH12-31 CONG.RG 38 slip int unreliable dia.13: 32 BH12-34 SLIP.HB 32 slip int


Exclusively Parthian ceramics were not noted: eitherthere was a gap in occupation of the region at this time,or the ceramics of that period maintained oldertraditions and were not distinguished during thispreliminary analysis. The latter is quite likely, so it iscurrently best to describe this horizon as Achaemenid-Parthian. Some of the classes associated withAchaemenid shapes were used as late as the SasanianPeriod, and so are likely to have covered the Parthian.The Achaemenid-Parthian assemblage of this region istherefore tentatively defined, and the current site countshould be regarded with a degree of caution.

The distribution of sites (Fig. 5) is very similar to thatof the succeeding Sasanian horizon (Fig. 6). If the iden-tification of Achaemenid-to-Parthian sites is accurate,this would be significant, and indicates strong continuitybetween the late 1st millennium B.C.E. and the first halfof the 1st millennium C.E. At this early stage of research,it is possible that some of the material deemed to beAchaemenid-Parthian is in fact Sasanian, in which casethe current number of Achaemenid-Parthian sites may bean overestimate. As it is currently understood, theAchaemenid-to-Parthian horizon is concentrated in acluster of sites just outside Deh Qa’ed, to the north ofBorazjan (Fig. 14). These sites should probably beregarded as elements of a single large settlement or town,which is dominated by the massive fortification of Tul-eKhandagh (BH29). Tul-e Khandagh has a diameter of180 m., is c. 15 m. high and is clearly visible on thesatellite picture. The whole of this “town” also manifestsa Sasanian occupation, and it is currently unclearwhether the fort should be assigned to the Achaemenid,post-Achaemenid, Parthian or Sasanian periods.

The pottery (Fig. 13) shows several Achaemenidforms, including a sharply carinated S-shaped profile,represented in these collections in a thin grey ware (Fig.13: 1–2). This shape is well-known from Pasargadae(Stronach 1978: fig. 107: 7–10), from Achaemenidsurvey collections of the Persepolis Plain, Central Fars(Sumner 1974: 158; Sumner 1988: fig. 1: O); from Susa(de Miroschedji 1987: fig. 7: 11–12) from the MianabPlain in Khuzestan (Moghaddam and Miri 2003: fig. 16:4–5); from Chogha Mish in Khuzestan (Delougaz andKantor 1996: pl. 74: D ); and from Period IVc–d layersat Qala’at al-Bahrain (Højlund and Anderson 1994: figs.1022, 1160, 1202). Note that there is a commoner varietyof carinated bowl which is absent from the Bushehr sites.This has a strait flaring rim above the carination, ratherthan the sinuous S-shape, and is seen at the Iranian sitesmentioned above and Qala’at al-Bahrain.

Another bowl, also with an S-shaped profile but withthicker walls was fairly common, both slipped andunslipped (Fig. 13: 3–4). This too finds good parallelson the Persepolis Plain and the Qala’at al-BahrainPeriods IVc–d, and also the Mianab Plain (Højlund andAnderson 1994: fig. 1074; Højlund and Anderson 1997:fig. 396–97, 484, 531; Moghaddam and Miri 2003: fig.18: 13; Sumner 1986: fig. 2: O). A distinctive vesselwith a rounded body and two or three lines incisedbelow an everted rim (Fig. 13: 12) is typical of Qala’atal-Bahrain IVc–d, being particularly associated withsnake burials in the floor of the Achaemenid palace(Højlund and Anderson 1997: figs. 630, 666–67).

A distinctive fine jar rim with an out-turned top and aridge on the neck (Fig. 13: 5–10) has Achaemenid andpost-Achaemenid parallels at the Ville Royale II and Ville

Fig. 14. The Achaemenid-Sasanian town near DehQa’ed. Note Tul-e Khandagh (BH29).


