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- Deseret Newsi
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- Salt Lake City, Utah
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4 I kI I DESEttET uL EVENING NEWS FRIDAY MAY 8 TOOK I i ETmiNCNEiVS I rt PUUfIStiran KVKtlT RVKNINO 1j fSlinclny Kxcvpltd 1 Corner of South Tempi nml Cant Tetnplo Streets salt Inko City Utnh I I1t fi Ilomcc a Whitney Buslncs MnniiRer i SI1D5CnllTI miens fii In Advnrico VH One Your JJM i i Wx Months 4M 1 Thw Months 2J 1 ti Ope Month IS IJ il Hutunlny Hdlton per year JW if I 1t bemlweclily nor year 3 oO I rlr Ii I i 1 Correspondence nod other rrndlnK matter Ii for publlciitlon should be njdrcssd to fIii thf 1m Ton I Adrc nil lnj lne communication i hud nil rnnltnncp i HE PUSKHKT NKWS I Kilt Jjiko City Utah i 4 Knitted nt tho PoslnWcr of Bait Inkn City Apeon cIn ii mntter according to III i 1 AC Contacts March 3 1819 1 i SALT JAK1J CITV MAY 1SOS Jr TIII insT KVIDHXCI ti 1 4 Thn McthudlHta assembled In a Gent 1 I oral confcrcnco at UiiHImore adopted I an ml lrcsN lh whIch refptencc vni I fl i jJ1f made to polygamy OIT thin topic tho address rends lij i 1 Wo bellcvw from the best evidences can ubthlii thul the iiolyguinoits I practices of the prut are still round In 11 thn Rtutet and territories ucuiilod In IIp pn by rcprcscnliidves or the Mormon fI 1T 1 body In Ecvciul stntert they have such Tf political KtriiiRth and furnish silnli I sympathetic juried that the law against I such nolygnmmis pruotlcin cnnnot lie cHecutrt We hell that as In divorce these must In brought within the scope I or nnllonnl Irglulntlon before tine ovllx 1 ciin 1m renelvd with sufficient vltjor to i punish them us they deserve We trust If tliciufoie you will consider whther It i Is not wise for you to iidvcratn some Ih il ronstltutlonnl nmendment which will innlu polygamy nnd pnlygnmouM prnc tlces a crlmo ngnlnst tho United 5 States 4 If the Methodists of this country leI hove that divorce nnd nut rrin go 1 I ought to ho regulated by ongirsn rnther than by the various states thnt I Is their business and they have a right 1 to their opinion just un those who may 1 think differently have a right to theirs IJut they should not hMO their views on niliieprrsentutlons nnd condltltons I ii I thai do not ltt It Is the duly or 1 rational beings to ascertain the facts I 1 prior to the formulating or opinions tb and deciding the course to pursue When tho addict pays Uo believe rom tho best evidence wo can obtain thnt thu polygamous piactlccs of the I past IIroIJIIII found In lie Mates null tcrllorl occupied III part by reprc citutlVc of the Mormon body It HuH I Iily confesses a belief for which there Is i absolutely no warrant In the facts Of collide sporadic rases of lawbreaking 1 tuny be found In every state In tho Union iiI I whether occupied In part by Jformons 01 not but that does not JuUIfy tho language of the address taking It fcr granted that Utah Is more I particularly referred to i Tho fact us to the Church Is that It i i IIHM faithfully kept evciy pledge mAde IMUril ma triages ceased with the Man 3 IfhJpto and ecclesiastical Interference liupolltlcs became a thing of the past i with tho division on party lines whatever 1 I ever muy have been tho case before 4 thnt time Unlawful cohabitation hag also gradually dwindled away Hlrico the Manifesto us the uiiderntanit Injf was that It would do and this Is one of tho most striking evidences of the faithful fulMllmcnt on the part of I il tilt Church of allY pledges or promises C1 as to plural mnirlngea For If thoso rljt prgmlnes had not been kept tho conditions would havo been