May 23, 2018
As someone who has herpes, andI’m guessing you do too because you are reading this, leaning waysto prevent outbreaks is on the top of our list. Clearly afterhaving our first outbreak, which is typically the worst, we neverwant to experience that again. I know I sure don’t. Chancesare you’ve googled or tuned into Life With Herpes to find out whatcauses herpes outbreaks. I know I wanted to know what foods causeoutbreaks or are there any lifestyle changes I need to make toprevent outbreaks. And of course the next question is what causesthese suckers… ??? Over theyears I’ve been paying careful attention to see what causesoutbreaks and are there types of activities that can causeoutbreaks. The good news is once you know your triggers youcan begin to plan and combat the virus. Some of these are my personal triggers and someof these are triggers our members in the Life With Herpes communityhave mentioned. Here they are:
It’s always fun to talk aboutsex. Friction and sex go together like peanut butter and jelly.It’ss a great thing and that’s what makes it feel so good but whenthere is too much friction like the, not enough lube type of sex,that type of friction can cause some skin irritation. The skinirritation can bring on some symptoms of an outbreak and even causeoutbreaks. Listen to your body, if sex hurts then talk to yourpartner. This can be a hard conversation especially mid-pumpbut sex is supposed to feel good and not hurt so talk to eachother. Maybe try using lube. Lube can be a fun thing and it canreally help with the sensation for both of you. Stay away from thelubes that contain spermicide nonoxynol-9, it can irritate thevagina and mess up her environment in there and that equals no funfor anyone. If you are using condoms then make sure you use a waterbased lube because oil based can weaken the latex and cause holesand tears. If your in the market for an oil based lube then myfavorite is the Woo For Play. Check it out here.
The stress and or excitement oftravel can definitely play a huge role on outbreaks. Other thingsthat add to the travel plans are different time zones, not gettinggood sleep because you are in a different bed, different food, morealcohol consumption, different climate or environment and of coursethe actually travel time. We don’t realize how traveling reallystresses out bodies. Whereas we are having fun sight seeing orvisiting a lover our bodies are in overdrive mode fighting off newbugs that enter into our system. I know that for me personallytravel always causes an outbreak unless I show it who's boss first.
This one is more for people withoral herpes because the sun isn't necessarily seeing our privates.Extended sun exposure or also known as ultraviolet (UV) light canlower the immune system and in some people can cause an outbreak.
Mostly referencing for theladies but we spend a lot of time waxing, plucking, shaving,sugaring and lasering. Depending on your hair and the coarsenessand thickness of your pubic hair the grooming can really irritateyour skin. We have pubic hair to protect us from infection andother hibijibis getting in there. I hear all the time from ourcommunity that women get outbreaks after shaving. This may or maynot be a trigger for you but I wanted to make sure it was on yourradar.
Trauma To The Area
this includes activities likebike riding, horseback riding, riding the bull (maybe that’s yourthing lol). Ladies this is more of our thing and it can also becaused from wardrobe trauma, know what I’m talking about when itcomes to jeans that are too tight or sexy lingerie that is meant tobe idle in and not actually warn or bodysuits with all the funsnaps. In other words, if there is some type of friction orabrasion to the area it can cause some suffering or a wound. I dobelieve if you build your tolerance up, like wear sexy lingeriedaily (just kidding), or take up cycling then you will build upyour endurance.
High intensity activities
this one is more for your immunesystem and exhausting your body. So taking a boxing class orjoining a running club won't cause an outbreak from the activity orsweating but what it can do is compromise your immune system. WhatI’m not saying is dont exercise, sorry if this was going to bemusic to your ears. What I’m saying is pushing yourself to the FloJo level every day may not be the best thing for your immunesystem. In fact, I’ve had some members mention they’re training formarathons and outbreak pops up. Moderate exercise hasbeen found to increase your immune system and do great things foryour body but crushing it back to back to back and not letting yourmuscles rest can open up a pathway for other viruses and bugs toget in thus making your body work extra hard and letting yourherpes virus have a hall pass. Now that you know the top activities that causeoutbreaks you can begin to either plan ahead, build a tolerance orhave your herpes emergency kit ready. If you need more informationon curing your herpes outbreak then click here to learn more.