Royale Ouest at Susa and Qala’at al-Bahrain, though atthe latter site the top of the rim is usually more thickened(Boucharlat 1987: fig. 56: 8; de Miroschedji 1987: fig. 14:4; Højlund and Anderson 1994: fig. 1014, 1200). Aversion with a vertical rather than an out-turned rim isalso found (Fig. 13: 11, cf. Boucharlat 1987: fig. 56: 11;de Miroschedji 1987: fig. 14: 5). The ones from VilleRoyale Ouest are from the very end of the Achaemenidperiod, while the Bahraini examples are Period IVc–d.

Larger bowls with flat-topped rims extendedoutwards above a groove or slight carination were fairlycommon in the Bushehr survey (Fig. 13: 23–24), and arewell represented in Achaemenid collections from thePersepolis Plain and at Susa (Sumner 1986: fig. 1: E–J,fig. 2: D–G; de Miroschedji 1987: fig. 11: 6).

Other larger vessels also find parallels in PeriodIVc–d assemblage of Qala’at al-Bahrain, including vatswith ridges below the rim (Fig. 13: 27–28) (Højlund andAnderson 1997: figs. 428, 539; de Miroschedji 1987: fig.20: 11). Similar vessels are found at Tol-e Spid in theAchaemenid Phase 12 (Petrie et al. in press-a: fig. 4.98:TS 506, TS 477). Vats with rims with approximatelytriangular cross-sections (Fig. 13: 18–20) also find IVc–d(Achaemenid) parallels at Qala’at al-Bahrain (Højlundand Anderson 1997: fig. 504). Note that similar vats withmore pronounced triangular rims with grooves beneaththem (Fig. 13: 21–22), in the same ware, also have Neo-Elamite parallels at the Ville Royale II at Susa, and a late2nd millennium/early 1st millennium parallel in Phase13 at Tol-e Spid (de Miroschedji 1981a: fig. 20:1–6;Petrie et al. in press-a: fig. 4.91: TS 616), as does a vatwith an incurved band rim (Fig. 13: 29) in the same ware(de Miroschedji 1981a: fig. 20: 7). The former varietyalso has good post-Achaemenid parallels at Susa and insurvey material from the Khuzestan plain, which shouldprobably be preferred (Boucharlat 1987: fig. 58: 17–21;de Miroschedji 1981b: fig. 59: 7; de Miroschedji 1987:fig. 21: 6–7).

Distinctive large jar or bowl rims with an extendedsquare profile above a pronounced ridge (Fig. 13:30–32) are a distinctive part of the assumedAchaemenid-to-Parthian assemblage, and occur in morethan one class. They may be a local development, asthey find just one parallel at Qala’at al-Bahrain (Højlundand Anderson 1994: fig. 997). A comparable form isknown from the North Jazirah of northern Iraq, assignedto the Late Assyrian, i.e. shortly prior to the Achaemenid(Wilkinson and Tucker 1995: fig. 73: 16). This is arather distant parallel, and may not be significant.

One group of ceramics, mostly found at a single sitein conjunction with Samarra horizon pottery of the9th–10th centuries C.E., may date towards the end of theAchaemenid/post-Achaemenid horizon, having goodparallels with Hellenistic material from Qala’at al-Bahrain. This includes wide bowls with band rims (Fig.13: 16–17) (Højlund and Anderson 1994: fig. 1265,1333–34). Similar vessels with slightly different rimsare associated (Fig. 13: 13–14), which have parallelswith Achaemenid or post-Achaemenid material fromthe Mamasani survey in Fars (Zeidi et al. in press: fig.5.22: MSP 1754–MSP 904). A kind of club-rimmedholemouth with an indentation or angle in the inner sideof the rim is particularly distinctive (Fig. 13: 25), and isassociated with the Hellenistic horizon at Qala’at al-Bahrain (Højlund and Anderson 1994: figs. 1284–86,1350, 1506, 1589–600).