different from I what they lire Tho address refers to the beat evl 4 I 1 deilco we can obtain Whore has It Iwon obtained Has It como from disappointed politicians who have Hworn revengci aRiilnst a community thnt Is I tjullly or no offense Has It come from w1lolls bigots who need eastern money II fur mlRslonaiy jiuriio ea and therefore I I havo un interest In painting pictures In dark mind gloomy colors Are such I the aotuces of evidence Who would condemn anyone on such testimony Jcuis our blebeod lonl nnd Savior could not oscnpo condcmnatlun It such evldnncu wcio ndmlttod I AN iKV IH 0 Ill ECY I I Senator llevhurn of Idaho and Senator jClurk of WyumliiR havo placed thcmaelves In a stranKo attltudo he I foro I ho country on lie national forestry IIUOllllolI Tho former on Vedncsilay larit In thu Senate said to have rldlaulud a clmrC uf the forestry division which I was Bwunff on tho wall of thu honnto i chamber marked with stntuments its to tho uumbor of years the forests In 4 I various parts of thu country could ii lust Thu forestry illusion he said HUH liiuncliliiK Into the run 1m uf prophecy In IL way that would ruiulre creator wisdom than that pohixoisnd by tin migoH of old when It declared that It certuln section would bo horn of IU forests III 20 30 01 40 vears Jhpy forgot ho mild that timber grow and ho ticelmi red that thn supply I ply of timber Is us great today as ever In tho woiIdH history Thuio WIIP ho mild no danger of timber fnmlna Ao are eApci lajly unitllloil to nntn thnt thu jI iilnr uiutir from Utah promptly took exception imiho suite niciit that the iiiIds so i Ill of tlm QI Is us great 011 It uver wits And WlI lr llejbuni retorted that the ecnatyr from Uiuh mleht coimult thu map 911 the fcftimtu wull us a guide nn ho poHMHued a spirit uf prophocy wltlijh ho Mr Heyburn did mil hIlls sotWi Jt wi a huppy lajolndrr oi Air Hinoiit that ho could proo nut by PrtIJill coy but i licd lit UKUIVH I tlmt the llnihur of thin enuntry IH be Inj ilMdrDyud in phil I und tlmt there nut anything Ilkn Iho amount of timber In thin nmtnlry that there wwI 20 III oven 10 ypum HRH I 4s tliU IIIBIU iiUMtlun of futt i Mill vfin Uu proved by rondltloiiK lItlll to orijliiiiry obveiiutlon un well IH by BtiUUtlfH compiled by ovory clvllUml oqiuntry III the wgrld wu await with Inturwt Hip luliuiitatrntlon which llw iipp jll imrtlct in nnvv In ho tilE hound to till nlh 1 As to the iltfht In thlk lnlllllwerll wo do not untertiiln tlu siightsst 1 dpubt There In niMnely till Intelligent iltlren of the itepublu llt il rou4i bfltlmrs from wha he lies poi 1 unnlly observed tlnu hum Idaho Ben aloE witi far from lie facts to pul It mlldlx In his statements To sino further every ono might well auk Air Heyburn what has become of the utmost fontlnuoUR foiest that once ox teiulcd practically from the MIsN slppl river to the Atlantic const nnd from the Gulf to tho great lakes So too when Senator Clark ile dared that ho wanted to know how the Senator from Utah had bcoome the mouthpIece tho department of agriculture and added that ho did not Intend to iecngnlz the henator us thor there of the depart mont of agriculture which Is under ho control of Congress It would luivn been appropriate for uny one to remind him that voice rnuted In defense of the forests Is nil Hgrecmcnt for civilization as against barbarl for the safety of futuro generations URiUnit the Illicit ssln of prescntday monopoly and prlvftto greed No prophecy Is necessary to fore tell the fate of the American forests That ute Is already written In characters so broad ft ml deep that no one with eyes anti reason can full to rend It That some should