On the whole, the parallels with Qala’at al-BahrainIVc–d are good for this group of classes, hinting at areasonably high level of integration in the Gulf regionduring the Achaemenid and post-Achaemenid periods.

The Sasanian Period18

A detailed presentation of the ceramic horizons and theirparallels for the Sasanian and Islamic periods is not givenhere, as the information would largely duplicate thatalready available (Kennet 2004; Priestman forthcoming).Moreover, work is ongoing on the hugely varied Sasanianpottery picked up on survey. Some general commentsmay be made on Sasanian site distribution and communi-cations. The Sasanian period was of particular interestbecause of the potential relationship between the urbanscale settlements of Sasanian date on the Bushehrpeninsula, and rural settlement on the adjacent mainland.As noted in the introduction, the major port ofRishahr/Rev Ardashir on the Bushehr Peninsula mayhave required external provisioning, in which case itshinterland was likely to have been located on the alluvialplains and foothills which comprise the study area of thisproject. Additionally, infrastructure may have existed toallow communication and the transportation of goodsbetween the core centres of the Sasanian administration ininland Fars, e.g. Bishapur, Firuzabad and Istakhr, and thecoastal port and centre of Sasanian maritime economy atRev Ardashir (Whitcomb 1984: 333; Daryaee 2003: 6).

Accordingly, it is not surprising that, at 36, theSasanian period represented the highest number of sites


of any period during the pilot survey. The distribution ofSasanian sites closely mirrors that of the Achaemenid-Parthian horizon, with a strong clustering at the “town”found north of Borazjan (Fig. 6, Fig. 14). Indeed, most ofthe sites with Achaemenid-Parthian pottery also boreSasanian material. The scale of Achaemenid to Sasaniansettlement across all areas of the survey area is impliedby the constant background of Achaemenid-Parthian andSasanian coarse and slipped wares on most of the archae-ological sites that were recorded, even where an earlieror later period represented the main period of occupationor use. A number of large, predominantly Sasanian siteswere noted. The most significant of these are included inthe “town” at Deh Qa’ed (BH29–44), the mounds atKhosh Ab (BH8A–C) and Isavandeh (BH18A–C) andlarge monumental structures or complexes at Tul-eShahid (BH22) and Shif (BH5A). There was anAchaemenid-to-Parthian presence at all the mounds atKhosh Ab, but BH8B–C were dominated by laterSasanian pottery. At Isavandeh a single large archaeolog-ical mound was noted with several courses of mudbrickarchitecture and a plaster floor exposed in one of itseroding sides (BH18A). Pottery from the site was mostlylater Sasanian in date and the structure was ofmonumental proportions and construction. There was asignificant background of later Sasanian finds in thesurrounding area (BH18B–C), among pottery of earlierand later date. At Tul-e Shahid (BH22), a large archaeo-logical mound had already been extensively damaged,revealing substantial brick-built architecture. The thinpottery scatter appeared to include material of bothAchaemenid-to-Parthian and Sasanian date, but a largefluted column base found nearby was not of Achaemenidstyle and may be Sasanian.

At Shif, a large mound of Sasanian date was found(BH5A), along with lower mounds relating to theIslamic Period (12th–14th centuries C.E.). Its presencethere, and the presence of Sasanian pot scatters in thecentre of the Angali Plain at Mokhi (BH2, BH3), raisesinteresting questions regarding communication with theBushehr Peninsula during the Sasanian period. A lineclearly visible on the satellite images of the area, whichis here interpreted as a road, runs between the “town” atDeh Qa’ed and the Sasanian mound at Shif, directlythrough Mokhi. It therefore seems highly likely thatduring the Sasanian period, communication with andprovisioning of Bushehr could have occurred along thisrouteway and that it would have served to link Bushehrto the town at Deh Qa’ed, and thence other towns in

inland Fars by first following the Dalaki river valley,and then changing to the Shapur river valley some 30km. to the north-east of Deh Qa’ed, at an intermontanevalley which is now the location of the town of KonarTakhteh.

The apparent presence of Achaemenid-Parthianpottery at Mokhi in the Angali Plain raises the possibilitythat this routeway to Bushehr was in use before theSasanian Period. Little is known of the pre-Sasanianoccupation of the Bushehr Peninsula, and there is littleevidence that it was significant during the Achaemenidand post-Achaemenid periods. Further work is requiredto establish whether the relevant classes at Mokhicontinued to be used in the Sasanian Period.

The putative Sasanian routeway across the AngaliPlain to Shif was used as a route to Bushehr in recentcenturies, as noted in the introduction. It is visible as alinear feature on CORONA satellite images from the1960s, and is the basis for Whitcomb’s “Angali Canal”(Whitcomb 1987). The feature was examined on theground at several locations during the 2004 season. Thelack of any traces of a canal along the linear feature, inthe form of ditches, hydraulic works or linear upcastmounds argues against his interpretation, as does theabsence of any sign of an aqueduct to take the waterfrom Shif across the tidal flats to Bushehr, not tomention the difficulty in raising sufficient quantities ofwater 12 m. up from the deeply cut bed of the Dalaki tothe surrounding land surface. There are other objectionswhich can be raised against Whitcomb’s hypothesis.19

The presence of Sasanian pottery at Mokhi (BH2,BH3) is significant to the question of rural settlementbehind the Bushehr peninsula. The pottery was heavilyfragmented and badly abraded, and no settlementremains were noted. The scatters may therefore havebeen manuring scatters, typically associated withintensive agriculture (Wilkinson 2003: 55–57), thoughrecent and modern ploughing of a settlement wouldhave had a similar affect. Further exploration of thealluvial plain, away from the routeway, would be usefulto establish whether such field scatters are widespreadand whether significant areas of the Angali Plain werebrought under cultivation during the Sasanian period.

The Islamic Period

The sites from the Islamic period, although well datedand crucial to an understanding of the long-term


development of the region, currently represent anincoherent selection and, as a result, few usefulconclusions can be drawn from their dating and distribu-tion. They appear to be less common than sites of theprevious period and their number declines through theIslamic period (Table 1, Fig. 7). This is in contrast to thepattern in inland Fars, which sees a progressive rise inthe number of Islamic sites between the Sasanian andthe recent period (Sumner and Whitcomb 1999: 314,tab. 2; Zeidi et al. in press: 139, tab. 5.1). It has beensuggested by Williamson that the Bushehr area saw adecline in habitation following the end of the SasanianPeriod, a phenomenon connected to the rise of Siraf, 220km. to the south-east. These preliminary results back upthis assertion.

By the late Sasanian/Early Islamic period, settlementon the Bushehr peninsula had reached its peak. Shortlyafterwards there was a major settlement collapse acrossthe peninsula, probably during the late 8th/early 9thcenturies C.E. The study recently undertaken of theWilliamson Collection proves this point conclusively(Priestman forthcoming), indicating a drop of over halfthe number of sites between the 6th–9th to 9th–11thcenturies C.E. Williamson himself recognised this trend,having recorded just seven sites of the 9th–14th centuriesC.E period across the Peninsula, with a combined area of15 ha., compared with 450 ha. previously (Prickett andWilliamson 1970). This pattern was confirmed by a briefinspection of Hazar Mardom on the Bushehr Peninsuladuring the 2004 season, and casual examination ofceramics from Rishahr. Both sites appear to be devoid ofcommon Abbasid period indicators, such as appliquédecorated Alkaline-Glazed Ware or Samarra Horizonwares.