pretend to belittle tile plain warnings of tho government and of nature Itsnlf Is serious relied 1011 upon either his hi 1lIlIlgenc or his sincerity Till TIlKASUItY KMITY As we have pointed out iepeatediy tho law makes It the duty of tho City auditor to publish on or before the first Monday In February each year a true statement of the financial status of the hty nt the close of tho picccdliig year This provision is evidently Intended to bo somewhat of a safeguard against IL polloy that unchecked would menu financial ruin Hut tho party In powor has up to date neglected to older Its loptcscntatlve in tho audItors ofllce to comply with this simple provision of the Jaw Borne kind of a report was offered long after the date set hy law but It as found lu be su Incomplete and unreliable that It was not accepted by the finance commltteo and has therefore not been published as the law demand The situation here Is therefore similar to that In Now York where ns the World said the other day no ono knows Just exactly what tht public Indebtedness Is JlepoitB ara contradictory nut It Is understood that our City iow Is about 2jO000 short In thp general funds and that Is a serious matter Thcro should be no overdraft undur ordinal conditions until thu month of Juno The time from that month and until the taxes arc beginning to coma In In November Is generally the tlmo when tho Citys credit Is dmwn upon but this commenced with an actual shortage In spite of the highest tax rate In the history of tho City and this shortage has now grown to tho figures mentioned What It will bn before November no one ran even guess at this time There no evidence of economy anywhere It Is needless to say that this short I4 Oot J250COO Is not all owing to tha COlt of the American inlsgovernment the past tour months and a few days of thopresont year A greater part of It was carried over from last year Illegally some say Tho existence this evidence of etxravagance and Incompetence not to say robbery Is perhaps a sufficient reason for withholding tho financial report demanded by law It Is nUo wo tako It the chief reason for the proposed bond Issue Money Is wanted not for the necessary Improvements somo of which have already been contracted for but to quietly cover up the deficit or last year and for campaign purposes Hut there Is no evidence that tho citizens of Salt iko have confidence enough In the rulers of tho American party officials to entrust them with another million dollara to squander THU WO11ST I1NUMV A now Hln Is now laid at tho door of tho terrible mosquito It IB said to muse time fall of nations An nngllsh medical Investigator has discovered that tho decay of Greece and Homo was duo to the mosquito and that the Intellectual vigor of tho Greeks declined liB a retmlt of tho malaria 1 cairlcd by the bite of this Insect Hy way of rroboratlon an Eastern exchaiiKu cltos tho now birth of Now Jorwiy since tho war of extermination of mosquitoes What this commonwealth was previous to the diiilnago of tho Ilackcmsaek Meadows and the Hprlnkllng of petroleum on ponds arid pools In matter of record Now tho State that was the mother of trusts him become one of their harHhem regulators Iublli morals have Improved civic leform has boon Instituted tho Colby movement has run Its course stricter excise amid nutoinohllo legislation Is In force The mosquito State has rodeomod her name From these premises the obvious conclusion Ureacheil that the way to pro mi vn tho llepiibllo Is to destroy tht nuisiUltofls Wo are not NO Sure the eanolimlon Is amlw far fetched iu It scomns Wo shall lend our uupport under nlmoott any hypothesis to any