The sudden collapse of one of the major entrepôts ofthe Persian Gulf is remarkable, especially after anapparently long and sustained period of growth.Interestingly, at the same time as the major settlementand maritime centre of Bushehr fell into decline, thetown north-east of Deh Qa’ed was also abandoned: noglazed wares of the Umayyad period were noted there.If these two centres were intimately linked, as has beenproposed, then it appears that it was not just thesettlement on the peninsula that collapsed, but the wholeof the regional infrastructure. Closely following theseevents, probably not earlier than the 8th century C.E.,there appears to have been a major reoccupation of thesite of Tawwaj (BH12), which had previously beenoccupied during the Elamite and Achaemenid-Parthian

periods but not the Sasanian. When activity on the sitewas resumed, it appears that it was across the whole sitesimultaneously. This corresponds with the historicalinformation that a planned city was laid down after theArab conquest (Whitcomb 1987: 333). From the veryclose follow on in the ceramic sequence between theabandonment of the city at Deh Qa’ed and the take-upof the sequence at Tawwaj, and based on the proximityof the two sites (c. 10 km. apart), it seems probable thatthe decline and rise of these two sites was a linked eventand it may well have been that a substantial part of thepopulation from the Sasanian town moved to the newsite.

The distribution of sites during the following periodappears to be thin. A series of low archaeologicalmounds at Shif bore abundant 12th–14th centuries C.E.pottery (BH5B–E), as well as Sasanian materialpresumably relating to or originating from the largeSasanian mound at BH5A. A site on Shif Island also hadIslamic material of this date (BH54). It appears thereforethat the route through the Angali Plain to Bushehr viaShif was reactivated after a gap of several centuries.Settlement on Shif Island was also attested to during thenext horizon (15th–18th centuries C.E.). Shif wastherefore reinstated on the route to the BushehrPeninsula well before the 17th–19th centuries C.E.

Sites of unknown date

There were 12 sites not dated, either because of paucityof pottery or because they were not of a type likely to beassociated with pottery (e.g. rock-cut features).


The survey revealed a rich archaeological heritage in theBushehr hinterland, going back at least to theChalcolithic period. Given the briefness of the survey, itis almost certain that the actual number of sites is higherin most of the areas which were visited. There areapparent gaps in the sequence (the Neolithic, Kaftarihorizon, the Parthian period). The absence of the Kaftarihorizon is remarkable given the known occupation onBushehr at Tul-e Peytul/Liyan. These lacunae shouldnot be considered proven until more work has takenplace, however. Further surface pick-ups and researchon the existing pottery collections is needed to clarify


the ceramic chronology, particularly between theAchaemenid and Sasanian periods. This would behighly significant with regard to the chronology of theAchaemenid-Sasanian town near Deh Qa’ed. It may, forexample, be established that the classes associated withthe Achaemenid-to-Parthian were still in use during theSasanian Period, in which case many of the sitescurrently assigned to both the Achaemenid-Parthian andSasanian horizons may date solely to the latter. Thiswould result in a sharp drop in the number ofAchaemenid-Parthian sites.

As far as prehistoric findings are concerned, thesurvey recorded the first Bakun BII/Sohz PhaseChalcolithic site in the region, and the first evidence forthe Lapui and possibly the Banesh horizons. Researchwill continue to focus on Chalcolithic coastaloccupation, and the evidence for communications withneighbouring areas, whether maritime or overland,through trade and pastoral migration.

Regarding Sasanian Bushehr, the extensivebackground spread of Sasanian pottery indicates anagricultural hinterland supporting urban settlement onthe Bushehr Peninsula. The presence of the town nearDeh Qa’ed suggests that the relationship betweenBushehr and its hinterland was indirect. Bushehr maywell have acted primarily as a port and entrepôt, whilethe inland town lay within the heart of an agriculturallandscape surrounded by other Achaemenid to Sasaniansites, some of which also attained considerableproportions. The town may have been highly significantin co-ordinating the provision of subsistence or surpluscommodities to Bushehr and the redistribution of goodsfrom the port to the major centres in inland Fars. Arecent study of Borazjan reveals its historical role tohave included the provisioning of the Bushehr Peninsula(generally via Shif) during the 19th and early 20thcenturies C.E. (Floor 2005). This was not only throughredistributing the agricultural produce and craft productsof its surroundings (Dashtestan), but also by linkingDashtestan and Bushehr to Shiraz with its caravans, byproviding an important staging post (a fine caravanserai)and by enforcing the safety of the caravan routes (Floor2005: 186–87). A similar situation may have pertainedin the Sasanian Period and perhaps earlier, with the DehQa’ed town playing the role of Borazjan.

The decline in settlement which follows theSasanian period is also significant. Traditionally thefoundation of Tawwaj and the fall of the Bushehr portshas been attributed to the Arab conquest. More recently

the processes involved in the spread of Islam to Persiahave been viewed in a less destructive way. In relationto the Bushehr question, one of the important elementsin the change that occurred was the growth of the newport city of Siraf at exactly the same time that the majorports on Bushehr, and its hinterland, were falling rapidlyinto decline. One of the explanations that has been givenfor the growth of Siraf were the events occurring insouthern Iraq. In particular, the economic decline ofBasra during the later 9th and earlier 10th centuries,during which the city sustained a number a separateattacks causing large-scale disruptions to the area’s trade(Whitehouse 1975: 263–64). The events in Basra maywell themselves have been symptomatic of widerprocesses occurring in southern Iraq at the time, as thewhole region appears to have fallen into a pattern ofsignificant economic decline during the 10th century(Adams 1965: 84; Wilkinson 2003: 92). These changeswere preceded by a significant realignment of tradewithin the Indian Ocean at the very end of the 8th orbeginning of the 9th century, driven primarily bymerchants from the Persian Gulf.

Further survey in Bushehr Province wouldcontribute greatly to a more specific understanding ofthese changes. It would also clarify aspects of commu-nication, exchange, settlement distribution and politicalcontrol which are relevant not only to the later historicalperiods, but also to the Chalcolithic, the Bronze Age andthe Elamite periods.


1 The survey was a collaboration between ICAR (IranianCenter for Archaeological Research), the Bushehr CulturalHeritage and Tourism Organisation, Durham University,and the University of Pennsylvania. Permission to workwas kindly granted by ICAR (Iranian Center forArchaeological Research), under the directorship of DrMassoud Azarnoush. Support was provided by the BushehrCultural Heritage and Tourism Organisation, and manythanks are due to Mr Mohammadi and his staff. The Iranianpart of the team was led by Mr Hossein Tofighian (ICAR)and included Mr Hameed Zareh and Mr Biladi (both of theBushehr Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organisation). TheBritish part of the team was led by Dr Robert Carter(Oxford and Durham University), and included SethPriestman (Durham University), Dr Ben Horton and AndyKemp (both University of Pennsylvania). The team was


under the joint directorship of the Iranian and Britishdirectors.

2 Presumably Lorimer’s “Qaid (Dih)”, a village of Dashtistan7miles NNW of Borazjan (Lorimer 1908: 387). Whitcombrefers to this village, or perhaps a nearby one, asMohammadabad (Whitcomb 1987: fig. C).

3 Site BH3. At least one of the types of pottery found thereappears to be associated with both the Sasanian and earlierperiods, up to the Achaemenid. Further work is required toestablish conclusively whether BH3 is exclusively Sasanianor includes an earlier component.

4 Prior to this, sea-level was lower, the level of the Gulfhaving been rising since around 14,000 years ago, when itwas completely dry except for rivers and freshwater lakesand marshes (Lambeck 1996: 52–54; Zarins 1992: fig. 5).

5 Lorimer states that the innermost attainable anchorage, 3miles north-north-west of Bushehr Town, had a depth of3–4 fathoms (c. 5.5 m.–7.5 m.), but that the water in theapproach to this area was only 15–17 feet deep (4.5 m.)(Lorimer 1908: 339–40).