pinctlnU method of ridding tho neighborhood of mos 1IIIIoOM GOOD ItnMXNG IX Till IIOMi Tlm ndvanlagoH of good reading and limit Impnrutlvo ncvosilty of providing the homo with an iinuiidnmo of good iNiokH lilt aptly tnt forth In un odlloilnl on thin subject In tlm Now Voik Rvelihiig 1oit To 111010 Thn avcwgti prlvatv llblarj III apathetic rollwllim of old und end ntektul up WithOUt fiirethouKlit or ovon IntulllKDiiie Thu kltuh fur mom HAt matlcally tuul thuiinighly rui nlnhnd and the mlHtrv of tIme houw would ho aghast lit tlm Idfii of set I lOb her dlnnor tablu with ulmllnr array of nwirnii IneoiiKruoiui bn ken and ugly dishes Hut without bliuh or II woul uf apology ptiopl of wealth and pieHumnbly of KOIIIU Cultivation nil I hat pitifully few shelves with hooks thill era a dUgruif III tlmlr owiitfiK llllH rhorlcomliiK 18 tho less exiutuliln IMUIIHO III these ilayn of tIII I lou ihu tell rints a ery tow humlied ii ol Is rev III piMblo uvan a poor iiiuu to prucuie llbiury of tho blljtt litHturluu IMKAJK Ivtturv tnivpln petIt ry and novels bonk Hint aru tliornuglily Interesting ami worth icaillng And tliiio ItS octet been a Hmn wlum It vnn morn Important I offer rillilrn uxeellont books for home rending The problem of uttruetintf the youiiir to IlierHturu hull chanind within two derndftii Time yellow Hjapom arc nhrleklnv In oUr street The yellow iiiagaznMstn nke4 spci klcd and 11101111 cat tho eye ut nvory comer Tile temptation to fritter away tlnu nnd energy on nottip and snippets which iuo nlwayn vociferous and frequiitly amusing has neVM been so oenvhi lmlng The pn rent who would civet somo barrier iiKBlnst this engulfing Hood must have In his own house books of strength and vitality He must havo a llbrao1 that Is something better than a lltCiary cllehall In Speaker Cannon pursuing a Fabian policy 7 Fine nit Is a ride In an auto a May wiilk la liner What material for Indiana novelists lJJ lnl1ulill1l 11 hUa furnlshedi Wlicn Bvolyn gets ierdhVCIrce and lliny his llbertj hQ will bo a freeman Instead of handing hlm a lemon Connecticut gnvoI Hccretarj Unft a nut mne The ducntlonal authorities of tho State have been brought to Ijook convention I All In Sun Francisco bay the fleet was moored when Hlackeycd SUIII came on board There arc only twrt great uncles In this country They arc Uncle Sam and Pnclo Joe Nothing develops rnco prejudice so promptly nnd strongly ns bcttlnpr on the losing horse A lara paper says that the Monroe doctrine Is as dead ns a herring Not dead but sleopoth Andrew Oninegle It Is said has taken to writing iKXitry And If ho cannot rind a publisher ho can bo his own A pretty Hrooklyn widow captured a burglar just by being polite A prott widow who mnkivj up her mind to can onptuio any man Congratulations to Sprlngvllle on Its decision to have a high school It never lOa do a better one and It will never regret It All success to It I Those opposed to the piesldenls Icgls lutlvii piogiam must nut conclude that ho lots taken to the tall timber because he hal gone to Pine Knot And now tho California pai crs are taylng that Santa Uaibiri8 treatment of the tallois of the licet In tho matter of outrageous charges by restaurants was Santu Itaibiious Twice has Colombia made a demand on tho United States for 10000000 and twice has tho United States refused to pay the demand Colombia Is nt least entitled to a consolation prize for her persistence The secretary of tho Now York milk committee of tho Association for Improving the Condlton of tho Poor says that In twentyeight blocks In tho neighborhood of tho Plaza and around Fifth Avenue there wore born In ono year 37 children whllo in