6 Zone 5 was visited by the geomorphologists but not thearchaeologists.

7 The scene (ID LE7164040000314450) was acquired on the24th May 2003 and covers the south-eastern part of theBushehr Peninsula, centred on Farakeh. Landsat ETMimages possess eight spectral bands, from visible blue (band1) to thermal infrared (band 7) and a panchromatic band(band 8). Spatial resolution is 30 m. for bands 1–5, 7, 60 m.for band 6 and 15 m. for the panchromatic band 8.

8 The images were from mission 1052-1 acquired on the 27thSeptember 1969. They provide stereo images with anominal spatial resolution of up to 6 ft. (2 m.) each imagecovering a ground area of approximately 10.6 x 144 miles(17 x 232 km.). In order to use Corona imagery in theproject digital GIS, the film stock was digitised and thedigital images rectified and georeferenced to real worldcoordinates. In order to capture faithfully the full resolvingpower of the original film stock, digitising at a minimum of4000 dots per inch (dpi) was undertaken. Digital imagesstored in tif format were produced by scanning the negativestock, bit size was limited to eight bits per pixel (256 shadesof grey) to constrain the resulting image file size. The recti-fication of the digital imagery involved the removal ofdistortion in the image produced by a number of factors,including the curvature of the earth’s surface and the opticsof the camera system used, while georeferencing involvesthe translation of pixels from image coordinates to a realworld coordinate system. Both processes require a numberof ground control points (GCP) for which real world

coordinates in the form of latitude and longitude are alreadyknown.

9 SRTM consisted of a specially modified radar system thatflew onboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour during an 11-day mission in February of 2000 (Rabus et al. 2003). SRTMdata for the entire study area were acquired from the NASAJPL ( Data were pre-processed using Visualization Software’s 3DEM to fillholes in the SRTM DTM and then incorporated into theproject digital GIS.

10 Some comments must be made regarding Table 1:• The total site count here is greater than the number ofsites recorded, as some sites were occupied during morethan one period.• Date ranges have been rounded off to the nearest 50years.• Pottery of the earliest century of Islam cannot bereadily distinguished from Sasanian, and a small numberof sites of this period may be included in the Sasanianhorizon.• The division between Achaemenid-Parthian andSasanian assemblages is also blurred, and some sites maybe reassigned in the future.

11 A local villager named the area as Sakhreh, “stones”,hinting that there had once been other features. Stones arenot found naturally near the Hilleh delta, where anythingother than mud is cause for comment.

12 Date plantation is particularly damaging to archaeology, asvery large trenches and bunds are machined in order todirect and retain water.

13 The rivers join at Abpakhsh (“spreading water”), thecrossing point where the only permanent bridge across theHilleh is found.

14 It was over two hours drive from Bushehr to this area, andflooding completely prevented access towards the end ofthe season.

15 The H200 pottery was relocated in the Williamson Collectionwith the help of Seth Priestman and Derek Kennet, andrecorded in 2004 by Robert Carter. The collection wascurated by the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, but was thenhoused at Durham University. The precise location of H200is unknown. Since the 1970s the village at Halileh hasbecome a town with a nuclear power station. It is unlikely thatthe site survives, and if it does access would be impossible.

16 Two collections were made, one from the mound (BH19A)and one from the bed of the adjacent river (BH19B). Thelatter is not counted as a separate site in this report.

17 The dating of Tul-e Mor is difficult, due to paucity ofpottery. BH31 is also tentatively dated. Some material is


Achaemenid and later, and it could even have a Lapuicomponent.

18 The identification of Sasanian pottery and sites was carriedout by Seth Priestman, using a typology developed duringhis analysis of the Williamson Collection. Priestman alsodefined the classes associated with the Achaemenid-Parthian and Islamic horizons.

19 These include the lack of textual evidence: there is noreason to assume that Arrian’s text is corrupt (contraWhitcomb 1987: 331). Whitcomb did not consider otherpossible origins of the linear feature, such as ancient andrecent trackways to Shif, and the early 20th century railway.


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