four East Sid blocks of equal population there were born 310 children What IB there strange about that Tho poor we always havo with us whllo tho rich wo hit tIN DEFENSE OF THE MULE Novv York Sun rIme industry and Intrinsic value of tho American hen havo boon so often lauded alt tho floors of Congress that It Is a relief to hear a modest tribute to the usefulness of the American mule In tho Senate on April 25 Jlr Aldrich of Rhode Island was confuting tho statement of Mr novcrldge of Indiana that England would not have over cnmc lie Boors without her navy when Mr Nelson of Minnesota was recoy IIIwd mind jJ I dcslie to call tho Senators attention to tho fact that tho American mules which tho British succeeded In getting into tho Boer country enabled them to triumph In that war Tho truth Is that tho mule In spite of tho blot upon his escutcheon and tho handicap of small feet a rat tall and earn that cxolto laughter Is Or tIn peace being found on every farm and In every railway cut anti fIrst In war ns a feeder of armies anil hauler of funs baggage and medical supplies The hen makes more noise over tho laying of ono egg than Is heard from a mule In a whole campaign Tho hen Is all very well ns a contributor to the breakfast table but tor general utility and homely worth she Is not to bo mentioned In tho same breath with tho American mule May his ungainly shadow never grow less1 CORSETS FOR ARMY OFFICERS Army and Navy Journal Mme Jacques tho Inventor of a cor sot for men has asked HurgeonOen oral OJtollly to take up tho subject of Introducing thin article nt wearing nppurel In tho army Him claims that It Is uspcclnlly valuable for officers as they snt on In yearn antI become ubosc and urgim that It would IKJ distinctly helpful for officers who nrs obliged to take practice rifles reducing tho discomfort of such active exercIse nnd tomllng to prolong their period of active servIce Tho surgeonRotmral In disinclined to glvo time matter serious cxHVHliliiratlon Mme Jacques however Is little disposed to 1 discouraged null with liar maid to announce her CI Oil ItS la Intervlnwlnff prominent of llccrri at Ito war department In her avowed sffoVts to provo a Ijenefactor of time at my If Mate Jacques and her inuld haw nufflctnt pnrronal nttlar tloim and will guarantee to fit the coy ets wo think their sclixmo will IH Iiipuhir with the nbew mllltar Kentle men getting on in years for whom the Qortlll are Inlnnded PERSONALITY IN BUSINESS Brlwurrt PiiyHor Hatch In System It yuu stop tOl a inomunt tu analye niiicuK lit biilm ylill will see lImit It climes throuKh contnet ulth ioopi4 Jt In all hinged upon 4 lie mtiiinar i your iontaoi On every lde 1014 are nurruuniliil hy a multltudd nt purxilut In Ivory DIme of whom there nxUtn a Iiotrntlul force that nuiy bo i xertr at ono limo or Hivithor to add in your MK CI MI rite oftrnvr YeLl raiuu Hint form to bn voil tho faster iotir builntM will grow You LUI attract Ihllo liulUliliml fence It you cho iso unil got HID mUAt from thorn nr you CUll ropol thiin and tuller acluil Inm apu tiom mlng iotnn In ont with them Hi you may lake a middle Ioiiinit fill many buMlneMi man do und drift along In a pnmh noiritlvn nnn HIT IooljInK lit huMlin this iRht It IN Apparent Unit thn lnriy Inir lotnenl I uhlili clJntrlhutl18 nost li tliu mieceuH of ant iimlurUtUlnj mid la 1 oKlnenH In the nHsrupato IW hut url il llndliiK linl points of lui nun xmtnit that will nut in in Him I Ihiesit fortes JUST FOR FUN I llmnkfnl I hope your contdtuonts arc irrnto till to you for whlvt you luuo done for them 1 hopn so1 answered Ronitor Knr Bhum bUll must confoM am thnnk ful for tho nrraiiKcment which makes compensation for my services indn pendent of tho gratitude of my constituents WiutMinrtnn Star Unltic I havo Rtimelhlng novel In the way of II moloilrnmiL State your cnso Tho bluckvmlth In rftacnl while the nanhbr lit tin honest its tho day Is long Kansas City Journal Had Her Onn Gui you bo tr Med with sectct ho asked The votnnn urow herself up proudly You have known mo for ten years havent ou1 she ranllud Yes Do you know how old I am Philadelphia Ixnlgfer Gothnm What Is the most prominent Institution In Brooklyn Church The baby carriage Yonkers Statesman Engllshmnil What a pity your country Imas no ruins XcW Yorker Ruins I guess you havent aeon the Metropolitan Btrqot railway Life Thl Is a wollkcpt path commented tho man who was Inspecting tho WhIte IIonHO Rroundfl A man could sprint on this Some hey sententIously responded Uic guide Louisville CornierJournal Old lady to conductor hoc first drive on an electric trflliiWOuid It ho dntiKcrou conductor If I was to put my foot on the rail Conductor un Edison mnnimqueNo mum not unless you Will to put tho other ono on the overhead ImIuneh Small boy notIcing the Phi Hetn Ivnppa key hanging from the ministers watch chalnDhl you find It igiiln or Is this another Minister Why my lIttle man what do you mean I never lost It Hninll buy Oh mother said you Inul lost tho charm you had when you were young Judge Um commented the patentohurn nan How did It happen that the citizens of this community elected ns uayor such un Incompetent man tus ho lion Ittimp Peavy As fur ns 1 learn ho doeR not possess a single lunllllcatlon for tho proper ndmlnls ratIon of the ofllce Well no not sos you could readily notice It can tesseel the landlord of the tavern at Polkvllle Ark Rut you see Hump was elected on the inflation of a safe and sane nAPuck SALTTtn W1T1GEUDPYPEL J1u JIJRE MNA LAKti AAiijQi JLlJUcomiHai TONIGHT and TOMORROW NIGHT Saturday Matinee ALL NEW THIS YEAR I Hear Lew Hlng When time Hammer on tho Anvil nines LEW DOCKSTADER And Ills Own Great MINSTRELS II NEIL OBRIEN Vic Richards EJUlo Mazzter Pct Dotrel Reese Iross will Oakland Won Ifallett Wm II Thomcson Master Keegan and sixty others 1rlcos NlKht 2Ce to 1150 Math neo LSc to Jl Seats now on sale GREATEST SHAKSP ERE AN FESTIVAL Ever Known in Utah WEEK MAY II SALE SEATS TODAY Orders by mail filled as received when accompanied by check Mr William A Brady announces Mfa MANTEll IN SHAKSPERE I Monday Night King Ioar Tiicsdiy Xlght Macbeth Wwlnesday MatInee Ilitmlcl Wednesday Night The Merchant of Venice Thursday Night Hlchelleu Friday Night Othello Saturday matinee Macbeth Saturday Night King Richard lIT Kvcnlngs at Saturday Matlneo at 2 PrtcesGo to HtiO Boxes J2 SPCC1AI WKDNKSDAY MArt NVK 230rriiMM Sue to tlOO TJJ Xg ADVANCED VAUDEVILLIt ALL THIS WEEK Ilino SKters Mncnrto liken llnw ItdiUuny Comvay Kcosli lYimils Wollt elli iirUwond 1 Krjton HIiKidriimo Orpheuin lelllItra Kvcry Evening extent Sunday 8U 7Jc Me He Box seats JlOO MatineeS ilalij except Sunday nnd Monday 215 we Uc lOc Box seats 15cCRAND CRAND THEATRE Ionlglit Iallll 1IIlIIlrdll THE EARL DURCCQH CO rieMPiitinB Mio Henwiitlonal nimn QUEEN OF TIlE WHITE SLAVES 1 1t Wt ONVUT 009 7lie ORIGINAL GansNelson Goldfield right I AT 111t ELITE THEATRE ltt0AW 1IIVRSOiY FIN SlllJROJ1 liCAD THU Theatre Magazine Cor Thentrlonl New And Btnuo Picture i i I I KSSr ZCMI Annual MAY SALE ff II Commences Monday Morning May lltn I a raj I FOR ONE WEEK ONLY I The greatest Bargain Event of the Year Manyextra salespeople JS3 have been engaged and every effort will be made to ire I Ieve congestion Notwithstanding the fact lhatZ M1 is better equipped I to handle a large throng and has more teams than any department store in the state our resources will be taxed to the Utmost Our endeavor will be to wait upon customers as expeditiously 3 m3 as possible 11 Vc respectfully ask however that patrons be as patient and considerate zi as possible and where convenient that small packages betaken with you It will facilitate business and obviate the possibility of I 1 delay in delivery 1 I I STORE CLOSES 8 TOMORROW I I 1rm f1 I raL4 SOCKER Football Final Daynes Challenge Cup OgdenvsSalt Lake CUMMINGS FIELD Saturday 4 ADMISSION 25c and lOc CIIAMBERLAINi HOUSE THB I lfl or MUSIC CO QUALITY 51 and 53 Main St PIanos Organ sheet music and musical merchandise PURITY always vnnt the best OLFVE OIL for 4i SAhAI DllKSSINGS I nml In COOKING Ve arc Milling to high grades of Olli buIlt Kiinnintced absolutely imrc Sco our Window I Our Delivery Scnlco is Uo best WILLES HORNE DRUG CO Phono 371 0 I SOAP SOAP SOAP For 0110 week we will sell nt 25c the box the following excellent naps Glycerine Oatmeal Cold ream amid Bouquet You should riot miss this oifcr GodbePHtsDruflCo BABCOCK ELECTRICS Ilrcc tly rcprewntfil hy the Fnt Babcock llcclrlc Carrlnnc CoIn eonncetlon wh Tnin llottcrlll AUto fo OJCI YOUI Credit Is Good Mi Youths and Jlojtt I i ilni holi on easy weekly or ininlliu poymillte All Ilio lat Htvifg und jnttijrim HI I a fnm LV f411 UIII reliable up 1 1 iiit IWM EDt mu 1111 5 rlothlns in liniit iirko InlQntnndo hmb fi in jroo to ISO 00 I THE HUB II First South Vlrrc vDndy a croqlt good mTrr iiin Tmrnrrrfniiinri II I CUTLERS 30 MAUT ST Were Showing a THE ORIGINAL HOUSE KNIT OF GOODS UTAH Splendid New line ol Ladies Summer Taists Lawn Silk and Ecru mado up In the daintiest and most attractive manner At 60c and more we show an assortment varied enough to suit every taste and the values arc really better than are usually offered AVe direct special Attention to theM UNUSUAL WAIST VALUES AT 125 AND 135 These two lines are lender with us and If economy means anything to you we know youll ho Interested IC you sea them ThcroB saving on every purchase you make hero lli JjM rES KNIT UXDnnwnAlt Is always a special feAture hero nnd this season we have mode our line stronger than ever QH I cgj C5IU I JUST INYon TIME i 1i Yon may faro loss on your pro I 1 kt perty If you liavo It Insured ngnlnst fIre si1 I1ma rlRht now You know not 1 t17 what a clay may bring forth and I If it brings forth destruction of jour property It veil bring forth ulth It full Indemnity for tho lots 4 wbell jour policy Is written In tho I 1iI 1 I HOME FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF UTAH I HEBER Ju GRANT AND COMPANY GENERAL AGENTS Tlinnc SCO 3020 South Main St Salt Iialfo City Utah ww How Can You Expect to Get the Full Value of Your Clothes Unless you nova thorn cleaned and pressed once In a whIle Wo clean ladles and mona apparel by processes all our own Try I I onco Main Olllcc Main Ollicc 1st So Stale 1st So State Cleaning Dyeing Ca i Hell Exchange 30 Independent 11C3 If For Sale Salt Paving Lake Warrants City in Coupon 500 and 1000 cnomna lions bearing 6cb intercit Redeemable in ten annual payments A safe conservative and paying investment especially desirable for small investor MORAN BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING CITY Wo Imvn all kinds of coal and mire exclusive usontH fur IJlnniond 11101 it In your mind CITIZENS COAL CO i 3 Main HI Until Phono 40 DUN CO 0t OliFIC1s TilE MERCANTILE AGENCY George luII noncral Manngcr Idaho Kav d4 ttalj and Wyoming ocnc in iwM anll IIIDII Bull Ioftke Ut llnh 7e tt I I.
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